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Ok Pool Reform

How to clean the cartridge filter of your pool?

Clean pool cartridge filter: in this entry we explain in a simple way how to carry out the steps to clean it.

clean pool cartridge filter
clean pool cartridge filter

On this page of Ok Pool Reform within Pool filtration and in the section Pool purifier We present all the details of How to clean the cartridge filter of your pool?

When to clean the pool cartridge filter
When to clean the pool cartridge filter

When to clean the pool cartridge filter?

A swimming pool is a great addition to any home, providing hours of enjoyment for family and friends. However, it is important to remember that a pool is also a great investment.

To keep your pool in good condition, it is important to perform regular maintenance.

One of the most important steps in pool maintenance is cleaning the filter.

For this reason, your pool pump's cartridge filter is an important part of keeping it clean. However, over time, the cartridge can become clogged with dirt and debris, making it less effective at filtering your pool water.

If you notice that your pool pump is not working as well as before, it may be time to remove the cartridge filter and clean it.

What would happen if we didn't clean the pool filter

What would happen if we didn't clean the pool filter?

A dirty filter can cause a number of problems, such as clogged pipes and decreased water circulation.

If the pool filter is not cleaned regularly, dirt and debris can begin to build up on the filter. This can cause clogs, which will prevent water from flowing through it properly. This can lead to increased pump pressure, making it difficult for water to move through the system.

Additionally, dirty filters can allow more contaminants to enter the water, such as pollen and microorganisms. This not only makes swimming less enjoyable, but also increases the risk of infection or illness if swimming in contaminated water.

Finally, dirt buildup on the filter over time can significantly reduce its life and effectiveness, meaning you may have to replace it sooner than planned.

To avoid these problems and keep your pool clean and safe for swimming, it is important to clean the filter regularly.

Fortunately, cleaning the filter is a relatively simple task. Simply remove the old filter and replace it with a new one. Next, run the pool pump for several hours to clean the entire system. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to keep your pool looking and functioning at its best.

Steps to clean a pool cartridge filter

Steps to clean a pool cartridge filter
Steps to clean a pool cartridge filter

Remove the cartridge filter from the pool pump

  • To remove the cartridge filter, first turn off the power to the pool pump, then open the housing and carefully remove the cartridge.

Rinse it with a hose to remove any debris or dirt

Once you have removed the cartridge from your filter, use a garden hose to spray away any dirt and debris.

  • An easy way to clean products is to rinse them with a hose. The water pressure will help remove any debris or dirt.
  • You may also want to use a soft-bristled brush, such as a toothbrush or old paintbrush, to clean crevices and hard-to-reach areas. Once you're done brushing, rinse the cartridge again with your garden hose and inspect it for any debris.

Soak it in a bucket or bathtub with pool cleaner for several hours

  • Immersing a dirty object in pool cleaner is an effective way to clean it.
  • The chlorine in the pool cleaner will kill any bacteria or mold on the pool.
  • Additionally, the pool cleaner will also remove any dirt or grime that is on the item.
  • So dipping the item in pool cleaner is a good way to clean it without having to scrub it with a brush.

Change the filter and run the pool pump for several hours to clean the entire system

  • Finally, reinstall the clean cartridge and turn on the pool pump.
  • Leave the pool filtration running for at least one filtering cycle (depending on the equipment it will be more or less hours but normally one cycle is equivalent to about 4-6 hours):
  • By following these steps, you can keep your pool pump running efficiently and help prolong the life of your filter.

How to clean your pool's Intex cartridge filter?

Video How to clean the Intex cartridge filter of your pool

There are several things you need to do to clean your pool's cartridge filter. First of all, you must remove the cartridge from the filter housing. Next, you should rinse the cartridge with a hose to remove dirt and debris. Lastly, you should soak the cartridge in a cleaning solution overnight before replacing it in the filter housing.

Next, we show you how to clean the pool cartridge filter in the video:

How to clean the cartridge filter of your pool?

Be sure to follow these four easy steps the next time you need to clean your pool filter. By spending just a few hours, you can have a much cleaner and safer pool for you, your family and your friends. Do you have any other tips for keeping the pool clean? Let us know in the comments below!