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Ok Pool Reform

What is pool filtration: main elements and operation

What is pool filtration: main elements Filtering the pool is vital so that the pool water does not stagnate, and therefore is continually renewed and treated.

Pool filtration

En Ok Pool Reform We present the section where you will discover each and every one of the details about Pool Filtration.

What is pool filtration

Pool filtration is the procedure for disinfecting pool water., that is, the cleaning of particles that may exist on the surface and in suspension.

So, as you can already see, to keep the pool water in perfect condition at the same time it is necessary to ensure correct pool filtration.

Also another essential measure to preserve pure and clean water is to maintain pH control and therefore apply a good pool water treatment.

When pool filtration is necessary

Pool filtration is always necessary to a greater or lesser extent (depending on water temperature).

Why is it necessary to filter pool water?

  • First of all, it is vital that the pool water does not stagnate, and therefore is continually renewed.
  • Get crystal clear water.
  • Avoid algae, impurities, pollution and bacteria
  • Type of pools that must be filtered: All.

Elements in pool filtration

Next, we mention the essential elements for a pool filtration system.

pool purifierThe pool purifier

Summary of what a pool treatment plant is

  • Basically, and very simply put, The pool purifier is the mechanism for cleaning and purifying the water, where dirt is retained thanks to the filter load.
  • In this way, we will obtain treated and properly clean water so that it can be returned to the pool.
  • Finally, check out more details on their specific page: pool purifier.

Filter pool glassFilter charge for pool purifier

Pool sand purifier

Summary of features flint sand for swimming pools

  • Sand filters are based on a tank filled with filter load of flint sand from 0,8 to 1,2mm.
  • The treatment plant with flint sand filter load is the system most used in swimming pools both at the private and public level, Olympic...
  • However, we advise against it because its retention capacity compared to other filter loads is lower., only filters up to 40 microns while our submergence is filter with pool glass which filters up to 20 microns.
  • In addition, it requires a lot of maintenance.
  • Finally, we leave you the link to their page in case you want more information: Pool sand purifier.

Pool filter glass

First of all, it should be emphasized that it is the option that we recommend as a filter load for the pool purifier.

Summary of features Filter pool glass

  • Glass for swimming pools It is crushed, recycled, polished and laminated glass manufactured in an ecological way.
  • So, the load of eco filter glass It is the most environmentally friendly filter media since it is made from recycled glass.
  • The performance of pool filter glass is far superior to sand. traditional flint and unlimited life, filters up to 20 microns while flint sand only 40.
  • Finally, we leave you the link to their page in case you want more information: Filtering pool glass.

pool selector valvePool selector valve

Summary of what a pool selector valve

  • The filters have a selector valve with up to 6 functions.
  • The pool selector valve or multiway valve Controls the pool filter by distributing water between the different inlets and outlets.
  • It is normally located on the side of the filter or on the top and exists with different types of connections.
  • How the pool selector valve works
  • Pool valve installation, change and repair

Discover more information about the keys to the selector valve and the start-up of the treatment plant by clicking on the link in its name.

Pool pumpThe pool pump

Summary of what a pool pump

  • The pool water pump is the pool equipment that focuses all the movement of the hydraulic installation of a pool.
  • That is, it sucks the water from the glass and moves it through the pipes to the filter so that it performs its cleaning and treatment function, in this way it returns it to the glass again through the return pipes, correctly filtered.
  • Consult more details about the operation of the pool pump, types of pumps and all the details on its specific page: pool pump.
  • Finally, you can also consult: What type of pool motor is ideal? Common Pool Pump Malfunctions y How to install a pool pump.
  • In addition, we have a page about Solar pool purifier.

The hydraulic system 

Pool hydraulic system components

pool skimmer linerPool skimmer

  • The pool skimmer is a suction mouth installed on the walls of the pool at a level close to the surface of the pool and shaped like a small window.
  • As well as The fundamental role of the pool skimmer is to be part of the water suction circuit. In this way, it It is therefore responsible for the correct filtration of the pool water.
  • On the other hand, we leave you the link to their page in case you are interested in knowing more details: pool skimmer.

pool liner drive nozzlePool nozzles

First of all, mention that there are different types of pool nozzles, in general we will now summarize two:

Suction nozzle
  • La pool suction nozzle function is to suck the water (through the previously connected tube of the pool cleaner) and transport it to the filter or treatment plant.
Drive nozzle
  • La discharge nozzle function It is expelling the clean water into the pool (which has previously been purified by passing through the filter or purifier).

Pool pipes

  • The function of the pool pipes is to connect the pool glass..
  • Thus, the pool pipes connect: either the impulsion or suction nozzles and thus join them to the pipe that will go to the technical room where the pool purifier, the pump will be installed…All this resisting great pressures.

Pool electrical panelPool electrical panel

Summary what is a swimming pool electrical panel

  • The electrical panel or pool control cabinet is an essential element in the electrical installation circuits of swimming pools..
  • The pool electrical panel protects each of the circuits into which said installation is divided.
  • Evidently All the electrical components of a pool need to be connected to an electrical panel to be able to control the on and off. (such as: lights, filter, pump...).
  • In addition, the pool electrical panel preserve the bomb against overcurrents and through the panel's time clock we can We will determine the pool filtration hours.
  • Finally, if you want you can click on the page dedicated to pool electrical panel.

pool treatment housePool treatment house

Summary what is a pool treatment house

  • The pool treatment house can also be called the pool's technical room.
  • As its name indicates, The pool purification house is still a room or container room where we will locate and therefore group the determining elements of the filtration system. (purifier, pump, electrical panel...).
  • On the other hand, there are different formats of pool treatment houses, such as: buried, semi-buried, built-in, with front gates, with upper gates...
  • Finally, if you are interested, visit our page dedicated to pool treatment house.

elevated pool treatment housePool filtration system

All pools have a filtration system to keep the water clean, free of algae and bacteria.

