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Ok Pool Reform

We break down all the details of the solar pool ionizer

The solar ionizer is an alternative pool water disinfection system to the traditional one (chlorine). In this way, the solar ionizer is a device that acts as a water disinfectant through an electrolysis process (disintegrating atom by atom and destroying viruses and bacteria in the water by releasing copper or silver ions).

solar pool ionizer
Solar pool ionizer

En Ok Pool Reform we want to introduce you within Swimming pool water treatment an entry where We break down all the details of the solar pool ionizer.

Multitude of possibilities in treatments for the pool

aerial view of swimming pool

There are many alternative treatments for disinfecting the pool. Thanks to new advances, new treatments present a series of advantages that provide more quality in the bathroom and also in maintenance, saving a lot of time, money and difficulties when it comes to having the pool ready.

Choice of disinfectant treatment for pool water

The important thing is to know what must be evaluated to choose the treatment that best suits our needs. All available options are analyzed below:

One of the most important factors is choosing the type of disinfection treatment that we are going to give to our pool water.

What is a solar ionizer and what is it for?

pool ionizer
copper pool ionizer

What is a solar ionizer

A solar ionizer is a device that generates copper ions through an electrolysis process, which can destroy bacteria in water..

Disinfect your pool more naturally with copper ionizer atoms!

What does a pool ionizer do?

  • It is an alternative way to disinfect a pool using mineral ions, specifically copper and silver, instead of chemicals like chlorine or bromine alone.
  • A pool ionizer can be useful for those who are sensitive to, or who simply want to keep their pool clean with smaller amounts of harsh chemicals.
  • These types of pools disinfected with ions are called ionized pools or mineral pools.

Does the pool ionizer work?

classic greek pool
classic greek pool

Technology for water treatment developed since ancient civilizations

copper vessels
copper vessels
  • The Roman and Greek civilizations already stored and drank water in silver or copper containers so that the water was treated and purified.

The technology for water treatment with copper and silver ions was developed by NASA

  • The technology for water treatment with copper and silver ions was developed by NASA and used since the first manned space flight (Project Apollo).

Water treatment with solar ionizer is used all over the world

  • Currently this technology is used successfully for the treatment of swimming pools in different countries such as the United States, Germany, France, Belgium, Canada, Portugal, Australia, etc.

Does the solar ionizer work for swimming pools?

beautiful pool

Is the pool ionizer effective?

The use of ionizers Solar energy is an effective and ecological alternative to disinfect our water. Swimmingpool with hardly any maintenance and without any type of risk for bathers.

  • In fact, we can confirm that Water treatment with a pool ionizer is suitable for any type of pool.
  • So it doesn't matter what type of pool we apply the pool ionization system to, whether it is: large, small, concrete, steel, inflatable...

Solar ionization is used for liner pools

  • In fact, we reiterate, The answer is that it works for liner pools and also for any other liner model.

Disinfection of the water of a large pool with a solar pool ionizer

  • As we have already been saying, we repeat: The ionized pool is suitable for any type or model of pool.
  • Although, if the pool is large, perhaps we should study whether we need to install another ionizer.
  • On the other hand, if the pool is large or if there are undesirable weather conditions (sudden changes in temperature, wind...), it will be necessary to: add more water and complement the disinfection of the ionizer with chlorine or bromine more often.
  • In conclusion, you can consult below: How to maintain an ionized pool.

Pool ionization equipment: good alternative to chlorine

swimming pool in rural house

What ionization equipment is based on

Pool ionization equipment

To begin with, The ionized pool is an ionization purification system which mixes solar energy with solar ionization.

Ionized water commonly called mineralization Automatically disinfects the pool, preventing all types of microorganism growth in the water.

Ionized pool: cheaper alternative

  • On the one hand, it is worth mentioning that The simplicity of the artifice allows for a considerable drop in what would be the production of the equipment. In this way, it is more affordable for more households.
  • Moreover, In short, it is a more economical alternative to the traditional system of using chlorine.
  • Furthermore, thanks to having a pool running on ions we will greatly reduce the consumption of chemical products and in turn the electrical cost derived from the operation of the filtration equipment.
  • Finally, it prevents possible stains and minimizes limescale deposits on the pool liner.

solar pool ionizer reviews

water ionizer for swimming pools reviews

According to Amazon's best-selling Solar Buoy Ionizer,

Solar pool ionizer reviews and testimonials

Pool ionizer forum

Table of contents of the page: Solar pool ionizer

  1. What is a solar ionizer and what is it for?
  2. Does the pool ionizer work?
  3. Benefits of the solar ionizer
  4. Pool ionizer disadvantages
  5. Pool ionizer vs chlorine
  6. Types of pool ionizer
  7. Approximate price of a pool ionizer
  8. How long does the copper solar pool ionizer last?
  9. Make a homemade pool ionizer
  10. How does an ionized pool work?
  11. Balancing water chemistry with ions for swimming pool
  12. How do you use pool ion equipment?
  13. How to maintain a solar pool ionizer
  14. How to install a solar pool ionizer
  15. How to know if the solar pool ionizer works

Best option for pool water treatment: pool ionizer

Confrontation of the advantages and disadvantages of using the pool ionizer

pool ionizer
pool ionizer

Water treatment with pool ionizer

Copper-silver ionization: a device generates copper and silver ions that perform two functions: anti-algae and disinfectant, and on the other hand, as a flocculant.

In this way, it is possible to increase the performance of the filters by avoiding the use of flocculants, achieving excellent water transparency, and avoiding the use of anti-algae, and reducing the cost of chlorine and acid.

It must be remembered that the use of copper and silver ionization, although it represents a great saving of chlorine and acid, does not eliminate it. This treatment should be combined with one of the previous ones, the amount being smaller and much easier to control the chlorine with another disinfectant agent in the pool.

