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How to install an armored sheet pool: step by step guide

How to install an armored sheet pool: step-by-step guide to carry out this exciting pool renovation project.

How to install a pool made of armored sheets

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How to install a pool made of armored sheets

Adding a pool to your home can be an exciting project. Before you begin, make sure you are prepared for the installation process. This guide will help you safely and easily install your own reinforced sheet pool.

Installing a sheet metal pool may seem intimidating to those who have never done it before. Fortunately, with a little preparation and the right guidance, anyone can successfully install their own pool without complications. This step-by-step guide provides all the information necessary to install a reinforced sheet pool with ease.

1. Prepare the ground

Before beginning the assembly of a pool with laminated arms, it is essential to ensure that the ground is adequately prepared. Thus, the first step is to find a flat area away from trees and other structures. Next, it is important to remove the top layer of soil, which usually contains organic matter that could affect the stability of the pool. Next, the soil needs to be compacted to ensure that the foundation is firm and solid. Finally, it is essential to level the ground to provide a secure base for the pool structure.

To properly prepare the ground, several tools are necessary. A shovel, wheelbarrow, pickaxe, spade, rake and level are necessary to remove topsoil, remove stones and roots, compact the soil and level the surface.

In summary, to install a pool with laminated arms, it is essential to locate the pool in a flat area free of obstacles. In addition, the top layer of soil must be removed, the ground compacted and the surface leveled. To do this, you need to use a shovel, wheelbarrow, pickaxe, spade, rake and level. By following these steps, it is possible to ensure that the land is ready for the installation of a pool with laminated arms.

2. Place the outline of the pool. Place the pool outline

To create a pool, you must first build the outline. To begin, it is important to prepare the ground, removing grass and weeds, as well as leveling the ground. Immediately afterwards, a plastic border of about 20 cm should be placed around the circumference of the pool. You need to ensure that the edge is aligned with the outside surface of the pool. Additionally, stones must be placed on the edge to ensure that it stays in place.

In addition, you have to assemble the pool frame with the metal parts. It is important to ensure that the metal parts are of the appropriate length and are securely fastened with screws. Additionally, the metal construction should be placed over the plastic edge to form a circular shape, which will serve as the edge of the pool.

Additionally, the metal structure must be filled with sand to give it stability. It is essential to ensure that the sand is distributed evenly and that the height of the metal structure is the same as that of the outside area of ​​the pool. In the end, the plastic edge should be placed on top of the sand.

In conclusion, building the pool boundary involves preparing the ground, putting a plastic border around the circumference of the pool, and connecting the metal pieces and filling them with sand. After these steps, the plastic edge must be placed on top of the sand to complete the boundary of the pool.

3. Place the reinforcements

After excavating and leveling the area, the next step in assembling a reinforced laminate pool is to embed the reinforcements. Generally, these are located on the four edges of the pool and on the sides. Additionally, the reinforcements should be slightly below the surface of the pool. To fix the reinforcements, a concrete mixture must be poured into the cavities.

Additionally, for added safety, a steel mesh should be placed around the pool. The mesh must be placed over the reinforcements and secured with nails. On the other hand, the steel mesh must be linked to the reinforcements through the use of some type of anchor. Once the reinforcements and mesh are in place, the pool is ready to be filled with water.

In summary, the placement of the reinforcements and mesh is an essential element for the installation of a reinforced laminate pool. If you take the time to securely secure the reinforcements and mesh, your pool will be stronger and last for many years. Additionally, it will give the pool an extra layer of protection against environmental factors.

4. Install the drainage system

To keep your pool clean, it is essential to properly install a drainage system. Before you begin, make sure the area is even, safe, and well-drained. It is also important to install the drainage system before installing the pool liner.

Next, the drainage system needs to be connected to a channel that has a sloped angle so that water can flow away from the pool. It is recommended to use PVC pipe for the drainage system. To install it, you must drill the liner with the appropriate holes.

Additionally, the ends of the PVC pipe must be attached to a filter or pump. It is important to confirm that the filter or pump is properly connected to the electricity source. To finish the installation, you must connect the valve to the drain pipe and fill the pool with water.

Finally, once the drainage system is installed, it is essential to inspect it frequently to ensure that it is working properly. This will help keep the pool clean and prevent potential problems.

5. Install the sheet

To build a pool, it is essential to place the base material. To begin, spread the material on the floor, making sure the edges are congruent. Then, cut the material to the desired size, leaving 5 centimeters more on each side. Next, dig a trench around the perimeter of the pool. Make sure the depth of the trench is approximately 30 centimeters.

