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Ok Pool Reform

Learn how to level the ground for a removable pool without any work

Level removable pool: we explain the reasons why leveling is important and we show you how to do it correctly.

level removable pool
level removable pool

En Ok Pool Reform we want to advise you so that Learn how to level the ground for a removable pool without any work.

Why level the base of the ground for the pool?

level base for removable pool
level base for removable pool

Why is it so important to level the floor of a removable pool?

maximum slope of removable pools
maximum slope of removable pools

What happens if the pool is unlevel?

  • To begin with, If the floor of your pool is not level, the pressure will most likely be greater at one end than at the other, so we would be talking about a weak structure.
  • So, if the pressure is not distributed evenly at all ends, the pool walls weaken and eventually bend or break.
  • And, with the release of a large amount of water, it could cause considerable material and structural damage as well as people.
  • So, level ground is very important, because when placing a removable pool on sloping ground, it may crumble to one side by putting pressure on the side and could cause it to disassemble and break. The most important step in installing a removable pool is finding a good flat and level location.

Unlevel ground = uneven pool water.

  • Because before installing the removable pool you must take into account safety and whether the unevenness causes the pool to collapse. it can be very dangerous for people, in addition to the damage that may be caused by the uncontrolled spilling of pool water.
  • It is essential that the pool exert vertical loads, and if the removable pool is unlevel, the center of gravity is displaced from the bottom of the pool towards the junction of the wall and the floor, and this can be problematic.
  • Actually, it is obvious that no one can monitor an uneven pool, with one end having more water than the other.
  • On the one hand, having one side shallow and the other side deep can create a danger zone for those who cannot touch the bottom of the pool (children).
  • On the other hand, in reference to pool water filtration and disinfection equipment, they can get stuck in the shallowest part of the pool.
  • Besides, aesthetically it is not very beautiful.
  • Never install the pool on top of plates expanded polystyrene or similar

NOT leveling pool ground = Damaged pool liners

  • From another perspective, uneven terrain with a rough surface can cause pool liners to suffer damage, such as bending or wrinkling.
  • And eventually, it breaks when it gets caught on pool equipment.

Considerations before leveling removable pool

level floor for removable pool without works
level floor for removable pool without works

Basic considerations regarding leveling the floor for a removable pool

  • Time required to level removable pool: A few hours or days, depending on the size of the area.
  • Difficulty leveling ground for pool: beginner to intermediate
  • Estimated cost of leveling pool floor: Varies depending on tools purchased
advice for leveling removable pool floor

Tips for leveling the floor of a pool

Level the soil on a firm area in the yard that is free of mud, sand, or loose soil.

  • Choose the flattest area of ​​the garden to make it easier to level the soil. Avoid spots in the yard with large trees, as leaves could clog the pool.

Security considerations

Make sure the area is at least 6 feet away from any large receptacles or obstacles.

  • Avoid leveling a pool floor near septic lines, power lines or cables.

Materials to level removable pool

materials to level removable pool
materials to level removable pool

What instruments do I need to level the pool floor?

Instrument to level removable pool

  1. Initially, you will need a rake: Before and after leveling, you will need to take the surface of the work area. And guess what. A wide rake is more appropriate.
  2. In the background, it requires a wheelbarrow- To help quickly get rid of the materials you pick up from your pool floor.
  3. Thirdly, a lawn mower: Since you will need to clear the pool areas, this is where this tool comes into play.
  4. Likewise, you will need awith shovel: to dig in the level areas and remove some dirt for a level ground.
  5. You will also require plank/stake board: Create your own leveling tool using a straight board of long planks or, better yet, some stakes
  6. You will need a Level(s)
  7. String
  8. Likewise, it is useful hose: This will come to the surface of the job site when it is time to compress the soil and when you do, make sure it has a considerable volume to prevent it from bursting.
  9. Manual tamper or rolling tamper: in order to compress the soil.
  10. To finish, a canvas
  11. Lastly, sand.

What materials can I use to level the pool floor?

base material for leveling removable pool
base material for leveling removable pool

Above Ground Pool Leveling Kit

pool ground marking paint
pool ground marking paint
What is the base kit for leveling a removable pool?

The Above Ground Pool Leveling Kit features items that make it easy to skim the ground surface, determine if the surface is properly leveled, mark the perimeter, and remove excess soil.

