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What is aquagym, the water sport practiced in a pool

What is aquagym, the water sport that everyone talks about for its physical and mental benefits, which is practiced in a pool and is suitable for all ages without prior experience required.


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En Ok Pool Reform We present you a page about: What is aquagym, the water sport practiced in a pool.

What is aquagym

What is aquagym
What is aquagym

What is Aquagym?

To begin with, Aquagym is a sport discipline that is a variant of aerobics for all audiences which takes place in an aquatic environment (generally a swimming pool), therefore, obviously, it is carried out in the water; and combines the benefits of aerobics or arerobic and swimming.

Where does the name aquagym come from?

The term aquagym comes from mixing the words, gymnastics and water.

What names is it known by?

Aquagym is also known by the following names: aqua gymnastics, aquaerobics, aqua-fitness, hydrogymnastics, aquagym, aquaerobics, aquatic fitness or aquatic aerobics.

Origin and studies about aqua fitness

hippocrates water treatments
Hippocrates towards use of water treatments

Where does aquagym come from?

Above all, water sports for recreational and rehabilitation purposes go back a long way,

  1. Considering that it is known that Hippocrates already used water as a source of treatment for diseases in the year 460 BC
  2. ; At the same time, the Romans used cold or hot water for different purposes.
  3. , and the Greeks also enjoyed water.
  4. Likewise, from that moment until today, it was and continues to deploy an increasingly wide range of diverse activities to take advantage of pool sports.

Research about aquagym

Federal University of Sao Paulo
University that delved into the efficiency of aqua aerobics

Aquagym: the most successful pool sport

Today, research confirms that aquagym is the best and most complete sport to do in the pool.

Study of the effectiveness of aqua-fit carried out on grandmothers

MieMeanwhile, an inspection carried out by the Federal University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and published in the magazine "Geriatrics Gerontologie International" compared the strengths of doing sports in the pool against doing it on land in the elderly and the result was to show that aquagym is much more effective.

How the aquatic fitness experiment was carried out

For greater precision in such an examination, healthy older women who maintained a sedentary life attended, who did sports for 12 weeks in the water and other women did so on land.

After the course in question, it was verified that body weight, heart rate, aerobic power, flexibility and elasticity were very similar between the two groups.

Conclusion: aqua-fitness tremendously increases cardiopulmonary and neuromuscular capacity

However, cardiopulmonary capacity and neuromuscular fitness in older women who exercised in the water improved considerably.

Nowadays aquaerobics is a fashionable sport

aquagym exercise

Aqua fitness: trending topic of pool sports

Currently, aqua fitness has become one of the most widespread forms of exercise in water with the most admirers, especially among the female public..

How water gymnastics has evolved

Growth of aqua gymnastics

Aquagym has been promoted more and more, while at the same time it has been combining more and more intensity.

Similarly, the Aquagym is the precursor of all other pool sports, which are those that we can now find in the gym.

Prejudices in aqua-gym: For many years it was seen as an activity limited to the elderly

Undermining of aqua-fitness

Contrary to the beliefs that it is a pastime for older people, it is an entirely precocious idea.ncebida, since the aqua gym is a perfect and super beneficial pool sport with a medium-high intensity in which we engage the whole body and achieve countless benefits, both physical and mental.

Why opt for a water sport?

Central advantage of Aquagym

Central advantage of aquatic sport: environment in which it is developed

Hypogravity reduces the impact of the body with the ground and the stress on the joints.

The biggest advantage ofAquatic gymnastics is the medium in which it is developed, water, since it facilitates all movements along with a greater tolerance to fatigue (hydrogravity).

Why physical activity in the water?

The productionactivity of performing physical exercise in the water is based on the existence of resistance caused by the water, which drastically restricts actions, movements or impulses, in such a way that the abdominals are stimulated to stabilize it so that it does not fall and stimulates the fact that just by moving the arms in the water it is like using a weight .

Furthermore, many exercises performed in water would be impossible to perform in a gym, which thanks to it, the body is supported and allows it to float, giving it greater freedom.

Hypogravity reduces the impact of the body with the ground and the stress on the joints. This allows you to perform longer and more frequent exercises, and without risk of injury. It also benefits people with reduced mobility by freeing themselves from the weight caused by weightlessness. Furthermore, aquatic gymnastics within the framework of recreational activity report notable psychological benefits.