Details of benefits and drawbacks of using the pool ionizer

According to our criteria, the pool ionizer is one of the best options for treating and disinfecting pool water.

Next, we explain the benefits and disadvantages of using the pool ionizer with different points:

Benefits of the solar ionizer

pool ionizer
pool ionizer

Thinking about switching to a pool ionizer? You have some really good reasons.

Pool ionizer advantages

family enjoying pool

Pool ionizer benefits

  1. First of all, the pool ionizer is a Healthy option: designed for all types of bathers.
  2. Likewise, ionizing minerals are not toxic
  3. Softer water with higher quality and more crystalline.
  4. On the other hand, it is an alternative organic farming that does not harm the environment
  5. Above all, you will notice a reduction in maintenance and time dedicated to the pool. Let us remember that it is a autonomous system that runs on solar energy
  6. At the same time, we will perceive a reduction of chemicals (especially less need for chlorine and we will not require algaecide because the pool ionizer already does this function). Therefore, we will obtain a Direct money savings: Reduction in cost by half with the use of a solar pool ionizer (always in cases of pools less than 10×5)
  7. Furthermore, the ions do not evaporate and are affected by the change in temperature. Consequently, this entails Less spending on filling the pool and replacing pool water (As we have already said, the disinfectant does not evaporate and the pool water, not being so saturated with chemical product, will last much longer).
  8. Dmuch reduced wear and tear on all pool equipment and the pipes themselves (especially noticeable in the devices directly involved in the pool filtration system)
  9. Finally, if you choose a floating pool ionizer system (buoy), the equipment is very economical and does not require installation), therefore we will soon notice the return on investment.

1st advantage solar pool ionizer

pool ionizer healthy option
pool ionizer healthy option

Solar pool ionizer Healthy and ecological option: designed for all types of bathers.

Softer water with solar pool ionizer: Ionizing minerals are not toxic

  • Firstly, mention that the pool water disinfection system with copper and silver It is totally safe.
  • Likewise, It is a system that has been used for centuries.
  • As the metal ions that are produced by the equipment contain a very low level of metal, they do not harm anyone's health. On the contrary, pool water treated with a solar pool ionizer It is ideal for all bathers (even more so when there are children or elderly people present), including much less aggressive for the body, for example: it does not produce irritation or itching, it does not bother the eyes, it does not dry out or discolor the hair.
  • It is not harmful to health even if someone accidentally swallows the pool water. (there is no possibility of secondary diseases arising, no type of harm to the skin or respiratory system, it does not dry out the hair, etc.)
  • In addition, It also does not damage swimwear or pool installations or pipes..
  • Another plus point is that the solar pool ionizer does not give off any type of odor.

2nd advantage solar pool ionizer

ecological alternative pool ionizer
ecological alternative pool ionizer

Solar water purifier: alternative organic farming water disinfection

  • Moreover, The solar pool ionizer is environmentally responsible equipment, This is because it works with solar energy, does not pollute and is non-toxic.

3st advantage solar pool ionizer

high temperature pool

Solar purifier for swimming pools: not altered by temperature changes

Less spending on filling the pool and replacing pool water

  • The ions do not evaporate even under extreme temperature conditions.
  • Consequently, this entails less spending on filling the pool and replacing pool water (As we have already said, the disinfectant does not evaporate and the pool water, not being so saturated with chemical product, will last much longer).

4th advantage solar pool ionizer

Saline chlorinator maintenance

Reduced maintenance

Solar pool purifier: autonomous system that works with solar energy.

  • Let us remember that this is a autonomous system that works with solar energy which does not require any type of supervision (only the control of the cleanliness of the equipment).
  • The device automatically and constantly releases a precise amount of microscopic copper and silver ion minerals into your pool, which kills algae, bacteria and viruses.
  • Furthermore, the equipment does not require supervision.
  • The result is cleaner, healthier and more natural water. a reduction in maintenance and time dedicated to the pool.
  • Notably The solar pool ionizer does not alter the pH or alkalinity of the pool water.
  • Finally, we will reduce fouling and reduce the frequency of filter sand changes.

5th advantage solar pool ionizer

pool chemicals

Reduction of chemicals with the solar pool purifier

Saving Money: Reducing Chemicals

Less need for chlorine

  • To begin with, make a point that ionized pools are the only types of pools where the chlorine concentration can be safely reduced.
  • At the same time, we will perceive a reduction of chemicals (especially less need for chlorine).
  • This also means a lower chance of chloramines being produced and therefore less saturation in the pool water in the form of cyanuric acid pool and hence we will also save on pool water regeneration.
  • We do not need an algaecide product to control germs, because minerals are always active releasing microscopic ions.
  • Consequently, we will obtain a Direct money savings: Reducing cost by half with the use of solar pool ionizer (always in cases of pools smaller than 10x5).

6th advantage solar pool ionizer

pool filter pipes

Solar pool water purifier: less wear and tear on pool equipment

Dmuch reduced wear and tear on all pool equipment and the pipes themselves

  • As we were saying, in the treatment of water by ionization, the Dmuch reduced wear and tear on all pool equipment and the pipes themselves since the water is softer and the equipment will not show the effects of exposure to strong chlorine and will prevent corrosion caused by chlorine in the pump, metal parts, heater (heat pump), etc.

7th advantage solar pool ionizer

saving money pool

Saving money with solar pool ionizer treatment

Solar pool ionizer treatment saves money: Cost reduction by half

Throughout this entry, we have been mentioning in each point of the benefits multiple reasons why you will see savings when installing a solar pool purifier equipment. Below, we repeat some of the arguments:

  • First, we eliminated some of the need to use chlorine, and a guideline for determining the extent of the reduction in chlorine needs is to divide last year's chlorine cost in half.
  • Secondly, we completely eliminate the use of algaecides and flocculants.
  • Pools that use ionized water have clearer water that stays nice longer and easily gets rid of any dead bacteria, so as the water is non-corrosive it helps pool liners and liners last longer.