Utensils contained in the base kit for leveling a removable pool

Generally, in the pool leveling kit you will find the following tools:

  • Wheelbarrow and shovel, stake or metal rod to indicate the center of the pool, tape measure, adhesive tape, string or thread, spray paint to mark the perimeter and limestone.

How to level the floor of a pool without digging

how to level the floor of a pool without digging
how to level a pool floor without digging: rolling roller

How do I level my land for a pool without digging?

No, there is no way to level your pool floor without digging.

You will need to dig a little to ensure grass and grass are clear of the installation area. However, you can reduce the amount of digging by using a rolling rammer.

  • As we have said, this is a solution for those who want to avoid digging to level the floor of their pool.
  • While you can't avoid the digging aspect entirely, you can reduce the amount you have to dig.
  • Ultimately, you will need to do basic excavation to remove all grass and weeds from the location you have selected to install the pool.

How to level the floor of a pool almost without digging using a roller

how to make a base to level a removable pool without digging
how to make a base to level a removable pool without digging

Removable leveled pool base with tamper

  • Thanks to the rolling rammer, leveling a pool floor without digging is partly possible, because making the machine will only minimize the amount of digging needed, not eliminate it since before you can install the above-ground pool, you will still have to You have to dig a little to clear the grass and weeds from the chosen spot.

How to level removable pool with a rolling roller

Below, we explain the steps to level a removable pool with the roller:

  1. Mark the location where you would like to install your pool with stakes.
  2. Remove grass and sod from the area.
  3. Start rolling the tamper across the floor to level it.
  4. Put some sand on top of the soil, a layer of about 1 to 2 inches.
  5. Use the rolling tamper to level the sand layer.
  6. Install your pool.
  7. Using Pavers Under Above Ground Pool

To level the ground without digging, you will need to use a combination of sand and crushed limestone.

  • Use the crushed limestone to achieve a leveling of 1 to 2 inches and then use sand to level the soil further.

Actions prior to leveling the ground if the land where the removable pool is located has grass

removable pool on natural grass
removable pool on natural grass

Can I install a removable pool on grass?

Before putting a pool on your lawn, you need to make sure you remove the grass. 

Some grasses and plants are especially tough and are capable of making holes in the bottom of the pool.

You should not leave grass under your removable pool. And there are many ways to do it, like using a herbicide or using filler.

Risk of installing the removable pool on grass

You can install the pool on grass if you know how to level it, but if you don't do it right, the installation will be a disaster.

  • Grass is not a firm foundation, it is alive, continues to grow and can cause the pool to become uneven and settle in a potentially dangerous position.
  • The grass will continue to grow around the pool, so it won't look good.
  • Some tougher types of grass are strong enough to grow and make holes in your pool.

Clear the lawn before leveling the ground of the removable pool

Level removable pool with grass
Level removable pool with grass

Level removable pool with grass

  1. Place plastic sheets over the area 2 weeks in advance to remove grass. You should cover the ground with plastic sheets or tarps for a couple of weeks to make grass removal easier. Spread the plastic sheets over the area where you are installing the pool and place heavy objects (such as stones, bricks or cinder blocks) to keep them attached to the ground.
  2. Remove grass after a heavy rain or thorough watering. If the area is not already clear, you should remove the grass before leveling the ground. The day after a heavy rain is a good time to mow the lawn. If the weather forecast indicates that there will not be a rain soon, you should water the work area well a few days beforehand, since dry grass is more difficult to remove.
    • Although the goal is not to mow dry grass, you should avoid using an electric trimmer if the ground is soggy.
  3. Rent a pruner to make the job easier. Although you can remove grass by hand, a lawnmower is the best option for larger areas. You can rent this tool from a local home improvement store.
    • Before using a trimmer, you should make sure the area is free of irrigators, hoses, toys, and other potential hazards. Wires, lighting cables, and irrigator tubes may also be found just below the ground, so check these details.
    • You should read the user manual and consult the store equipment manager for operating instructions for a specific machine.
  4. Use a weeder if you don't want to rent equipment. If you don't want to deal with electrical equipment, you just have to try a little harder. Start by marking the grass with a shovel to divide it into sections and then use a weeder to dig up each section. You should remove at least 6 ½ inches (2 cm) from the surface of the work area.
    • You can ask some friends or family for help so you can finish the work faster. If necessary, you can offer them a dip in the pool.
  5. Roll up and dispose of the grass. An electric trimmer removes grass in sections that you can roll up and place in a wheelbarrow or bag. It is more complicated to remove grass by hand, since you will also need to place it in a container. Once you're done, you can leave the bags of grass at the curb for disposal or add the grass (or a portion of it) to a compost pile.
    • If you used an electric mower and your grass rolls are in good condition, you could place them on a bare section in another part of the garden. You should water the bare section well, fertilize it, and add compost if the soil needs conditioning. Then, lay down the grass and water it daily for 1 to 2 weeks.

