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Ok Pool Reform

Pool equipment

Pool equipment

Pool equipment

Pool softener

Domotica swimming pool

Countercurrent pool

Floors for swimming pools

Outdoor synthetic deck pools

Pool fences

countercurrent pool pump

Countercurrent Pool

pool home automation

Pool home automation: pool automation is control and relaxation

There are several different types of pool equipment you can purchase to help keep your pool clean, safe, and functioning properly. Some common pieces of pool equipment include filters, heaters and pumps, automatic cleaners, chemical feeders or controllers, solar blankets and covers, stabilizers and algaecides.

Filters are one of the most important pieces of pool equipment as they remove impurities from the water. There are a few different types of filters to choose from, including sand filters and diatomaceous earth (DE)/cartridge filters. Some newer pools use high-tech permanent media filters instead of disposable cartridges or sand. All of these types of filters can be found at most pool supply stores.

Heaters and pumps are also popular pieces of pool equipment that keep water warm and circulate it through the filtration system as needed. Most heaters use a gas source, such as natural gas or propane, but some newer units use electricity to power a heating element. Pumps draw water back into the pool after it passes through the filter, and can also be used to push water into different pool features, such as fountains or waterfalls. You may need multiple pumps if you have a large pool with many features, or if you want additional circulation to remove debris more quickly.

Automatic pool cleaners are automatic pool cleaners that are installed in your pool's filtration system. They can help keep your water clean, but they cannot completely replace manual cleaning and maintenance of your pool. Most automatic cleaners use one of two methods to stay moving throughout the swimming area: suction or pressure. Suction cleaners create a vacuum through the return jet, while pressure cleaners use a centrifugal pump to propel them through the water.

Chemical feeders or controllers are not used as frequently as other equipment, but they can be very useful when your pool needs special care due to a high level of algae growth, poor water quality, or other problems. They release chemicals into the pool based on your particular needs, and your pool professional can adjust the settings so you get the best results. For example, when your pool's water quality drops below a certain level, a controller can automatically release algaecides or other chemicals into the water so it can be restored quickly and easily.

Solar blankets or covers are useful pieces of pool equipment when you want to keep the water warm, but don't want to use a heater or gas source. They help retain heat in the water and prevent drastic temperature changes at night or at other times when the pool is not in use. While they are good at keeping heat in and debris out (they keep dead leaves out of the pool), some debris can still get in and you will have to remove the cover to clean it.


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