Other benefits of swimming pool sports

sport in pool aqua-fitness
sport in pool aqua-fitness

More benefits of sports in the pool

  • First of all, You will engage and strengthen all the muscles.
  • Apart from that, You will increase cardiorespiratory capacity.
  • You will promote physical resistance.
  • Without place to doubts you will tone the body.
  • You will improve circulation.
  • You will burn more calories to the extent that water acts as another resistance.
  • Simultaneously, it will help you correct and strengthen back posture.
  • 9. Improves mental health, given that it mitigates stress and anxiety.
  • In short, water sports in the pool are suitable for all ages..
  • To conclude, anyone can enjoy them by undergoing a very low risk of injury because there are no impacts.

Aquagym benefits

1st Aquagym benefits: achieve physical health by losing weight and stylizing your silhouette

aquaerobics to lose weight
aquaerobics to lose weight

Good for your physical health

With aquagym, general physical condition is improved, since its exercises achieve adaptability to different swimming techniques.

Why aqua gymnastics is good for your health

  • Naturally, aquagym strengthens muscle development.
  • stimulates heart rate and decreases resting heart rate.
  • improves breathing and
  • Similarly, it promotes greater general muscular resistance, this is because all the muscles of the body (the large muscle groups) work during practically the entire activity.
  • It promotes blood flow, since hydrostatic pressure facilitates venous return, improving circulation and reducing edema, a particularly favorable situation for pregnant women and those with varicose veins.
  • Prevents coronary heart disease
  • Due to the resistance of water, we reduce the possibility of injuries, tight pulls or sore muscles to a negligible percentage, as all blows are cushioned and there are no non-traumatic impacts.
  • Regardless, the movements are smooth and fluid, then the joints work smoothly and gain flexibility without stress; What's more, it improves joint activity and muscle tone.
  • Due to the pressure, the joints suffer less impact during jumping, a very important factor for people with special postural conditions, for the obese, people with osteoporosis and pregnant women.
  • Globally, it eliminates fat and prevents obesity.
  • Improves reflexes and coordination.
  • Provides greater resistance to stress.
  • Prevents back pain by promoting postural correction.
  • In addition, it allows better recovery from injuries, which is why it is indicated for people in rehabilitation processes. The different muscle groups are worked specifically (with movements repeated between 15 and 60 times) and exercises of the upper, middle (oblique and abdominal) and lower parts of the body are alternated, varying the different parts throughout the session.
  • In short, it promotes the generation of muscle mass (lean mass) by mobilizing lipids.
  • Definitively, it fights osteoporosis.

‍Why you can lose weight with aquagym

aquagym benefits

In aquagym the muscles work more

  • The reason why aquagym is so good at changing your figure is that your muscles are working harder without you realizing it.
  • The variety of movements allows the entire body to function.
  • Slims the waist, tones the chest and buttocks.
  • Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.
  • Tones arms and shoulders.
  • At the same time you relax and relax at the same time.
  • In relation to the resistance of water, each movement massages and drains the surface of the skin, stimulating blood flow
  • Reducing water retention and the next point is that it also eliminates cellulite. ‍

Why aquafitness helps your figure

Once in water, the body only weighs a third of its mass and all movements become easier, although water creates greater resistance than air and makes the muscles work harder.

How many calories do you burn with 45 minutes of aquagym?

aquafitness classes

First of all, remember that, like any other sport, before starting to practice it it is advisable to consult with your doctor, especially in case of pregnancy, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity or previous muscle injuries.

Factors that affect the burning of calories in aquagym

  • You must consider that there are many elements that can support the consumption of calories burned in aquagym: sex, age, muscle mass, height and other genetic and environmental factors.

Crucial factor in burning calories: intensity of aquagym

  • Depending on the intensity of the activity, we can lose between 400 and 500 calories in an hour of exercise.
  • In addition, this activity in water helps stimulate circulation and prevents fluid retention, thereby combating cellulite.

Generic table of: Aquagym calories

aquagym calories
indicative table of calories that can be burned in aquagym according to the time practiced

2nd Aquagym benefits: helps to have more mental strength


Why aquatic fitness is good for mental health

Aquatic gymnastics Promotes mental health with the release of endorphins

  • Likewise, like the rest of physical activities, it generates the secretion of endorphins or the pleasure hormone, which promotes that feeling of well-being after having made an effort.

Aqua-gym: culmination of the exercise feeling comforting

  • The relaxing effect of water reduces stress, improves temperament, increases energy, generates more self-confidence and gives rise to a feeling of lightness.
  • In this sense, it is clear that aquagym triggers a calming effect as if it reminded us of our life inside the womb.