Removable pool leveling structure

Removable pool leveling structure
Removable pool leveling structure

Procedure to level the ground for a removable pool without work

As you know, a soil with depressions or mounds can wear out the pool cover, thereby reducing its useful life.

So, so that this does not happen, we will teach you how to prepare the land to set up your pool, without the need for machinery or large construction processes.


As a guide, below we will tell you the structural stages for leveling a removable pool and then we will explain each one of them.

Structure phases to level removable pool

  1. To start, clean the removable pool cover.
  2. Secondly, study the possibilities and choose the appropriate location.
  3. Third, delimit the base area of ​​the removable pool.
  4. Subsequently, check the unevenness of the terrain.
  5. Next, fix the unevenness of what will be the base of the removable pool floor.
  6. Next, clean the surface area where the pool will go.
  7. The filled sand will then be smoothed to level the floor of the removable pool.
  8. Subsequently, the sand on the ground of the removable pool will be compacted so that the ground is firm.
  9. Finally, we will treat the area with a fungicide and herbicide.

1st Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Removable pool canvas cleaning

clean removable pool
clean removable pool

Clean the removable pool cover

  • Many additives that we add to pool water are corrosive, and if we add to this the sun's rays and the activity inside the pool, it is to be expected that it can be damaged over time.
  • For this reason, the first thing is Clean the pool cover after removing it.
  • So a good way to maintain them is water them with water with mild detergent.
  • In this cleaning we will see where there is holes or other types of damage.
  • All repairs are done when the pool is dry.
  • It is also important clean the posts and spray them with paint.

2nd Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Choose the flattest area to locate the pool and delimit the land

Mark ground to level removable pool
Mark ground to level removable pool

Find the right location

  • Once a pool is installed, it is almost impossible to move it without completely emptying and disassembling it, so choosing the right location is essential before you begin.
  • I would recommend finding the flattest area of ​​your garden as it will simplify the next steps.
  • As much as possible, avoid areas with large trees because they will litter your pool with their leaves.
  • . Some shade is nice, but large trees above will drop leaves and other debris into your pool, making it difficult to maintain and clean your pool.
  • Avoid underground utility lines and overhead power cables. If you are unsure where gas lines and other underground cables are located, you should contact your utility company. Also, make sure the pool ground is not under power cables.
  • Locate yourself in a location that is well within the boundaries of your property, where you have at least a foot or two of protection around your pool in all directions.
  • Take into account the drainage of the land. It's important to make sure the area you want to place the pool in has good drainage, as you could end up with a swamp in your backyard.

3nd Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Mark the base for removable pool

Delineate an area 60 feet (2 cm) larger in diameter than the pool.

Delimit area to level removable pool
Delimit area to level removable pool
  •  Once you have chosen a suitable spot, you should place a stake in the ground in its center.
  • Divide the diameter of the pool by 2 to find its radius.
  • Then add 30 foot (1 cm) to this value.
  • Cut a rope to that length, tie it to the stake, and use it to trace the circumference of the work area.
  • Mark the area with stakes or chalk.

Mark the removable pool according to its shape

oval steel pool
oval steel pool

How to mark the removable pool if it is circular

  • Simply stick a stick or stake in the center, and with the help of a rope mark the total diameter of the pool.

How to mark the removable pool if it is square

  • Draw all the sides, then join them with diagonal lines to locate the center.

How to mark the removable pool if it is oval

If the pool is oval in shape, you should use a tape measure to trace its dimensions on the work area. Remember to make the 30 foot (1 cm) perimeter longer than the pool on all sides.