Pool ionizer drawbacks

Pool ionizer disadvantages

copper silver ion pool purifier
copper silver ion pool purifier

Although, on the other hand, it really provides a multitude of benefits in terms of pool water treatment.

1st Pool ionizer disadvantages

Slower disinfection than the traditional method

pool water disinfection
  • To begin, comment that Copper and silver ions act as a bactericide.
  • Although, the action is somewhat slower than with chlorine or bromine.
  • All this is because the metal ions released by the ionizers act slowly.
  • And therefore, they consequently take several hours to start fighting the contaminants.

2nd Pool ionizer disadvantages

The NSF/ANSI standard 50 for ionizers requires the addition of chlorine or bromine

pool chlorine disinfection
pool chlorine disinfection
  • Although they reduce the need for many chemicals, especially highlighting the need for chlorine,
  • Likewise, ionizers alone do not disinfect water. since electrolytic metal ion generators.
  • Therefore, They can kill pathogens in water, but do not have the ability to oxidize.
  • In the absence of this oxidation capacity of the organic material and As a result, air pollutants and other organic materials can persist in the water.
  • For this reason, copper/silver ionizers will require combining water treatment. On the one hand, they require a disinfectant such as chlorine or bromine and, on the other, an additional oxidant to control organic waste.
  • In conclusion, there is the possibility that if a good combined treatment is not performed, the pool water becomes cloudy.

What effect do ionizers have on organic material?

  • Continuously, the organic material enters the interior of the pool glass due to the case of contact with the environment.
  • Consequently, if organic matter accumulates, the water will first become cloudy. And, if it is not solved either, algae will end up developing.
  • In short, the solar ionizer must have the recommended levels of oxidants regulated with the help of chlorine to prevent the oxidation of organic compounds.

3rd Ionizer for pools disadvantages

Routine electrode cleaning

pool cell cleaning
pool cell cleaning
  • Truly, This equipment does not require any type of installation or maintenance work apart from the recommendation to clean the equipment's electrodes every two weeks.
  • Next, you can click to learn: how the solar pool ionizer works and how to carry out its proper maintenance.

4th Pool Ionizer Disadvantages

Continuous pump operation

Solar pool pump
Solar pool pump
  • It is imperative that the pool pump be continuously in operation if you have pool ionizer equipment.
  • The need for the pump to be in operation all the time is because the ion-laden water is required to be moved perpetually so that the electrodes can attract germs and bacteria.
  • As a result, only by running the pool pump constantly will we ensure complete disinfection of the water.
  • For this reason, it is worth considering what pump type we have installed so that it does not work forcedly and what effect it can have on our electricity bill.

5 º Pool ionizer disadvantages

Have the TDS parameter controlled

Use a digital pool TDS meter

digital pool tds meter.
digital pool tds meter
  • One of the chemical levels that must be controlled in all swimming pools is: TDS (total dissolved solids).
  • The recommendation for checking the TDS in a pool with an ionizer is once a week. On the other hand, in a pool with other water treatments 2-3 times a week is sufficient.
  • Specifically, The TDS value measures the amount of non-filterable solids present in the water, such as: organic matter, dust, chemicals, etc.
  • The ideal TDS level for a swimming pool: ≤ 40ppm.
  • Finally, once the TDS level is greater than 40ppm and even more so when it is greater than 100ppm, the water will become more conductive; Therefore, we would surely find that the pool ionizer's ability to disinfect would be impeded since the correct ionization process would be impeded.

6 º Pool ionizer disadvantages

Possibility of stains appearing

pool metal stain
pool metal stain

Special care with pH control

Possibility of staining: if copper/silver ion concentrations are too high).

  • First of all, emphasize that The pool ionizer has the potential to stain your pool surfaces when metals oxidize in the water.
  • Depending on whether your ionization equipment uses copper or silver, the type of stain will be greenish in the case of copper and in the case of using silver ions the type of stain will be black.
  • For this reason, we must be especially careful with controlling the pH, always keeping it at its correct values ​​(between 7,2-7,6) and in this way stains will not appear.
  • At an informative level, stains can appear: on the pool liner, on plaster, on plastic surfaces such as pool accessories, etc.
  • Meanwhile, there have also been cases of bathers with light hair showing patches of green ink.
  • Finally, we leave you the following link where you can read: How to control and balance pH.

7nd Pool ionizer disadvantages

Early coating discoloration

Using a metal sequestrant to combat this spot

  • On the other hand, we may find that if we do not control the minerals present in our pool water we may suffer early discoloration of the pool coating.
  • So, a metal sequestrant can be used to prevent oxidized metals from settling on the surfaces of your pool and allowing them to leach out of the water.
  • Or else, make use of the solar ionizer intelligently.

8nd Pool ionizer disadvantages

Investment price depending on which ionizer we choose

investment Ionizer for swimming pools disadvantages
  • Although it is proven that the investment of solar pool ionization equipment pays off in the long run, It will also depend on the cost itself if you choose an electric or solar buoy ionizer. (quite economical and without any type of installation).
  • Eventually, There may also be a greater cost of chemical products if you have a swimming pool (in those cases where the pool is from about 10x5).
  • To conclude, we provide you with the page where you can learn about: types of pool ionizers in detail.