Aquatic aerobics: Helps the socialization of those who share the group

  • Aquagym classes are held in a pleasant context with a relaxed and fun social atmosphere that fosters a group effect that encourages and makes you want to improve yourself.

3rd A‍qua-gym benefit: You can start right now

aqua fitness belt

When can we start Aqua-gym?

Any time from October to June. The classes are easy to follow and in the water everyone can set their own pace and the intensity of the exercise.

It is common to find in the same session, people who are training and others who are recovering from an injury or students of advanced ages together with teenagers. The aquatic environment allows all this and much more.

It is never too late to start this type of physical activity in the water.

Age or physical condition is not decisive, what is important is the will, perseverance and desire to do it.

Aqua fitness does not require any impediment to be able to start practicing it at any time.

  • Aquagym pool sports do not require complexities, not even in their equipment.
  • For this reason, you only need to have a practical swimsuit that provides good freedom of movement and resists chlorine.
  • However, it is also wise to wear water shoes to avoid possible skids during exercises.
  • At the same time, if you do aquagym in local pools and gyms, they will provide you with all the necessary material for the exercises.

Disadvantages aquaerobics

Disadvantages aquaerobics
Disadvantages aquaerobics

Cons of aquagym

Disadvantages of aquaerobic exercises

  • Aquagym has some disadvantages from a practical point of view, since requires access to a pool and adequate facilities, in addition to membership fees to access the training venue, classes may incur an additional cost.
  • It should be practiced in warm water, since if the water is cold it can cause breathing difficulties and if it is hot it can cause dizziness and exhaustion.
  • Although aquatic exercise greatly reduces the risk of injuries, it is not impossible to suffer them.

What does Aquagym consist of?

aqua aerobic exercises

Aquagym: what is the mother of all other aquatic activities?

What does Aqua-fitness consist of?

In a nutshell, aquagym is a It is a type of aquatic fitness that makes a localized and aerobic activity that mainly exercises the large muscle groups, focusing on muscle toning and stimulating cardiovascular activity and muscle toning.

Where is aquafitness done?

Origin aqua fitness

Where are Aquatic Gymnastics classes held?

El aerobics, also known as aquatic fitness or aquatic gymnastics, is a variant of aerobics and se It takes place in an aquatic environment, generally a shallow water pool, so people who do not know how to swim can participate.

Mainly, aqua gymnastics usually take place in shallow pools (1,20 to 1,50 m). The most suitable temperature should be between 28 °C and 31 °C.

Scheduled sessions in a deep water pool for more advanced levels

There are also scheduled sessions in a deep water pool, which with auxiliary material, such as the aquatic belt or the aquatic mitt, allows students to experience sensations different from those in shallow water, even for those students who do not know how to swim.

How to exercise aquafitness

aquagym fit

How to do water aerobics

Aquagym for beginners

Water aerobics is normally performed in a vertical position and with the water at chest height, leaving the shoulders uncovered; In more detail, the suitable depth is 90 cm.

Aquagym for advanced levels

However, for experienced people, aquagym is done also vertically but in this case doing the exercises suspended, achieving great intensity in combination of the benefits of aerobics and swimming.

It is about making movements using the pressure of the water

Hand posture

By the way, the posture of the hands is essential when propelling yourself in the different actions, emphasizing those in which you do not use any type of accessory.

throne position

The position of the trunk is almost always vertical, this can vary, reaching the level of the surface in exercises marked by the teacher to block and avoid discomfort in the lumbar area.

Aqua aerobics is usually done in group classes

Normally, it is performed in group classes guided by a teacher. while complemented with music and sometimes also with lights; In any case, it is also a sport that can be practiced at home.

What are the movements to perform in the water?

The basic movements consist of flexion-extensions of the elbows and knees forward (in the sagittal plane) towards the side (in the frontal plane), in place with the hands in a pushing position and the ankles in dorsiflexion.

The same is done with moving forward and backward by changing the position of the hands when going forward simply pushing the water back.

 Influence of the force of gravity on water:

  • Alterations in immersion:
    • Hypervolemia; greater systolic ejection volume.
    • Higher cardiac output and ejection volume (approx. 25%).
    • Little decrease in HR.
    • Small increase in blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, mean).
  • Theories of increased HR:
    • Hydrostatic pressure.
    • Temperature.
    • Mergulho reflex (refers to the fact that when the person enters the water the frequency drops immediately).
The heart rate in the water will depend on the intensityexercise ad.