Correct way to level the ground for the removable pool without work

level removable pool floor without works
  1. Start by painting the outline of the pool  on the floor. 
  2. Do this by placing a stake in the center of the pool and tying a rope to it. 
  3. Use a long piece of string to spray paint a border that is 30 inches larger.
  4. Hold the rope at the measured point and in the same hand hold a can of spray paint. 
  5. Use a level on the string to measure levelness between 12 and 36 points around the pool. 
  6. Walk in a large circle, holding the rope taut and spraying the paint close to the ground (warning: wear old shoes).
  7.  You may find that a large section of the work area is more or less level, but one edge slopes significantly. Use a shovel or lawnmower to remove grass and lower the highest points. Mark high areas with stakes. You should place stakes or sticks in areas that have slopes or slopes and excavate these areas to create a level base for the pool.

4th Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Verification of the ground floor for removable pool

removable pool base leveler
removable pool base leveler

The base of a removable pool must be perfectly level

The base of the surface where a removable pool is to be installed must be completely horizontal, with no appreciable unevenness.

The most advisable thing would be to make a concrete platform the size of the pool plus 30-40 cm of safety.

Why do we need to level the pool ground with a device?

level removable pool for installation
level removable pool for installation
  • It is not good to simply observe the location of the pool to ensure its level. If it strays even a couple of inches, it can cause major problems once it fills with water. You need a leveling device.
  • The easiest method is to get a long, straight board and once you have placed it in the intended location for your pool, use a level to see how flat it is.
  • Doing this will also highlight any high or low points on your site.

Check if the ground on the surface where to install the removable pool needs to be filled in.

check leveling of removable pool floor base
check leveling of removable pool floor base
Check that the floor is level using a 20 centimeter board, that it is not warped, and place it flat on the ground.
  • First you should have cut the grass very short and raked well, so that you don't have to measure over the grass, sticks and dirt.
  • Then, mark on it its dimensions, as well as what the center will be.
Walk on the board to make sure it is flat on the ground.
  •  Place a level on top of the board to ensure that the floor is no more than 2 centimeters uneven. 
  • Move the board around the stake to measure the entire circumference of the pool.

Get leveling help with a good detachable pool leveling materials device

  • If you don't have a long enough piece of board, you can also use stakes and some rope, stretching it from the center while holding it tightly.
  • The stake was driven into the center mark with a sled. We refine the surface by tapping on the corners to level it. It is probably best to partially insert the center pin (tent stake) and check the vertical level, as this is the point of rotation.
  • Then, place a washer above and below the arm while inserting the pin. We tapped on this in the last part with the sled still on hand. Somewhere around the middle of the arm, place the level and secure it in place. I used electrical tape as it was handy, but zip ties would be a good substitute. If yours has the option, position the level so the bubble on the edge is facing up to make it easier to see while standing.

5th Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Correct uneven ground removable pool

why level removable pool
why level removable pool

What to do in case of uneven ground level to locate the removable pool

Dig up the soil instead of filling in lower sections. 

  • You should always excavate slopes and high points to level them with lower areas, even if this procedure requires more work.
  • If you fill a section with dirt or sand, the weight of the pool and water will compress it and cause problems in the future

Use a shovel to dig up the high ground.

  •  Once you have identified the high spots, you should begin excavating the soil.
  • Dump the soil into a wheelbarrow, then throw it away, mulch it, or use it for gardening projects (for example, planting potted plants or adjusting the soil level elsewhere in the garden).

Check the leveling frequently to evaluate your progress. 

  • From time to time, you should place the plank and level on the work surface. Continue digging and evaluating progress until you have leveled the entire work area.

If we want to install the removable pool on land with minimal unevenness

  • If the unevenness is minimal, the structure can be wedged a little, or the difference leveled, that is, we must put it on a bed of sand, using a rake to ensure that the sand layer has no unevenness.

If the ground is uneven by more than 2cm

If the floor is uneven by more than 2 or 3 cm, you should eliminate the highest points, not fill in the low points. 
removable pool leveling filler
removable pool leveling filler
  • Adding fill under an above ground pool can cause it to sink or spill, and you wish you had taken the harder route, which is to remove the highest points.
  • A couple of centimeters of fill will probably be fine and adding those 2 or 3 centimeters often provides a softer soil, but adding several centimeters of fill soil or sand can be a problem.