Table of contents of the page: Solar pool ionizer

  1. What is a solar ionizer and what is it for?
  2. Does the pool ionizer work?
  3. Benefits of the solar ionizer
  4. Pool ionizer disadvantages
  5. Pool ionizer vs chlorine
  6. Types of pool ionizer
  7. Approximate price of a pool ionizer
  8. How long does the copper solar pool ionizer last?
  9. Make a homemade pool ionizer
  10. How does an ionized pool work?
  11. Balancing water chemistry with ions for swimming pool
  12. How do you use pool ion equipment?
  13. How to maintain a solar pool ionizer
  14. How to install a solar pool ionizer
  15. How to know if the solar pool ionizer works

Pool ionizer vs chlorine

Possibilities and characteristics of pool water treatment with chlorine

 What is wrong with chlorine in water?

slow chlorine pool
slow chlorine pool

More disadvantages of chlorine

  • Lower water quality.
  • Diseases such as arterioschlorosis, cancer, kidney diseases, allergies and even the development of dental problems are attributed to it.
  • This method results in red and irritated eyes, dry, discolored and brittle hair, dry and itchy skin, faded swimsuits, bikinis, etc.,
  • Recent studies link chloramines (formed in water containing excess chlorine) with the development of some types of cancer.
  • Characteristic smell.
  • High toxicity product.
  • Scientists discovered that chlorine is a major cause of the increase in the hole in the earth's ozone layer.
  • Attack and accelerate wear and tear of pool equipment

Types of water treatment with chlorine

slow chlorine pool
Traditional manual chlorine treatment

Traditional chlorine treatment by manual dosing

Characteristics of traditional chlorine treatment using manual dosing

  • Sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite, dichloro or trichloro are used.
  • A person is in charge of dosing the chlorine and acid manually.
  • This system does not require any initial investment, but you must purchase anti-algae, flocculants, ph correctors...
  • Because controlling the quality parameters of the pool is difficult to control with chlorine alone.
  • Likewise, if the pool is outdoors, installed in an environment with a lot of vegetation and with a variable number of users, this option becomes complicated since the quantities of products needed vary.
pH and chlorine dosing pool pump

pH and chlorine dosing pool pump

Features dosing pump system through automatic control of chlorine and pH

  • Automatic dosing of chlorine and pH: the difference with respect to the previous one is that there are pumps that dose a constant amount of chlorine and acid over time, an amount that can be varied manually to try to adjust the chlorine and pH levels of the pool to some appropriate values.
  • This type of treatment requires an initial investment, and although it is compatible with other types of treatments, there are external variations such as the number of bathers, the organic load, the temperature... That make it difficult to establish a constant amount of chlorine in the pumps.
automatic ph and chlorine control
automatic ph and chlorine control

Automatic pH and chlorine controller

Automatic pH and chlorine controller

  • If chlorine is used, this is the treatment that achieves the best results, although it is at a higher cost than the previous ones.
  • This treatment is based on measurements of chemical concentrations in the water, taken by a free chlorine probe and a pH electrode.
  • A controller in which the operator will have established optimal values ​​of free chlorine and pH, will analyze them, acting on dosing pumps that provide the necessary amount to equal the optimal values ​​in a very short time.
  • This treatment is widely used in public or large volume swimming pools.
  • It can also be used for smaller pools, but the added cost involved may make you think about other treatments that do not use chlorine, thus avoiding its disadvantages.

Comparison of pool ionizer vs chlorine

ideal solar pool ionizer

Comparative table of pool ionizer vs chlorine

Comparison of factorsChlorine solar ionizer
Eye damageYESDO NOT
Skin irritationYESDO NOT
Discolored and dry hairYESDO NOT
Discolors and burns the swimsuitYESDO NOT
Trihalomethanes are formed – carcinogenicYESDO NOT
Produces irritating chloraminesYESDO NOT
Is it toxic to the lungs?YESDO NOT
Absorbed through the skin  YESDO NOT
Smells badYESDO NOT
Dangerous for the environmentYESDO NOT
It is corrosive to equipment and accessoriesYESDO NOT
Hazardous storageYESDO NOT
Hazardous handlingYESDO NOT
Product evaporationYESDO NOT
Degrades equipmentYESDO NOT
Coating discolorationYESNO *
Kills algaeYESYES
Kills virusesDO NOTYES
Kills bacteriaYESYES
Comparative table of solar ionizer vs chlorine

Specification of the discoloration of the coating with the pool ionizer

  • There will be no discoloration of the pool coating with the pool as long as: pay close attention to the Pool pH should always be within convenient values ​​(7,2-7,6) otherwise there would be the possibility of stains appearing., since it converges at concentrations of copper/silver ions that are too high).

   How is the copper/silver ion cleaning process different?
with the use of chlorine?

swimming pool in garden

Pool ionizer best pool water treatment

Pool ionizer: The smartest, healthiest, safest and easiest way to treat your pool water.

Pool ionizer features best pool water treatment

  • Chlorine oxidizes (burns) organic components such as algae, bacteria and viruses but at the same time it also attacks the eyes, hair, skin, etc.
  • On the contrary, the pool ionizer produces metal ions which, being pH neutral and non-corrosive, contain such low levels of the metal that they are not harmful to health.
  • In conclusion, the pool ionizer excludes organic matter so that it does not harm bathers.

Pool ionizer: very low amount of copper

  • The amount of copper produced by ionization in the pool normally does not exceed 0.3 ppm, well below the maximum for drinking water of 1.3 ppm.
  • In fact, unlike one with chlorine, a pool with ions could perfectly well have fish, aquatic turtles, etc.

The pool ionizer does not evaporate

Like salt in the ocean, ions do not evaporate even in extreme and intense heat conditions. On the contrary, chlorine is a very light element that tends to evaporate easily, especially in hot climates.

Dmuch reduced wear and tear on all pool equipment and the pipes themselves with pool ionizer

  • As we were saying, in the treatment of water by ionization, the Dmuch reduced wear and tear on all pool equipment and the pipes themselves since the water is softer and the equipment will not show the effects of exposure to strong chlorine and will prevent corrosion caused by chlorine in the pump, metal parts, heater (heat pump), etc.