It must be taken into account when controlling it that since it is smaller within it, between 12 to 17 beats per minute must be added; to know the real HR.

The subjective perception of effort is greater in the water than on land, which is why you have to ask the student how they feel.

Aquagym mixes aerobic, resistance and flexibility exercises
aquagym pool sport
aquagym pool sport
Aquatic aerobics, uses perseverance and recurrence

Regardless of whether water aerobics combines aerobic, resistance and flexibility achievements, these are supported in repetitions and in working with different materials, such as weights or balls, Aq

Choreographed aquagym exercises

Choreography practices in the water improve general physical condition And, even more so, we notice the advances in people who are recovering from physical injuries, people who are overweight, with mobility problems or are elderly.

How aqua aerobics differs from classic aerobics


Aquagym is a variant of aerobics

Thus, Aquagym is the result of a variation of aerobics, although in this case, the sport is performed in an aquatic environment, usually in a swimming pool.,; allowing for this same fact to be able to duplicate the effects of what the terrestrial exercise would be.

Aquatic gymnastics vs aerobics

Although aquagym is similar to traditional terrestrial aerobics, it focuses on more cardiac preparation, incorporating the ingredient of water resistance and buoyancy.

  • Although, heart rate does not increase as much as ground aerobics, the heart works with the same force, in fact, with water sports more blood is pumped.
  • Besides, it not only consists of aerobic performance, it is also merely focused on strength training Due to the water resistance it will finally activate muscle groups.
  • In the water you can do all the movements that we do on land, more slowly and fundamentally taking into account the principle of action and reaction (If I push back the body goes forward and vice versa).

What is better swimming or Aquaerobics?


Proven: opt for aquaerobics rather than swimming

Aquagym a more complete water sport than swimming

Undoubtedly, research has shown that aquagym is more advantageous than swimming and not only because it is a more complete pool sport on both a physical and mental level.

Overwhelming choice of aqua-fitness for newly amateur athletes

Specifically, the research places aquaerobics as the most overwhelmingly preferred option for those who are new to the practice, since swimming requires more skill, which is why when you start the sport of swimming you are unable to maintain a swim. appropriate in terms of duration and intensity.

In short, the constant repetition of the same movements overloads the muscle areas.

And, at the same time, swimming is a very solitary sport, unlike how sociable aquagym is; so the beginnings may seem harder and less enjoyable.

Table of contents of the page: Aquagym

  1. What is aquagym
  2. Aquagym benefits
  3. Disadvantages aquaerobics
  4. What does Aquagym consist of?
  5. What muscles do we work with Aquagym?
  6. Who is Aquagym for?
  7. What are Aquagym classes like?
  8. Variants of Aquagym
  9. Aquagym exercises to lose weight
  10. Aquagym for pregnant women
  11. Aquagym for seniors
  12. Ideal Aquagym swimsuit
  13. Aquagym complementary material
  14. Aquagym music

What muscles do we work with Aquagym?

aquagym fitness

What parts of the body are worked practicing aquagym?

What exercise is aqua gymnastics?

aquagym sports swimsuit

Hydrogymnastics: Modality focused on muscle toning

On the other hand, it is necessary to highlight that Aquatic gymnastics is a form of aquatic exercise with numerous exercises focused on muscle toning.

Work ALL THE MUSCLE thanks to aqua aerobics

What muscles are worked with aquagym

For its part, the aquaym operates with such a plurality of movements aerobics that ensure that we work all the different muscle groups (both upper, middle and lower), exponentially increasing the physical condition of all the musculation of the body, even enlarging both aerobic and anaerobic capacity and Therefore, it actively cooperates in: losing weight, strengthening the chest, glutes, back, obliques, abdominals, arms, shoulders...

What do you work on in aquagym?

Aquagym: boost your physical condition in its entirety

  • To begin, you work with aerobic exercises, frequency and cardio.
  • Contributes to chest toning.
  • You gain muscle, especially in the abs and glutes.
  • Refine the size.
  • Hence, it guarantees the toning of arms and legs.
  • Muscle your back.
  • Regardless of everything stated, it helps the goal of losing weight and adjusting size quickly if se practice regularly and combine with good habits.
  • Subsequently, if we exploit this sport in the pool with fins, we will be producing more muscle mass during the exercise and more energy will be expended.

Aquatic fitness: boost your body to good physical culture

  • For all these reasons, aquatic gymnastics leads us to significantly increase general physical condition and allow better recovery in those people who are undergoing rehabilitation treatments.