If we want to install a removable pool on a terrain with a lot of unevenness

To install a pool on uneven ground, it is better to dig into the raised levels and remove dirt than to add it to the lower levels.
  • Continue shoveling the soil one dig at a time until you reach a flat base, you need to shovel it one tablespoon at a time.
  • I would recommend digging into the soil to level it, it's actually better to eliminate bumps in the dirt rather than adding more as it helps create a more stable base.
  • Don't be afraid to dig, it's a good rule of thumb to sink your pool at least two inches into the ground, as you will be covering it with sand once it has a flat bottom.

Concrete base when the base of the pool ground is uneven

  • Well, it is clear that another alternative is to opt for build a very firm and above all perfectly flat concrete base, reinforced with mesh to ensure that the pool is not uneven

To level removable pool floor without works in the wrong way:

  1. The wrong way: Raise low spots by adding sand, without checking the level
  2. It is not recommended to use sand for fill in the lowest points, this results in uneven weight distribution, uneven floors, and if wear occurs, you could suffer a blowout.
Estimated time to level removable pool floor without incorrect work

On the land you can find very little surface that is absolutely flat and level, and does not need filling work. Depending on your tools and equipment, it could take 2 hours or 20 hours. 

6th Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Get rid of terrain obstacles where to install the removable pool

clean removable pool base
clean removable pool base

Clean the level area of ​​the removable pool floor

After leveling the ground for a swimming pool it is essential to clean the site first, ultimately you need to remove any stones, rocks, grass, debris, roots or anything that may be left underneath and damage the liner or perhaps even destroy its pool.

How to clean the area designated as a removable pool floor

  • Firstly, if you have the possibility to plan the cleaning in advance, it would be interesting to place a thick tarp in the area you have chosen to use some time beforehand. It will deprive the grass of sunlight and water, making the task of digging easier.
  • The first step is to remove the grass with a grass cutter, you can cut it, roll it and move the grasses to another location.
  • Next, take the rake and clear the leveled area of ​​any sharp debris that could damage your pool liner.

7th Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Place a layer of sifted sand

how to make a base to level a removable pool without digging

Why after leveling the pool floor we should smooth it with sand

  • Sure enough, after leveling the ground, you need a truck full of sand.
  • If there are areas you need to level, you can use crushed limestone instead of sand.
  • The sand creates a base that protects not only the pool liner, but also provides a buffer against grass and weeds, or any other sharp objects you may have missed in the dirt.

Amount of sand needed to level the floor of the removable pool

  • You should spread a roughly 25 to 5 inch (1 mm to 2 cm) layer of sand across the work area and then roll it over.

Steps to soften the ground of the removable pool with a layer of sand

  1. Once it's delivered, use a rake to spread the sand evenly, then give everything a good water and let it dry.
  2. I would leave it overnight to flatten and dry.
  3. First, use a garden hose to evenly water the soil for about an hour at low pressure.
  4. Then run a rolling tamper on the surface for compression action. In the absence of a rolling tamper, a lawnmower would work fine.

And if after the layout the need arises to relevel, incorporate crushed limestone into the adjustments.

  • For information, there are also many other substitutes for sand under the pool (we will tell you about them further down in this post) -

8nd Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Compact the sand from the removable pool base

tamp ground removable pool
tamp ground removable pool

Tamp the ground: the ground must be firm to support the pool.

After raking it, you should water the soil with a garden hose. Then, run a rolling tamper over the entire work area to compact the soil.

  • To perform this procedure most effectively, you should use a soaker hose or irrigator on low pressure for about an hour before tamping the area.
  • You can rent a lawn roller from a local home improvement store. You can usually fill the cylinder with water to control its weight. You need to fill it and then push it onto the level soil to compact it.

10nd Phase of structure to level removable pool:

Apply fungicide and herbicide to the area

removable pool floor herbicide
removable pool floor herbicide

 Because the area around the pool will be continually wet, you should apply a fungicide before installing the pool.

 Additionally, applying a herbicide will ensure that no plants sprout or damage the pool liner.

Use friendly fungicides and herbicides to treat pool areas to prevent fungal growth and plant emergence, respectively. But this should be done two weeks before you start using your pool. And make sure the chemicals are petroleum-free and use appropriate measures.