Pool ionizer cost lower than automatic chlorine and pH control

The cost is not excessive, being lower than that of the automatic chlorine and pH control system. It is very suitable for small-sized and/or outdoor pools, which tend to have greater algae problems. Without making a very large financial investment, a great leap in quality is achieved in the pool water.

Pool ionizer vs chlorine relationshipsaline action

Choose chlorinated cell for the pool or ionized copper cell

luxury pool

Salt chlorination characteristics

  • Saline chlorination: the advantage of this system is that the chlorine is generated in the pool itself, so the constant purchase of hypochlorite is not necessary.
  • Using common salt dissolved in the pool and electricity, a device generates a current of chlorine free of stabilizing agents and chemicals.
  • A pH control is necessary, like any chlorine-based treatment.
  • The equipment's chlorine production can be regulated manually, or automatically, by placing a probe and a controller that adjust the appropriate production.
  • This treatment, although it reduces the continuous consumption of chlorine, and avoids its handling, does not eliminate discomfort, such as its smell, or eye irritation, since the disinfectant element remains the same, even though it is created from salt and electricity. .
  • Therefore, so that you can make a good assessment of which equipment to choose, we provide you with the link with all the details of the saline chlorinator.

Ideal Choice: Copper Ion Cell

Faced with the possibility of using a chlorinated cell or an ionized copper cell, there is no doubt... given that….

Compared to a chlorination cell, the use of a copper ion cell It has many benefits which we are going to explain to you below.

Copper ionization is much more beneficial than chlorine treatment

Truly, there are a wide variety of benefits and advantages associated with using copper ionization for a copper ionized pool compared to a chlorinated pool.

Thus, a copper pool can provide exactly the same but with more health benefits.

It also provides a comforting sensation compared to a pool treated with chlorine disinfection.

Table of contents of the page: Solar pool ionizer

  1. What is a solar ionizer and what is it for?
  2. Does the pool ionizer work?
  3. Benefits of the solar ionizer
  4. Pool ionizer disadvantages
  5. Pool ionizer vs chlorine
  6. Types of pool ionizer
  7. Approximate price of a pool ionizer
  8. How long does the copper solar pool ionizer last?
  9. Make a homemade pool ionizer
  10. How does an ionized pool work?
  11. Balancing water chemistry with ions for swimming pool
  12. How do you use pool ion equipment?
  13. How to maintain a solar pool ionizer
  14. How to install a solar pool ionizer
  15. How to know if the solar pool ionizer works

Types of pool ionizer

Solar Floating Pool Ionizer

pool ionizer buoy
pool ionizer buoy

Pool ionizer buoy characteristics

  • This device completely replaces the use of algaecides.
  • On the other hand, it reduces the need to use chlorine up to 90%.
  • Finally, it should be noted that maintenance is very simple and leads to a reduction in dedication to the pool, savings in electricity and money.

Pool ionizer buoy operation

  • The operation of the pool ionizer buoy is really simple, it is based on floating inside the pool and while powered by sunlight, it drives the water through the copper bar, producing the electric current that creates electrolysis, releasing the copper ions. (which have antibacterial and fungicidal properties).

electric pool ionizer

electric pool ionizer

Features electric pool ionizer

  • Actually, the electric pool ionizer makes a brilliant effect like: bactericide, algaecide, disinfectant and flocculant.
  • The operation of the electric pool ionizer is based on: generate a very low voltage electrical current in the electrodes, releasing small doses of ions.
  • In addition, the device automatically adjusts the ion generation based on the measurements made regarding ionic density and according to the filtration operating time.
  • So, since the effective polarization cycle represents 50%, we endorse that The wear of the electrodes will be homogeneous, extending their useful life up to 4 years.
  • Besides, Because the electrodes are hydrodynamic, we will reduce losses in the pool filtration system to a minimum.
  • All these parameters can be monitored by ourselves through a digital display.
  • Another very relevant point is that the equipment comes supplied with a effective protection system that warns us through an alarm of: possible malfunction, short circuits and when cleaning or replacement of electrodes is required.
  • To conclude, it has an integrated power supply, so, No external transformer required.

Smart ionizers

Features of smart pool ionizers

  • There are even smart ionizers that can be controlled by a device or smartphone with data connection. This allows you to activate it from anywhere and at any time.

Approximate price of a pool ionizer

solar water purifier
solar water purifier

Average cost of an electric pool ionizer

Depending on the brand and manufacturer, the average price of an electric ionizer for a private pool with a volume of up to 80.000 liters ranges between €300,00 and €5.500,00.

Ionizing buoys price

The average price of a solar ionizer for a private pool with a volume of up to 80.000 liters usually ranges between €70,00 – €350,00.

How long does the copper solar pool ionizer last?

pool ionizer
pool ionizer

How long can the Ionizer work under normal conditions?

What suffers wear and tear is the Copper anode, which consumes itself over time, and it is replaceable and is sold as a spare part.

It lasts approximately 1 to 2 years depending on the water quality in your area. (hardness).

The control panel will not be affected by its use. The electrodes, which are designed to wear out over time.

These can be replaced as often as necessary over the years. 

The duration of the electrode is directly proportional to the use of the equipment, and is estimated between 1 and 2 years. The Ionizers Solar, in addition to generating mineral ions with a beneficial effect, absorb unwanted minerals such as calcium and iron.

The durability of the anode depends on the solar ionizer head unit used. Higher voltage —> Faster ionization / Higher power —> Greater savings

Solar Pool Ion Replacement Kit

Solar Pool Ion Replacement Kit
Solar Pool Ion Replacement Kit
  • Replacement copper and silver alloy anode, only fits Floatron solar ionizer units.
  • Replacement basket for any solar ionizer unit.

