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Ok Pool Reform

What is the pool pH level and how to control it

Pool pH level: what is the ideal pH level of the pool, its possible values, ways to measure, adjust and control it.

pool pH level
pool pH level

En Ok Pool Reform We want to share with you the following entry, which is about What is the pH level of the pool and how to control it

What is pH, values, importance and how to measure it

what is ph
what is ph

What is pH

pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution.

ph value scale
ph value scale

In this way, as we have just said, The PH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the substance that indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions present in certain solutions.

What does the acronym pH mean?

  • On the other hand, mention that The acronym pH means hydrogen potential or hydrogen ion potential.

WHAT IS pH | Basic Chemistry

Explanatory video about what the ph value means

WHAT IS pH | Basic Chemistry

Balance of pH values ​​in the human body

Pool ph level

What is the pH of pool water?
What is the pH of pool water?

What is the pH of pool water?

What does pool pH mean?

pool ph what is it
pool ph what is it

What does pool pH mean?

The pH of the pool that is

What is the pH of the pool: The pH is the hydrogen potential, a value that corresponds to the concentration of hydrogen ions in the water of your pool and consequently it is the coefficient that indicates the degree of acidity or basicity of the water. . Therefore, pH is responsible for indicating the concentration of H+ ions in water, determining its acidic or basic character.

Ideal pH psicin values

The pH scale goes from 1 to 14, with pH 7 being the neutral solution.

pH is a value that is expressed on a logarithmic scale between values ​​0 and 14.

Therefore, in order to measure the acidity of a liquid, and in our case of pool water, chemicals and now we will use The pH scale includes values ​​from 0 to 14.

ideal pool pH

Pool pH: one of the most significant parameters in pool maintenance.

Appropriate value for pool water pH: between 7.2 and 7.6 ideal neutral pH range.

measure ph pool

Thus, Having the pH in this range is not only good for having the water in optimal conditions.s since a reduced or elevated pH considerably decreases the disinfection effect, it is also ideal for the skin and eyes of bathers.

saline pool pH

ideal ph salt water pool
ideal ph salt water pool

ph saline pools

  • Really, the ph saline pool It is the same as pools treated with chlorine since the maintenance of the Swimmingpool Using salt also requires regular monitoring of the pH of the water.
  • Consequently, the pH of salt pools must also have a pH located between 7 and 7,6, the ideal level being between 7,2 and 7,4.

Why is the pH of pool water so important?

Acidic, neutral and alkaline pH values

What does acidic and basic pH mean?

What does acidic and basic pH mean?

Classification of pH Value Scale

What are the pH values?

what is pool ph
what is swimming pool ph

The pH scale goes from 1 to 14, with pH 7 being the neutral solution.

So, it turns out that pH is a value that is expressed with a logarithmic scale between the values ​​0 (extremely acidic) and 14 (extremely alkaline); In between we find the value 7 classified as neutral.

pH scale universal ph indicator

What does it mean for a substance to have an acidic or alkaline pH level?

What are acids and bases?

Acids and bases are substances that exist in nature and are distinguished by their pH level, that is, by their degree of acidity or alkalinity. The determination of whether substances are acidic or alkaline is governed by the degree of acidity or alkalinity, measured through the pH scale and goes from 0 (extremely acidic) to 14 (extremely alkaline). Both, however, are usually substances corrosive, often toxic, which nevertheless have numerous industrial and human applications.

What are acidic substances?

  • Acidic pH level: pH less than 7
What does it mean when the pH value is acidic?
  • That a substance is acidic means that it is rich in H+ (hydrogenions): pH greater than 7
  • Hence, Acids are substances with a pH less than 7. (pH of water equal to 7, considered neutral), in whose chemistry large quantities of hydrogen ions commonly appear when water is added. They usually react to other substances by losing protons (H+).

What are neutral substances?

  • Neutral pH value: pH equal to 7-
What does it mean that the pH value is neutral?
  • pH is a measure of how acidic/basic water is.
  • The range is from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.