How to treat the pool environment
  • Application rates can vary by chemical, so check the amount of area a product can cover by volume. The amount you will need will also depend on the area of ​​the pool, but you will likely need at most 4 gallon (1 liters) of fungicide and herbicide.
  • Make sure you use petroleum-free products. Ready-to-use products that require no dilution are easier to use than concentrates that must be mixed with water.
  • You should wait until 2 weeks after applying the fungicide or other chemicals to proceed to installing the pool.
  • You can also place a tarp over the area to help protect the chemicals from moisture and sun while you work.

Best base for removable pool

What can be put under a removable pool

Why install the removable pool bottom protector?

Place your base protector face down

  • Placing a base under your removable pool is vital to prolong its useful life

When to place the removable pool floor protector

  • You should always place the removable pool protector after leveling the ground.

What happens if you don't put a protector after leveling the removable pool floor?

  • First and foremost, a pool bottom protector does many things, from preventing heat loss in the water to preventing pool liners from being punctured.
  • Well, if you do not place a protective material under the removable pool, weeds, grass and stones can break the coating.
  • Indeed, mold and mildew will also appear.
  • Furthermore, the movements that people produce when swimming generate unevenness in the pool floor.

Can I put a tarp or awning under my above-ground pool?

removable pool floor mats
removable pool floor mats

At a minimum, yes, you should place a tarp under your above-ground pool. 

Inflatable pools and tubular pools also look good installed with an awning, tapestry or mat.

Although a tarp will help protect your pool, there are much better options, such as foam tiles or suitable under-pool protectors.

What do you put under an above ground pool?

Why install the removable pool bottom protector?

1st type of removable pool protectors

best base for removable pool

removable eva pool floor
removable eva pool floor

EVA rubber floor

Pros removable pool floor protector eva rubber

  • The EVA foam pieces provide thick and secure padding, providing a nice and soft feeling on your feet;
  • Provides excellent protection against grasses and stones.
  • Likewise, they are also easy to cut to the desired size, siendo a modular, lightweight and quick-laying mat.

Cons removable pool floor protector eva rubber

  • It is not a breathable material.
  • It can be expensive.

2nd best base for removable pool

Floor mat for inflatable pools

Removable Pool Floor Tapestry

 Advantages of Removable Pool Floor Tapestry

  • The protective mat provides additional security for the pool floor against stones, twigs or other objects that could puncture the liner.
  • cheap protection
  • Fits exactly to the size of the pool
  • Ready to install with minimal effort

 Disadvantages of removable pool floor mats

  •  In general, the pool mat is a good alternative, but it is a somewhat thin material, so using this blanket for floors is suitable for cement surfaces or those in very good condition.
  • It is not of very good quality.
  • Minimal protection

Wooden base for removable pool

Wooden pool base

wooden base for removable pool

Slab to level removable pool floor

Level a concrete floor to place a removable pool without doing any work
Level a concrete floor to place a removable pool without doing any work

What can I put under a removable pool on concrete?

Pros of concrete base for removable pool

  • Right off the bat, it is the easiest way to level the ground for a pool because, with concrete, you would get a flat level in time since it is usually 100% level. 
  • In short, we are talking about a platform that will serve as a protective layer between your pool and the concrete floor in a lasting way.

Cons of concrete base for removable pool

  • Actually, you will need to place another type of protection on top to protect the pool floor from abrasions such as a mat, foam, or underlayment. TO
  • At the same time, since it is a very hard surface, you will have an uncomfortable feeling on your feet, for that reason it is better with some padding and softness.
  • Additionally, abrasions from the concrete floor can damage the pool.
  • Another negative point is that it is more expensive than other options.
  • Finally, concrete is a fairly rough surface and could wear out the coating of your tubular or inflatable pool in the long term. 

Place a removable pool on top of the artificial grass

removable pool on artificial grass
removable pool on artificial grass

Is it advisable to use artificial grass under a removable pool?

Artificial grass is advisable as a base for the ground if the pool is going to remain fixed.

  • So, in this case, there is no need to worry since artificial grass is a soft surface that protects the pool well from uneven pavement or stones that could damage it.
But what happens to the artificial grass if we are going to dismantle the pool when the summer ends?
  • Obviously, if we put weight on the artificial grass, it will flatten or mold to the shape we place on it.
How to recover the artificial grass when uninstalling the removable pool
  • The solution is brush the artificial grass in the opposite direction (against the grain) and if necessary, use a little silica sand to prime the brushing.
  • The weight does not cause the fibers to break so we can always recover its shape using this method.