Next, begin placing the material into the trench. The material should be placed so that the additional 5 centimeters overlap the edges of the trench. In this phase, it is necessary to secure the material to the ground with stakes. These stakes must be distributed every 50 centimeters, ensuring that the material remains in place.

Finally, it is essential to fill the trench with sand and earth, thus covering the edges of the material. Once the trench is filled, the material must be well fixed to the ground. This completes the process of placing the material and the pool is ready to be built.

6. Empty the pool

Once the pool is full of water, the next step is to begin emptying it. To do this, you must use the necessary equipment, such as a pump and hose, making sure to comply with local regulations. The pump can be connected to the filter and turned on to remove water from the pool.

When disposing of water, it is important to take the environment into account. Instead of pouring water into nature, it should be emptied into a suitable container and disposed of responsibly.

Before refilling the pool, it should be rinsed to remove any debris or dirt that may have accumulated during filling. Afterwards, the pool will be ready to be filled with clean water and used.

In short, emptying a pool is a relatively simple process; However, it is important to pay attention to the details. By following safety protocols, local regulations and disposing of water responsibly, the pool can be used with greater peace of mind.

7. Install the filtration system

Finally, once the pool structure has been placed and the sheets fixed, the next step to complete the pool is to install the purification system. This system is responsible for safeguarding the water clean and free of dirt and waste. The filtration system installation process is quite simple and can be done by any pool owner.

To begin, it is necessary to join the filter and the pump, which can be done using a PVC piping system. Next, the filter must be filled with sand and filled with water. Next, you must connect the pump to the skimmer and empty it to start the water circulation. Finally, the system should be tested for a couple of hours to verify that it is working correctly.

8. Paint the pool

To achieve a professional and attractive appearance, in addition to protecting the pool from external elements, it is essential to give it a coat of paint. The following instructions will guide you through the process of painting your pool correctly.

First of all, it is important to have the necessary materials for the task, such as a brush and appropriate paint. Additionally, it is recommended to wear protective clothing to prevent paint from coming into contact with the body. On the other hand, it is essential to prepare the surface of the pool by removing any debris and ensuring that it is clean and dry.

Then, it is necessary to mix the paint well before starting the painting process. This can be done using a drill and paint mixing attachment. After mixing the paint, it's time to start painting the pool. When applying paint, use long, even brush strokes from top to bottom.

Finally, it is important to apply a second coat of paint to obtain a uniform result. Once the second layer dries, the pool is ready to be used. By following these steps, you will achieve a professional and beautiful finish for the pool.

9. Fill the pool

Once the pool is assembled, it must be filled with water. It is advisable to use a hose connected to a faucet, dropping the end of the hose into the pool and gently begin filling. The water must be at room temperature to avoid damage to the coating. It is also essential to fill the pool slowly, as high water pressure can damage the liner. The water must be filled to the level of the skimmer.

Once the pool is filled, it is necessary to evaluate the correct operation of the filter and skimmer. The skimmer should be checked for leaks, making sure it is well sealed. The filter must be examined to ensure its efficient operation; If necessary, the manufacturer's instructions should be consulted.

10. Add water treatment products

For the pool setup to be completed successfully, it is essential to follow the last steps. In accordance with the theme of the guide, the tenth stage consists of incorporating water treatment products. This is of utmost importance to ensure high quality of the liquid and prevent the spread of diseases.

It is advisable to choose the elements according to the amount of water in the pool and the activities that will take place in this space. For greater security, it is recommended to purchase certified quality products from a trusted supplier. In this way, users will be able to enjoy a fun and safe experience in their pool.


To ensure the success of a pool installation, it is essential to pay attention to certain details. First of all, it is necessary to select the appropriate material, taking into account the instructions, as well as safety and quality standards. Additionally, it is important to take into account the construction measurements. Second, you need to have the right tools and equipment to complete the job.

To guarantee a satisfactory result, it is essential to follow the steps indicated in the instructions. This involves choosing the appropriate material, taking into account safety and quality standards, as well as the measurements of the structure. Additionally, it is vital to have all the tools and supplies necessary for the task.

To finish the job, it is essential to thoroughly understand the steps and materials needed. The indications, quality and safety requirements and the size of the work must be taken into account. Additionally, it is essential to have the right tools and materials on hand.

In general, successfully installing a pool requires a methodical approach. This includes selecting the appropriate material, respecting safety and quality standards, and taking into account the measurements of the structure. Additionally, having the right tools and supplies is essential for the task.