What are alkaline substances?

  • Substances with a base or alkaline pH: pH greater than 7.
What does it mean when the pH value is alkaline?
  • That a substance is alkaline means that it is poor in H+ (or rich in OH bases-, which neutralize the H+).
  • Therefore, Bases, on the other hand, are substances with a pH greater than 7., which in aqueous solutions usually provide hydroxyl ions (OH-) in the middle. They are usually powerful oxidants, that is, they react with protons from the surrounding medium.

Differences between pH and pOH values

Difference between ph and poh

Difference between pH and poH measurements

Divergences between what the pH value and the pOH are

ph and poh value scale
ph and poh value scale

What is the normal pH value?

  • In some ways, pH is a measure that It is used to establish the level of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The “p” is for “potential”, that is why the pH is called: hydrogen potential.

What is the pOH value?

  • For his part. pOH is a measure of the concentration of hydroxyl ions in a solution. It is expressed as the negative base 10 logarithm of the concentration of hydroxyl ions and, unlike pH, is used to measure the level of alkalinity of a solution.

What is the importance of the pH scale in cleaning products?

How to measure the pH value and types of meters

How to measure pool pH

How to calculate pH

how to calculate ph
how to calculate ph

The pH scale is calculated using a negative logarithm.

The pH value is logarithmic

pH is  logarithm of the concentration of H ions+, with the sign changed: Analogously, pOH is defined as the logarithm of the concentration of OH ions-, with the sign changed: The following relationship can be established between the pH and the pOH. Starting from the expression of the ionic product of water (Kw):

Logarithmic pH Formula

  • Logarithmic pH Formula: Calculate pH using the pH equation: pH = -log[H3O+].

What does it mean that the pH value is logarithmic?

The fact that pH is logarithmic means that there is a factor of 10 difference between each unit on the scale,
  • Therefore, this means that pH 5 is 10 times more acidic than pH 6, and that pH 4 is 100 times more acidic than pH 6.

How to calculate pH with logarithms?

the scale of pH is calculated through a logarithm negative. A logarithm Negative simply indicates how many times a number must be divided. The equation of pH can be written as follows: pH = -log [H3O+]. Sometimes the equation is written like this: pH = -log[H+].

Reason for developing the pH value scale: The pH scale was developed, taking water as a standard.

ideal value ph water
ideal value ph water
  • It is an experimental fact that only 1 mole in 5,50,000,000 moles of water is ionized into one H+ and one OH-.
  • This is the same proportion as one gram of hydrogen ions in 10.000.000 liters of water.
  • Therefore, one liter of water contains 1/10.000.000 (or) 1/107 of a gram of H+. For daily use, only the 'Power' figure was used, with the pH symbol placed before it.

Swimming pool ph calculator

Why does the pH in pool water go down or up?

How to raise the pH of the pool and what happens if the level is low

Pool pH consequences and high pH causes

What happens if the pH level is above the recommended value?

high ph pool consequences

Learn about high pool pH, consequences and causes of high pH in your pool.

High pH pool consequences: What happens if the pH of the pool is high

consequences high ph pool
consequences high ph pool
  • Firstly, high pool ph consequences hinder good water circulation and many times, it is a problem that arises from using some types of filters or water heaters.
  • The symptoms in our body are dry and irritated skin.
  • Likewise, cloudy water changes the pH of the pool, sometimes due to using an insufficient amount of chlorine or an everyday product to disinfect the water.
  • As if that were not enough, the high pH will lead to the formation of lime deposits in the pool that will destroy the crystal clear water. These lime deposits will become embedded in the pipes and other installations, affecting their stability and proper functioning. They will also remain attached to walls and floors, altering the appearance and cleanliness of the pool.

Below, if it is of your interest, we provide you with a link to the page where we analyze all the consequences of high pH in swimming pools and its possible causes.

How to lower the pH of the pool and what happens if it is high

how to lower the ph of the pool

How to lower high or alkaline pool pH