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Ok Pool Reform

Swimming pool water treatment

Chemical treatment and disinfection of pool water

In this category of blogs you will find pages where you can learn about Chemical treatment in pool cleaning and the water treatment process, with specialized products, making it healthier for the user.

Swimming pool water treatment

peristaltic dosing pump

Bromo pools

Pool chlorine

Saline chlorinator

Is the salt pool exempt from having green water?

Ultraviolet disinfection of swimming pools

Sodium hypochlorite

Solar pool ionizer

Neolysis pool

Inverse osmosis

ORP pool

Pool ozone

Pool with magnesium salt

Natural pool

What is the best chlorine for removable pools?

What is the best chlorine for removable pools?

Cartridge flocculant for swimming pools with salt chlorinator

Cartridge flocculant for pools with saline chlorinator: remove turbidity in pool water

pool water saturation index

What is the saturation index of pool water?

In this category of blogs you will find pages where you can learn about Chemical treatment in pool cleaning and the water treatment process, with specialized products, making it healthier for the user.