Level ground with sand for removable pool without work

Level ground with sand for removable pool without work
Level ground with sand for removable pool without work

Pros Leveling ground with sand for removable pool without work

  • In fact, sand is used to fill any unevenness in the ground before placing the pool.
  • Although, leveling the ground for a pool with sand can be effective to the point of being an affordable option.
  • Then, it is an easy material to install all you need to do is spread it evenly over the floor surface and tamp it to get a new floor level.

Cons of leveling pool floor with sand

  • The first point is that sand has loose particles that are not good conditions for the floor of a pool, which is why it does not protect the material of the removable pool.
  • In addition, sand can move easily due to its loose particles, which is why the sand disappears over time.
  • The sand can move and does not prevent the growth of weeds and grass under the pool floor.
  • From another angle, crickets can work their way through loose particles and make a home at the bottom of your pool.
level removable pool floor crushed limestone
level removable pool floor crushed limestone

Removable pool leveling base with crushed limestone

  • Although it is an expensive method of leveling, it is a better option for leveling the pool floor than sand and concrete slabs.

Level Ground for Pool with Solid Foam Insulation

level ground for swimming pool with solid foam insulation
level ground for swimming pool with solid foam insulation

Pros floor leveling foam for removable pool

  • First of all, this insulating base is very easy to obtain. You can find it in rolls and it is the same material that is used during the installation of laminate flooring between the flooring and the cement.
  • It is easily cut and shaped. The solution is to spread the foam on the grass at the bottom of the pool
  • Economical option.

Cons of floor leveling foam for removable pool

  • On the contrary, it gives us minimal protection against grasses and stones.
  • Facilitates the proliferation of mold.
removable pool floor mat
removable pool floor mat

Level removable pool with mat

Pros of mats as removable pool protectors

  • From the beginning, this material will provide good protection against stones and sharp objects that pierce the bottom of the pool.
  • Logically, it is a breathable material

Cons of mats as removable pool protectors

  • On the other hand, it is not as soft as the EVA foam pieces.
  • More difficult to cut to size.
reinforced awning removable pool floor
reinforced awning removable pool floor

Reinforced base awning for removable pool

The reinforced awning is used when the ground surface is smooth

The advantage of the removable pool base cover

  • Mainly, one of the properties of this material is that it is resistant.
  • And it can be cut exactly to the shape of the pool as if it were a rectangular mat.

Drawbacks removable pool base canvas

  • However, it is recommended that before laying it be cut to the size of the pool or put two layers if necessary.
Removable pool floor insulating base
Removable pool floor insulating base

Insulating base for removable pools

The insulating base for removable pools is also known as insulating foam or underlayment.

The insulating underlay material is a spongy, flexible foam sheet that comes in rolls. 

Normally, it is installed on laminate and parquet floors between the flooring and the cement.

 Advantages of insulating base for leveling removable pools

  • First of all, it is an economical option.
  • Ease of cutting and handling
  • Easy to find

 Disadvantages of an insulating base as a removable pool floor

  • However, it provides minimal protection
  • not breathable
  • To get the necessary padding, you will probably need to place several layers of ground fabric, otherwise you will feel the stones and imperfections of the ground.
  • Thinner than foam tiles
removable pool floor protector mat
removable pool floor protector mat

Removable pool floor protector mat

Pros removable pool base mat

  • Basically, it is a very economical option if you have an old carpet.
  • Provides soft protection against stones and will prevent grass from growing under your pool but

Cons of carpet as a base for a removable pool

  • Even so, it can give off unpleasant odors when it remains wet continuously.
  • difficult to clean
  • does not ensure a firm and safe surface.

Video tutorials how to level ground for a pool

Leveling ground for circular removable pool

Removable Pools: Preparing the ground for installation

Step by Step on how to prepare the land to install a circular removable pool.

Leveling ground for circular removable pool

Leveling floor for rectangular pool

How to level ground for rectangular pool

Don't let it happen to you. As a floor level for a rectangular Bestway brand pool measuring 5.49 x 2.74 x 1.22 All cases are different. If you do not have a level floor, sand is not recommended unless it is done correctly to contain the sand.CLOSE DESCRIPTION

how to level ground for rectangular pool

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