Pool ionizer half-life time

Actually, what suffers wear is the Copper anode, which is consumed over time, and is replaceable and is sold as a spare part. Lasts approximately 1 to 2 years depending on the quality of water in your area (hardness).

Mineral cell duration in a large pool

couple pool

In a large pool (from 80.000 liters of water) you will have to replace your mineral cell every season, on the other hand, you can get two or more seasons out of one cell in a smaller pool.

Pool ionizer replacement

copper anode for solar pool purifier
copper anode for solar pool purifier

Average price replacement solar pool ionizer purifier

Roughly speaking, the price of the replacement copper anode together with the basket and screw of the solar pool ionizer purifier costs around €55,00 – €150,00.

Make a homemade pool ionizer

Video tutorial to make a homemade pool ionizer

Video tutorial to make a homemade pool ionizer

Table of contents of the page: Solar pool ionizer

  1. What is a solar ionizer and what is it for?
  2. Does the pool ionizer work?
  3. Benefits of the solar ionizer
  4. Pool ionizer disadvantages
  5. Pool ionizer vs chlorine
  6. Types of pool ionizer
  7. Approximate price of a pool ionizer
  8. How long does the copper solar pool ionizer last?
  9. Make a homemade pool ionizer
  10. How does an ionized pool work?
  11. Balancing water chemistry with ions for swimming pool
  12. How do you use pool ion equipment?
  13. How to maintain a solar pool ionizer
  14. How to install a solar pool ionizer
  15. How to know if the solar pool ionizer works

How does an ionized pool work?

electric ionized pool installation
electric ionized pool installation

How does a pool ionizer work?

ionized pool
ionized pool

How do you use a pool ionizer?

Chow it works an electric pool ionizer

  • Firstly, in the case of an electric pool ionizer- Works only by turning the pool filtration equipment on and off.

Chow it works an ionized pool with a buoy

  • In second place, In the case of an ionized pool with a buoy: We simply have to let the device float.

How does a solar pool ionizer work?

swimming pool in kenya

How does a pool ionizer work?

  • Water leaves the pool into the suction line and then through the pump, filter, and heater, if you have one. The next stop is the ionizer to disinfect the water before it re-enters the pool through the return jets.
  • Sunlight (energy) hits the solar cell, where the energy is converted into a low voltage current, which is transmitted to the anode (on the solar panel), releasing copper and silver ions into the pool water. Thus, the sunlight absorbed by the solar ionizer while floating in water is converted into electricity through the photovoltaic panel, so that the metal electrodes are charged with energy and activate the release of mineral ions.
  • The ionizer contains electrodes made of copper and/or silver, which are placed side by side where the water leaves the ionizer and enters the return pipe. The device uses low-voltage direct current to energize those electrodes, activating their disinfecting properties.
  • Thus, the ionized pool is based on imputing a low-voltage electric current to electrodes installed in the filter water circuit. ionizers They create negative ions (anions) using the electricity supplied by the home electrical grid using very low voltage current to discharge the copper ions.
  • At the moment in which the atoms of the copper and silver or copper-silver and zinc electrodes of our equipment are ionized, they spread through the water.
  • This happens because the electric current causes the copper and silver atoms to lose one electron each, thus turning the atoms into cations , which are positively charged ions because they contain more protons than electrons.
  • The cations are then carried to the pool by water passing through the ionizer. They float in the pool water until they find a microorganism with negatively charged ions, or, so-called, because they contain more electrons than protons. The cations adhere to the anionic microorganism (bacteria, for example) and erode the cell wall of the organism, destroying it.
  • These anions are released into the air where they attract positively charged particles, such as dust, bacteria, pollen and many other allergens and substances that may be suspended in the air.
  • By discharging copper ions into the water, they bind to the load of viruses and bacteria, thus eliminating up to 99,97% of them.
  • These ions inhibit (and kill) algae growth and reduce chemical (disinfectant) consumption to 80% and is powered by solar energy and uses natural mineral ions.
  • Lastly, they help prevent surface stains and minimize scale.

To complement the operation of a pool ionizer

  • Indeed, It is true that when the minerals are diluted they remain in the pool water for a long time but it will also be necessary to remember that a pool ionizer is not enough to completely disinfect a pool on its own.
  • Thus, We must complement the use of the ionized pool with another disinfectant (chlorine or bromine).

What is ionic behavior?

pool water

Behavior of silver ions

  • The silver ions released in the pool or spa work as a bacteriostat, in the concentration released by the ionizers,
  • However, in the presence of low levels of disinfectants, silver ions produce a bacterial killing rate at least as high as 1 ppm to 2 ppm of the chlorine level found in public swimming pools.
  • Silver is known to be rendered inactive by protein-like matter, so pool contaminants from bather load and other sources could reduce effectiveness.
  • Silver can also form insoluble complexes with chloride and most metals will form insoluble complexes with carbonate, this can cause problems with staining and/or efficacy.
  • The solubility and efficacy behavior of silver can be very complex and difficult to predict in a pool environment, because soluble and insoluble species of silver chloride can form, and their concentrations and activity will vary due to a number of different factors.

Behavior of Copper Ions

  • Dissolved metallic pool copper ions, such as copper and silver, can be affected by other components in the water.
  • However, silver ions kill bacteria more slowly than is acceptable for pool and spa applications, therefore a disinfectant such as chlorine or bromine is needed.
  • Copper ions, on the other hand, act as algisides or as an algae inhibitor, depending on the concentration, also becoming an effective bactericidal, but present problems with certain bacteria (including several bacterial species such as Pseudomonas), which develop quickly resistance to copper ions.
  • Still, low concentrations of copper can help prevent algae growth if chlorine or bromine concentrations fall to an insufficient level, a condition that can occur for a variety of reasons.