The filtration system that is made up of the appropriate pool filtration equipment: pump, filter, selector valve, pressure gauge, etc. It will retain the dirt that accumulates inside the pool glass and therefore keep the water crystal clear and clean.

Although, it should be noted that The two most important components of the pool filtration system are: The pool filter and bomb.

What are the selection criteria for a filtration system

  1. Filtration flow = volume of water in the glass (m3) / 4 (hours).
  2. Pool Pump and Pool Filter Features.
  3. The electrical expense must be considered. 

Table of contents of the page: Pool filtration

  1. What is pool filtration
  2. Elements in pool filtration
  3. Filtration systemn swimming pool
  4. What are the selection criteria for a filtration system
  5. How does the pool filtration system work?
  6. What is a filter cycle

How does the pool filtration system work?

pool filtration system

How does the pool filtration system work?

pool filter system

The basis for correct pool treatment is having a good filtration system.

Ultimately, The filtration system is based on the set of equipment required to purify the pool water..

And thus determine pool water in perfect condition.

Furthermore, when selecting the equipment that makes up the filtration system, we recommend that you pay close attention to the determinations that you need in your pool, since 80% of the quality of the pool water will depend on it.

While the other 20% of the correct treatment of the pool will be provided by a good application of chemical products.

Steps of the pool filtration process

pool filtration system

Next, we specify the different steps that the water in a pool goes through to be treated and correctly disinfected thanks to the pool's filtration system.

As you can see, andThere are basically 3 major phases of the pool filtration process:

  • First, suction the water from the pool
  • Second, pool water filtration
  • And finally pumping the pool water.

In addition, The completion of the 3 phases completes the pool filtration process, which is called the filter cycle.

pool skimmer linerPhase 1 pool filter system: Suction of pool water

Stage steps Pool water suction

  • So, to start, the first stage of pool water purification it is given when it is absorbed with particles and impurities by the skimmers (located on the walls about 3cm below the edge of the pool) thanks to the suction of the pool pump.
  • In addition, In the passage of water through the skimmer we already trap dirt through the basket that it contains that will trap larger debris (for example: leaves, branches, depending on which insect...)
  • And on the other hand, we must make sure to install skimmers with a gate to guarantee that the impurities, once passed through the skimmer, do not return to the interior of the glass.
  • Finally, we invite you to learn more details on our page dedicated to pool skimmer.

pool purifierPhase 2 pool filtration system: pool water filtration

Stage steps Pool water filtration

  • In this stage The pool pump sends the water to the pool purifier so that it can be treated and cleaned., and thanks to the filter load existing inside, impurities will be retained.
  • The pump, using an electric motor, rotates a turbine, sucking water from the pool through the skimmer and sump.
  • A product is required desinfectant (chlorine) either chemical, which is more common and conventional, or more innovative systems such as natural chlorine using salt (saline chlorinator). These products are responsible for neutralizing the invisible microorganisms that develop in the pool (especially in the summer period).
  • The water is forced into the vacuum chamber, which is the pump casing.
  • The water passes to a tank or reservoir that contains a special filter material (flint sand or eco-filtering glass), which carries out the physical treatment (filtration) of the water.
  • Most of the impurities contained in the water are retained in what we call the filter bed.
  • The diffuser, located inside this tank (filter), helps eliminate air bubbles.
  • Obviously, the flow rate of the pool pump and the filter must be similar and consequently the size of the filter diameter will also be defined by the size and power of the pump.
  • To learn more details about the pool filtration system you can consult the pages of: pool purifier y pool pump.

pool liner drive nozzlePhase 3 filter system for swimming pools: Pool water drive

Stage steps Pool water drive

  • So, in this last stage The water must be returned already filtered into the pool glass and therefore must pass through the pipes until it is returned through the delivery nozzles.
  • As a reminder, the delivery nozzles must be located in the same direction as the wind of the pedominant zone and in front of the skimmers at a depth of about 25-50 cm and with an approximate distance of 70cm between them.
  • On the other hand, also mention that the diameter of the pipes in question will be given according to the distance from the pool house where we will have the pool pump and the location of the pool glass.
  • Get all the information about the elements of the pool glass material on our page dedicated to it.

Video how the pool filtration system works

Then In the video provided you will learn how all aspects of pool filtration work.

All this with the analysis of its most important elements.

So, the video analyzes: the filtration system from the pool glass through the skimmer, pipes, the pool pump and the pool purifier with its respective filter load.

How a swimming pool works

What is a filter cycle

By completing the 3 explained phases of the pool filtration process we will have completed a filtering cycle.

Thus, a filter cycle is nothing more than the passage of the entire amount of water in the pool through the filtration system.

The duration of this process (cycle) will depend on several factors:

  • Pool size (amount of water to filter).
  • Pump power (amount of m3 that is capable of suctioning each hour).
  • Capacity of the filter used.

Calculation of pool filtration hours

Very generic formula to determine the filtering time (filtering cycle): 

Water temperature / 2 = pool filtering hours

Conditions when determining pool filtering cycles/duration/time:

  • Pool water volume (size).
  • Impurity retention capacity of the treatment plant of the pool, this is indicated according to the microns of purification of the filter.
  • Pool pump power and flow rate of water determined by the existing pool filter.
  • Ambient and water temperature, that is, the higher the ambient temperature, the more hours of filtering will be proportionally necessary.
  • Pool climate and environment: It is an area with a lot of wind, with a lot of falling leaves...
  • Frequency of pool use and number of bathers

Recommendation: routinely control the pH levels of the pool and the disinfection of the pool (chlorine, bromine, salt level...).

Which pool filter to choose