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What is hydrochloric acid used for in the pool?

Hydrochloric acid is a very common substance that is also known as muriatic acid Hydrochloric acid pool: in this article we tell you everything: what is hydrochloric acid? What is it used for?, necessary dosage, etc.

muriatic acid pool
muriatic acid pool

En Ok Pool Reform within Chemical products We present the article about: What is hydrochloric acid used for in the pool?

What is hydrochloric acid?

hydrochloric acid pool
Hydrochloric acid swimming pool

Swimming pool hydrochloric acid: the most common acid in swimming pools

Without a doubt, the most common acid in the pool business is hydrochloric acid (HCl), also known as muriatic acid.

Pool hydrochloric acid composition

Because its pH is less than 1.0 (<1.0 pH), muriatic acid (HCI) is more than a million times more acidic than neutral water (7.0 pH).

Is muriatic acid the same as hydrochloric acid?

pool view of buildings

Muriatic acid and hydrochloric acid are essentially the same thing

Muriatic acid is a dilute version of hydrochloric acid, so it isMuriatic acid contains hydrochloric acid concentration levels between 28 and 35 percent.

Ultimately, muriatic acid and hydrochloric acid are essentially the same thing.

Although in the pool industry, the names muriatic acid and hydrochloric acid are often used interchangeably.

Is muriatic acid the same as cyanuric acid in swimming pools?

Different chemical formula between cyanuric acid in swimming pools and muriatic acid

When you mix water with hydrogen chloride, the end result is hydrochloric acid, which is a corrosive substance that has many different applications.

The short answer is that although both muriatic acid and cyanuric acid are acids, they are NOT the same in pool water treatment. Of course they serve different purposes.

For this reason, the two are definitely not interchangeable and you cannot substitute muriatic acid for cyanuric acid or vice versa.

Can muriatic acid and cyanuric acid be used together?

Both muriatic acid (HCI) and cyanuric acid (C3H3N3O3) They can be used in your pool with minimal adverse effects on each other.

Although, as with any chemical, it is best not to pour too much into your pool at once or mix chemicals.

How to add them together

  • To start, remember that To add different chemicals, we must always do it separately.
  • On the other hand, we have to wait a reasonable amount of time between adding one and the other.
  • Furthermore, it is always better to add small amounts of chemicals at a time and test and repeat the operation if required until the appropriate level is reached.

What is muriatic acid used for in swimming pools?

clean pool water

First of all, it is essential that you analyze the levels and values ​​of the pool water on a weekly basis; In particular, we must carry a very exhaustive control of pH.

Next, we provide you with a link where we have created a guide as an example of pool water treatment.

When should I use muriatic acid in the pool?

Muriatic acid is an economical and effective solution to reduce the pH, reduce the alkalinity of the pool and to prevent or eliminate algae.

Main use: lower ph pool hydrochloric acid

Muriatic acid lowers pH: Achieve the ideal balance

Pool Hydrochloric Acid Usage Specification for pH

  • If the pH level is below 7.2, you should never use hydrochloric acid.
  • If the pH rating is between 7.2-7.6, these numbers are considered optimal levels, meaning hydrochloric acid would be unnecessary.
  • If you find that these levels have reached a pH level above 7,6, it may be time to add this acid to the water.

High alkalinity of water is a serious problem

High alkalinity of water can cause:

Finally, we bring you our blog where we discuss: How to lower the pH of the pool.

2nd use What does muriatic acid do in a pool?: Eliminate pool hardness

Another advantage of muriatic acid is its ability to remove hardened water that has become too alkaline.

In turn, our wallet will thank you since it is much cheaper compared to sulfuric acid and pure hydrochloric acid.

3rd use What does muriatic acid do in a pool?: Eliminates green water from the pool

The particularity of muriatic acid is its highly corrosive nature, which is very efficient for pool treatment.

Therefore, Muriatic acid for the pool provides a natural repellent for algae (green pool water).

And, in the case of having green pool walls too It is an excellent solution as a remedy to scrub the glass and permanently remove the accumulated algae.

How to safely use muriatic acid in the pool

How to use muriatic acid in the pool

Is muriatic acid dangerous when handled?

corrosive material

Hydrochloric acid is considered highly corrosive

When it comes to handling muriatic acid, great caution must be used, since, truly, it is a very corrosive chemical, which makes it dangerous to handle (it can cause serious damage to both the pool and people's health).

What physical harm can hydrochloric acid in the pool cause to people?

  1. Primarily, when you enter In contact with the skin it can cause serious burns.
  2. In particular, it can cause permanent serious eye problems; including blindness itself.
  3. At the same time, If the vapors of hydrochloric acid are inhaled, the respiratory system can be compromised and you can also burn your nose.

VERY careful when adding hydrochloric acid to the pool

  • Lastly, Pure muriatic acid is so aggressive that it can easily burn anything including metals, fixtures, concrete, pool liners, etc.

