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Filter pool glass

Pool glass: pool filtration with glass is ecological and recyclable, comfort, effectiveness, quality, durability.

pool filter glass

En Ok Pool Reform from this page within Pool filtration and Pool purifier We want to explain the charge for water treatment: Filtering pool glass.

What is pool filter glass?

Pool filter glass

  • Glass for swimming pools It is crushed, recycled, polished and laminated glass manufactured in an ecological way.
  • So, the load of eco filter glass It is the most environmentally friendly filter media since it is made from recycled glass.
  • The performance of pool filter glass is far superior to sand. of traditional flint and unlimited life.
  • In addition, pool glass provides us with: an ecological and recyclable way, comfort, effectiveness, quality, durability.
  • On the other hand, the pool filter glass can be used in most sand filters, replacing it and is also compatible with salt water systems in the pool.
  • Eco-filtering glass can be applied to both public and private pool filters.
  • Pool glass exists in different varieties depending on the % granulometries and depending on the diameter of the filter.

​The advantages of pool glass are:

  • We get a superior filtering performance and higher water quality, Glass provides more mass, less saturation and filtering capacity due to its porosity.
  • Better filtration capacity than silica sand, because it removes 30% smaller particles by presenting a smoother surface.
  • The irregular shape and edges reduce water turbidity: resulting in more crystal clear water.
  • Unlimited durability: Even by vinea, every time the filter is cleaned it can be reused.
  • It is recommended to clean the filter glass only every 10 years.
  • We get a water savings (between 25% and up to 80%), since they need fewer filter washes because the glasses do not compact.
  • The filter glass is self-sterilizing so it is washed with much less water.
  • As it has a lower density than sand, it requires a 15% less weight when filling the filter.
  • So, it requires less maintenance, so We save between 40%-60% on chemicals.
  • Reduction of the presence of chloramines.
  • Concentrates very few heavy metals.
  • It does not let the lime compress.
  • You consume less electricity, Therefore, the savings in electrical energy in air-conditioned installations will be very significant.
  • Since it is friction wear resistant.
  • Pool with safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly properties.

Choice between sand or glass pool filter

For everything explained above:

Between the choice of sand or glass pool filter, we without a doubt suggest the Glass for swimming pools = Filter load recommended by Ok Pool Reform

According to our criteria, and as experienced experts, we inform you that to purify the pool it is advisable to carry it out with filter glass for swimming pools.

Choice of filtration glass type for swimming pool

ATTENTION: NOT all filtration glasses are the same and have the same properties.

Generally, it can be said that in order to obtain a greater profit on pool filtration glass for merchants and a lower price for buyers, many manufacturers choose to directly crush the material from the green container with the consequent contamination of the product.

Inadequate characteristics in pool glass

  • In general, the most economical filter glasses are made from crushed bottle glass.
  • In short, there are many pool glasses that do not meet the essential condition of asepsis (condition free of microorganisms which can cause infectious diseases).
  • In other cases, when manufacturing pool glass they limit themselves to crushing and sieving it into granulometries similar to silica sand.
  • And, also, care must be taken that the granulometries are not coarse, since they do not increase the quality of water filtration (on the contrary, they reduce it) and can be dangerous due to sharp edges. 

Pool glass particles cut

Obviously, glass, by its nature, cuts.

For this reason, to ensure that it does not cut, The crushing process with iron jaws must be specific.

Additionally, the pool glass cutting process can contaminate the product with metallic particles, producing flakes with sharp points and edges.

Actually, there are few manufacturers that have the technology to ensure that the pool glass does not cut.

Finally, the thicker the particle, the greater the danger. 

How long does filter glass last?

The filter glass has an approximate useful life of about 10 years, so it becomes a very durable material.

And, if on the other hand, if we choose a ecological pool glass, we would be talking about it having almost unlimited durability.

Video with Features Pool glass for filtration

Next, in the video that we leave you below you will be able to answer several questions to become experts in Pool filter glass.

With these simple questions we explain step by step those elements and characteristics that you have to take into account to purchase the most suitable filtration glass.

Questions resolved about glass for pool filtration

How to clean pool filter glass

The filter glass is cleaned by backwashing and rinsing it, just as is done with traditional silica sand.

Likewise, the only difference in cleaning glass is that it is usually faster than with sand, which saves water.

How to Clean the Pool Filter in Less than 10 Minutes

To always have the water in our pool clean and the purifier working at 100% of its capacity, we have to regularly clean the filters, whether in the case of having sand or pool filter glass.

In the following video you will learn to know when it is necessary and how to clean the filter, whether sand or glass, in any type of freshwater or saltwater pool.

Well, we will explain step by step how the Filter Selector works for cleaning.

How to clean the pool filter in less than 10 minutes

How to change pool filter sand for glass

As a reminder, pool filter glass is a newer means of filtering water in the pool with a lower density than sand and only requires 15% less weight to act correctly.

In turn, the pool filter glass is cleaner than other filter loads and does not degrade.

Therefore, with pool glass we ensure a very important saving in the cost of the chemical product used to disinfect the pool water and requires fewer filter washes, it also saves water, being more environmentally friendly.

(For more details, consult the advantages of pool glass at the top of this page).

Video changing sand for glass in the pool treatment plant

Replacing the sand in your pool filter is a simple process that you can do yourself.

So, with this you will be able to save time and energy in filtration, since glass lasts much longer than sand and also improves filtration by reducing the time of use of the purifier and the chemicals that you have to apply in the pool.

Well, if you want to see the process of replacing sand with glass, step by step, don't miss the video.

Change sand for filter glass in the pool purifier

Buy Filter Glass

Buy pool filter glass

Swimming pool filter glass price

Cepex VITREOUS FILTER BED 3,0-7,0 mm Price per Kg (25Kg Bag)

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Cepex VITREOUS FILTER BED 0,5-1,0 mm Price per Kg (25Kg Bag) Filtration for Pond Care and Water Treatment

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Gre VF025 – Pool Filter Glass, 25kg Bag

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well2wellness Grade 1 Glass Pool Filter, Grain 0,5-1,0mm, 20kg Bag

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Nature Works Hi-Tech filter (20 kg) for sand filtration installations for swimming pools, natural glass, crystalline, ecological alternative to sand, grain Ø 0,8 mm

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NATURE WORKS Filtering Glass Sand for Pools with Filtration Power of 99,64%, Reduces Water and Energy Consumption, Made with Virgin Technical Glass for Maximum Hygiene – 10kg Bag

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