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When and how to change the sand in a pool filter

The average life expectancy of pool filter sand is five to seven years. However, it is important to check the litter regularly and replace it when necessary.

When to change sand filter pool
When to change sand filter pool

On this page of Ok Pool Reform within Pool filtration and in the section Pool purifier We present all the details of When and how to change the sand in a pool filter.

How to check if the pool sand filter needs to be cleaned

pool purifying sand
pool purifying sand
Check pool sand status
Check pool sand status

Check pool sand status

Procedures to check the condition of the pool sand

  1. We open the sand treatment plant.
  2. We check if the sand is still loose, spongy and clean.
  3. Verify that the pool pressure gauge does not indicate a high pressure factor after washing and rinsing the pool filter (if so, it is necessary to change the sand).

Recommendation: If we doubt the state of the sand, it is best to change it. since it really is a very important factor for correct cleaning and the cost of the product is minimal.

When to change the sand in the pool filter

How often to change the sand in the pool filter

How often to change the sand in the pool filter
How often to change the sand in the pool filter

The average life expectancy of pool filter sand is five to seven years. However, it is important to check the litter regularly and replace it when necessary.

Indicator signs to know when to change the sand in the pool filter

Indicator signs to know when to change the sand in the pool filter

There are a few signs that indicate it is time to replace the sand in your pool filter:

  • The sand is no longer white. When sand changes color, it has lost its filtering capacity and must be replaced.
  • There is grit and debris in the pool. This means that the sand is no longer doing its job and needs to be replaced.
  • The water flow through the filter is reduced. This could be due to clogging of the litter's pores, which means it's time to change it.

If you notice any of these signs, it's time to change the sand in your pool filter. When replacing sand, be sure to only use high-quality pool filter sand to ensure optimal performance of your pool filter.

What sand capacity does my pool filter have?

how often to clean pool filter
how often to clean pool filter

Filter sand capacity

The filter load capacity inside the tank is determined according to the characteristics of the pool treatment plant and the same according to the volume of water in the pool.

On the other hand, you can check the paperwork for your pool purifier where it will indicate exactly the necessary load or ask a technician specializing in pool maintenance.

How to change the sand in a pool filter

How to change the sand in a pool filter
How to change the sand in a pool filter

Steps to follow to change the sand in a pool filter

First steps to change the sand in the pool filter

  1. The first step is Close the water flow to the filter and also close the pool stopcocks.
  2. Subsequently, Place the pool selector valve key in the closed position.
  3. At the base of the pool filter We remove the drain plug.
  4. We find ourselves in some cases where there is no drain plug, since in this case we will put the selector valve key in the emptying position.
  5. We continue to Remove the cover from the pool purifier.
  6. On the other hand, mention that in many models the selector valve is the closure of the pool purifier.
  7. In the center of the interior of the pool treatment plant we will find the collector which we will cover so that sand does not get into the tube.

Second steps: Extraction of sand from the treatment plant

  1. For such power remove sand from filter, we will use a professional vacuum cleaner or instead some type of element such as a shovel.
  2. When we finish emptying the pool filter tank, we will clean it with a little water.

Last steps: We fill the filter again and rinse

  1. We proceed to fill the sand treatment tank (the sand must be distributed evenly inside the container, leaving the last 15 centimeters empty until it closes).
  2. Then we clean the slots of the collector.
  3. Y, we reopen the water taps closed.
  4. We place the valve in wash position for approximately 2 minutes (in this way we will rinse and clean all impurities and eliminate any possible air).
  5. Finally, we will change the position of the valve to rinse for about 30 seconds.

Steps to change the sand in a pool purifier step by step

Renewal of changing sand in the pool filter

how to clean the pool sand filter