Balancing water chemistry with ions for swimming pool

ion treated pool pool

Ideal water chemistry levels with pool ion treatment

In addition to keeping the chlorine level lower when using a pool ionizer, the other chemical levels are a little different.

How do you use pool ion equipment?

water treated with copper ions for swimming pools

Principle of operation of the ion pool equipment

  • Principle of operation of the ion pool equipment: High efficiency solar panel with this product produces direct current electric excitation anode rod to electrolyze the anion and copper ion in the water, and the ion breaks the outer wall of bacteria and algae spores quickly and efficient, thus achieving the effect of sterilization and inhibition of algae.

Pool Ionizer Ease of Operation

  1. First of all, comment that all that is needed to install a buoy-type pool ionizer is just to deposit it inside the pool.
  2. The solar ionizer is extremely self-sufficient and requires almost no attention or maintenance, all that is necessary is to replace the copper anodes.
  3. Efficient self-drive plug-free single crystal solar panel, ultrasonic welder body, prevents water seepage and moisture erosion of internal components.

Use of the solar ionizer for floating pools

Use of the ion pool equipment

Table of contents of the page: Solar pool ionizer

  1. What is a solar ionizer and what is it for?
  2. Does the pool ionizer work?
  3. Benefits of the solar ionizer
  4. Pool ionizer disadvantages
  5. Pool ionizer vs chlorine
  6. Types of pool ionizer
  7. Approximate price of a pool ionizer
  8. How long does the copper solar pool ionizer last?
  9. Make a homemade pool ionizer
  10. How does an ionized pool work?
  11. Balancing water chemistry with ions for swimming pool
  12. How do you use pool ion equipment?
  13. How to maintain a solar pool ionizer
  14. How to install a solar pool ionizer
  15. How to know if the solar pool ionizer works

How to maintain a solar pool ionizer

pool colorful sky

1st Warning ion maintenance for pool

Complement disinfection of the pool with chlorine or bromine

While pool ionizers combat organic matter like algae, they are not the best oxidizers, so they are not completely effective on their own.

To obtain complete disinfection, you will need to supplement your pool ionizer with chlorine. You can use liquid chlorine or tablets, whichever you prefer.

2nd Pool ion maintenance warning

Check water levels periodically

Ensure and review the ideal chlorine level

The ideal chlorine level with a solar ionizer is lower than a traditional system, so it must be: 0.5ppm – 0.8 ppm 

  1. Check chlorine levels.
  2. You have to additionally add chlorine or bromine.
  3. Make sure that the concentrations of ions or silver are not too high, otherwise they could stain the surface of the pool.
  4. Disinfection is somewhat slower than with chlorine or bromine.

Control the concentrations of ions or silver in the pool

  • Make sure that the concentrations of ions or silver are not too high, otherwise they could stain the surface of the pool.

3nd Pool ion maintenance warning

ORP CONTROL: Consequences of pool ionizers on organic material

pool in the yard

What is the redox reaction or ORP in swimming pools

  • The RedOx chemical reaction in the pool, also called ORP, It is directly linked to the activity of chlorine. That is, how the chlorine in the pool responds to the other chemical elements present in the pool water, whether they are organic matter, nitrogenous matter, metals...
  • value greater than or equal to mVa 650mV – 750mV.

What effect do ionizers have on organic material?

Organic material, including bacteria, enters a pool or spa continually from the environment, which can build up and the pool will first become cloudy and then develop algae and other problems.

In a chlorinated pool, it is estimated that a large portion of the chlorine consumption is due to the oxidation of organic compounds, while the remaining chlorine is used to control bacterial growth.

Therefore, ionizers should be used with recommended levels of oxidants (

4nd Pool ion maintenance warning

When to remove the ionizer from the water

Pool Ionizer Daily Solar Exposure

You need to give him the sun a few hours a day.

Should the ionizer be active in the pool at all times?

  • It is neither necessary nor desirable, since the use of electrodes would be unnecessary.
  • The solar ionizer is allowed to float every day for the first few weeks, in order to obtain the ion concentration, and then just a couple of days a week is enough to maintain the appropriate level of ions.
  • Swimming with the solar ionizer is perfectly safe.

Is it a requirement that the ionizer be permanently active?

  • No, it is not necessary just to circulate it every day of the first weeks, with the aim of obtaining the ion concentration and then a couple of days per week to maintain the adequate level of ions.

Maintenance of a large pool with a solar pool ionizer

large pool hotel
  • If the pool is large or if due to climatic conditions, the addition of water is required due to evaporation, it is necessary to keep the ionizer in the water permanently.
  • Therefore, if the pool is large, or with unfavorable weather conditions, it is necessary to keep the ionizer in the water permanently.

5nd Pool ion maintenance warning

Cleaning ionizer electrodes

couple in the pool
  • In the next section (below) we explain how to properly clean the pool ionizer.

Hard water = more cleaning of pool ionizer electrodes

  • However, if the pool water is hard where you live, or the calcium hardness in your pool is around the upper end of the recommended range, you may need to remove calcium deposits from the electrodes. from the pool ionizer from time to time.

Regularly clean the pool ionizer

Procedure to clean the solar pool ionizer

  1. First, we start by disassembling all the equipment.
  2. Next, we must clean the equipment, removing all the dirt.
  3. Then, we must use the brush that is included in the kit when we buy the solar pool ionizer to clean everything that would be the steel spring, the copper and the lattice that protects the spring and copper anode.
  4. Finally, we disinfect it with water and reassemble the device again.

Solar pool ionizer maintenance video tutorial

How to maintain a solar pool ionizer

Clean the solar ionizer with copper anode

Copper anode cleaner
Copper anode cleaner

What is copper anode cleaner and what is it for?