General instructions and safety instructions for handling hydrochloric acid

How to clean the pool with muriatic acid safely

hydrochloric acid dosage swimming pools

How to add muriatic acid to the pool to lower the pH

Below we name some of the reasons why diluting acid is so important And we tell you how to add muriatic acid to the pool:

  1. For correct use and to avoid dangers, Hydrochloric acid for the pool always has to be diluted first in fresh water.
  2. Do not forget that The mixture is completed by adding the acid to the water (and not water to acid), obviously, this procedure must be followed religiously:
  3. The dissolution of the acid must be carried out in a ventilated place.
  4. Likewise, for your own manipulation you must equip yourself appropriately: thick rubber gloves, long-sleeved clothing, boots, protective glasses…. (Remember that at no time can the substance come into contact with the eyes or skin).
  5. Before pouring the acid into the pool water, we have to make sure that no one is in the water.
  6. Before throwing away the product We will turn on the pool filtration.
  7. While the filter is working, Apply muriatic acid by adding very small amounts of the solution and spreading it along the entire perimeter.
  8. Lastly, subtraction waiting for the effect during a filtering cycle of your pool (equivalent to about 4-6 hours).
  9. At this point, We confirm if the pH is between 7,2 to 7,6, conversely, we will repeat the operation until we reach our ideal pH goal.

How to reduce pool alkalinity with muriatic acid

  • Following the same process that we have detailed to lower the pH but instead of controlling the pH parameter we will have to analyze the alkalinity values.

Video Tutorial How to Safely Add Muriatic Acid to a Pool

Video Tutorial How to Safely Add Muriatic Acid to a Pool

Hydrochloric acid dosage for swimming pools

pool chemicals

How much muriatic acid for swimming pool

Factors that influence muriatic acid pool quantity

Understandably, To calculate the necessary dosage of muriatic acid for swimming pools, two factors will mainly influence: the volume of water in your pool and the pH level discrepancy. that the pool water has against the ideal level (7,2-7,6).

Examples at an indicative level of pool hydrochloric acid dosage

For sure, To know the appropriate dose of hydrochloric acid to use, consult the specific label of the product purchased. (apart from considering the two factors explained above).

However, We show you some examples at an illustrative level:

  • If the pH value is practically around 8.0, the amount of pool hydrochloric acid to throw away: 110 ml for a pool water volume of 10.000l, 320 ml for 30.000l, 540 ml for 50.000l and 1,1 liters for 100.000l.
  • On the other hand, to lower the pH When the value has reached 8,4 or more, the amount of pool hydrochloric acid you have to assess: 180ml for a pool volume of 10.000l, 540ml for 30.000l, 900ml for 50.000l and 1,8l for 100.000 liters of water.

Proposal for regulation with hydrochloric acid doses in swimming pools

Based on our experience, we recommend that you never use more than 500 ml hydrochloric acid pools, while it is preferable to measure the evolution of the pool and gradually add it with control once the water has diluted and removed the product placed throughout a filtration cycle (4-6 hours).

Buy hydrochloric acid for swimming pools

Buy hydrochloric acid for swimming pools

Where to buy hydrochloric acid to clean swimming pools

Hydrochloric acid to use in the poolYou can find it in any store specialized in the maintenance and treatment of pool water. and sometimes it can even be present in some stores where they have a gardening section.

Muriatic acid for swimming pool price

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Can you swim after adding muriatic acid?

dive pool

How long after adding acid can you swim?

According to criteria that for us are not sufficiently reliable, it is estimated that you can swim approximately after 30-60 minutes of applying the solution with the filtration running continuously.

Although, We recommend that you wait until the filtration system has diluted the product through a filtration cycle. (they usually last between 4-6 hours depending on the equipment and the pool).

Simultaneously, before bathing checks and measures that the pH of the pool is at its optimal levels (7,2-7,6) and on the contrary, before diving into the pool, correct the values.

What happens if I put too much muriatic acid in the pool?

pool at night

As we have been repeating, muriatic acid is as essential to keep pool water in good condition as chlorine could be in comparison, given that it is a fundamental chemical for regulating the pH of the pool.

But, naturally, you have to apply a conscious dose, since on the contrary, all excesses have repercussions...

Consequences of adding too much hydrochloric acid to a pool

Subsequently, we mention the diseases caused by adding too much muriatic acid:

  • First of all, It can imply injuries to human health (emphasizing eye injuries).
  • First of all, the pH level can drop substantially. In this way, in case you encounter the problem of low pH, we link the page below: How to raise pH in the pool.
  • Fundamentally, Pool water can cause rashes.
  • Above all, it can cause damage to the metals in your pool, such as: stairs, railings, screws...
  • Ultimately, it can also be translated into deterioration of the pool equipment.
  • Among many other possible incidents.

Tip to combat excess muriatic acid

If you add too much muriatic acid and you have already found that the pH value is low, We can try to counteract the circumstance by adding sodium carbonate.

Subsequently, specific page: how to increase pool pH.

Buy products to increase the pH of the pool

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