  • This amazing cleaner is the easiest way to clean your copper anode for your pool ionizer.
  • In fact, this product cleans the solar pool and pool ionizer basket and electrode, all at once, soak and rinse.
  • On the other hand, it helps not to break the vinyl screw because they are cleaned together at the same time.
  • Approximately, the duration of a bottle is one year.

Benefits of Copper Anode Cleaner

  1. First, save time by avoiding scrubbing multiple times.
  2. This product does not harm the hands.
  3. Now you can extend the life of the copper anodes of your solar pool ionizers.
  4. And at the same time, you will notice it in your pocket in the form of saving money.

How to clean the solar ionizer with copper anode

This cleaning product is very easy to use and can be ready for your copper anode and solar ionizer basket in less than 5 minutes.

  1. Pour 2-3 pieces of copper anode and rinse into a clean glass or plastic jar with a wide opening…like a large jelly or peanut butter jar.
  2. Fill the jar with water
  3. Place your entire pool ionizer into the mixture…basket and anode, do not unscrew the screw on the bottom…and let the entire bottom assembly soak for 8-12 hours.
  4. If there was a liberal amount of buildup before cleaning the anode, you may need a soft brush! Simply use a wire brush to remove any buildup left.
  5. Once done simply remove, rinse and let it get back to work cleaning your pool.

Why do home cleaning remedies damage the solar ionizer?

  • Vinegar and citric acid are acids that will corrode the anode and other metal components.

Table of contents of the page: Solar pool ionizer

  1. What is a solar ionizer and what is it for?
  2. Does the pool ionizer work?
  3. Benefits of the solar ionizer
  4. Pool ionizer disadvantages
  5. Pool ionizer vs chlorine
  6. Types of pool ionizer
  7. Approximate price of a pool ionizer
  8. How long does the copper solar pool ionizer last?
  9. Make a homemade pool ionizer
  10. How does an ionized pool work?
  11. Balancing water chemistry with ions for swimming pool
  12. How do you use pool ion equipment?
  13. How to maintain a solar pool ionizer
  14. How to install a solar pool ionizer
  15. How to know if the solar pool ionizer works

How to install a solar pool ionizer

Electric pool ionizer installation

electric ionizer vulcano pool
electric ionizer vulcano pool

Procedures for installing a solar ionizer electric

  1. An electrolytic pool copper ion generator is generally an airtight container installed in the pool's return line, although there are exceptions to this provision. It always has a pair of electrodes of different shapes, sizes and composition.
  2. The most common electrodes are alloys containing 90 to 97 percent copper, and the remainder is silver. When a low-voltage direct current (DC) is passed between these electrodes, the pool copper ions (Cu+2) and silver ions (Ag+) are released into the water by electrolysis (hence the term “ionizer”).
  3. The source of this low-voltage DC is usually a step-down transformer and rectifier that steps down the household voltage from alternating current (AC) to low-voltage DC. Galvanically and solar generated DC voltages have also been used in systems on the market.
  4. The ionizer must be installed in the return line of your pool, this operation is usually performed by a pool professional because it requires moderate plumbing and gluing skills.
  5. The electrical connections on a copper/silver ionizer can only be safely installed by a professional familiar with the equipment. Some types of ionizers will require tubing adapters to go from one size to another.
  6. An ionizer is an electrical device that must be connected to a ground fault interrupter, checked, and the device manufacturer's safety precautions followed.

Videotutorial Electric ionized pool installationa

Electric ionized pool installationa

Solar pool ionizer buoy installation

pool ionizer buoy
pool ionizer buoy

Features ionized pool with buoy

  • The ionized pool with buoy is a system that is easily installed, already that just floats.
  • The main feature of the buoy ionized pool is that use solar panels.
  • Thus, the unit floats in the pool and releases copper ions that break the structure of microorganisms such as algae and bacteria, preventing their proliferation.
  • Therefore, this device inhibits the development of algae, bacteria and other microorganisms, disinfecting the water and reducing the use of chemicals (reduces the use of chlorine by up to 80%).

Procedures for installing a solar pool ionizer

  1. First of all, we must verify that the pool water is at its proper values ​​(correct pH levels, alkalinity, hardness, etc.)
  2. Secondly, we will proceed to put the solar ionizer inside the glass.
  3. Logically we must check that the equipment remains floating.
  4. After 12 hours of introducing the ionization equipment, we will activate the pool's filtration system.

Checks once the ionized pool is fully operational

On the other hand, we recommend that you read the express entry on maintenance of an ionized pool.

Although, we remind you of some suggestions:

  • It is recommended remove the equipment from the water approximately every 15 days to clean the electrode.
  • Usually and on a weekly basis, it should be confirmed that the copper level does not exceed 0,9 ppm. If it exceeds the level of 0,9ppm, we will remove it from the pool, otherwise the pool water will turn green or cloudy. And finally, we would introduce it again when the copper level was equal to or less than 0,4 ppm.

Installation and use instructions ionized pool with buoy

Installation and use instructions ionized pool with buoy

How to know if the solar pool ionizer works

solar pool ionizer
solar pool ionizer

Procedure to know if the solar pool ionizer works

  1. First, we must put the solar ionizer in a glass or glass jar.
  2. Secondly and lastly, we have to expose it to direct sunlight and if after a while small bubbles appear, the result will be that it works correctly.

Video tutorial to know if the solar pool ionizer works correctly

How to know if my solar pool ionizer is working correctly

We reveal the secrets of the solar pool ionizer

Then The following video shows how the solar pool ionizer works, revealing its secrets of operation.

Likewise, you will also know ways to verify the operation of the solar pool ionizer.

We reveal the secrets of ion pool equipment