Hydrogymnastics: Strength training exercise

  • Besides, Exercising in water is not only aerobic, but is also aimed at building strength through water resistance.

Sport that almost completely eliminates the impact factor

So, since aquatic activity takes place in water, it leads to obtaining multiple advantages and in fact also it almost completely cancels out the impact factor, therefore it is more or less open to all audiences.

Aquatic fitness: advantage of weightlessness

Furthermore, aquatic gymnastics adapts the physical work carried out on land to the aquatic environment, with the advantage of the weightlessness it provides.

The aquatic gym intensifies physical work

First of all, Aquagym tries to transfer the physical work that is done on land to the aquatic environment, circumstantially improving opportunities.

Who is Aquagym for?

aqua gymnastics

Types of people indicated for water aerobic activity

Aqua-fitness: aquatic gymnastics for all audiences

Aquatic gymnastics is an aerobic discipline that is practiced in the water and that is fruitful for all audiences, toning and strengthening our body to obtain enviable health while doing a very fun activity.

‍Water aerobic discipline: Good for ages 7 to 77

aquaerobic exercises

Practicing Aquagym is positive for almost all types of people

Aqua-fitness is a gentle and risk-free pool sport, accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical condition, weight, age, etc. and you don't need to know how to swim.

Who is aqua-fitness recommended for?

Although, Initially aqua-fitness was designed for people with muscle, bone or joint injuries, and also for elderly people; It has been amplified until it reaches all audiences thanks to its multifaceted benefits for the body and without forgetting that it is a very fun pool sport.

Groups that Toning in the water is most recommended

Aquagym is recommended for overweight people, with trauma injuries, with mobility and joint stability problems in the knees.

But exercise in water is indicated, in addition to people with joint problems, for the following:

Aquatic gymnastics exercises

Very convenient water gymnastics exercises for:

  1. Firstly, aquagym is appropriate for people with mild or moderate cardiorespiratory problems.
  2. Secondly, for those people with spinal cord injuries or for a correction of incorrect postural attitude.
  3. Therefore, it is exclusively indicated for pregnant women.
  4. Also for people with psychomotor problems, coordination, lack of rhythm or agility.
  5. Suitable for sedentary people:.
  6. In the same way, it is suitable for people with little muscle tone.
  7. It is ideal for audiences with limited joint mobility and flexibility.
  8. Ultimately, it is used for therapy in the population that suffers from nerves, stress, difficulty relaxing or self-esteem problems.

What are Aquagym classes like?

Aquagym Classes
Aquagym Classes

What is an Aquatic Gymnastics class like?

Aquagym classes are 45 minutes, and a maximum of 18 people.

They are 45-minute classes and are composed of: a warm-up through mobility in the pool space; then the main part where aerobic, resistance, and muscular work is carried out where each student does it at the intensity that he manages to achieve. Various elements are used (water dumbbells, anklets, floats) or the weight of one's own body; Before the final stage, abdominal work is usually done. At the end, stretching and relaxation are carried out.

Who are the Aquatic Gymnastics classes for?

For any type of population, whether anal populations (maintenance and improvement of physical condition) or populations with problems (osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, overweight, etc.)

In the classes, elements such as small boards, large boards, float-floats, elastic bands, gloves and at more advanced levels also fins and rubber shoes specially designed for this activity that contribute to increasing resistance are used.

The different activities, played, localized and aerobic with the musical accompaniment that sets the accent of each exercise, make aquatic gymnastics one of the most complete classes; since it not only provides general muscular resistance, but also reduces adipose tissue.

Structure of an Aquagym class

An aquatic gymnastics session is structured as follows:

In general, and to avoid injuries, classes follow some steps that it is recommended that you do not skip.

First phase Aquagym class: warm-up
  • In this first phase of the Aquagym class regarding warm-up, the joints will be activated to avoid injuries, make contact with the water and increase the heart rate.
  • Pre-stretching: As when you are going to practice any sport, you have to do a warm-up beforehand to stretch your muscles and adapt your body to the activity you are going to do.
  • Getting into contact with water and first exercises: Get the body used to contact with water. You will do the first exercises and little by little you will increase their demand.
Main part Aquagym class: in which all the content of the session will be developed, with maximum intensity.
  • Aerobic exercise: It is the most demanding part and where the exercises that will require greater effort are performed, always adapting the pace and demand to your possibilities and needs.
  • The goal is to get your body used to exercise and benefit from it, not to push it too hard and injure yourself.
Return to calm, in which relaxation exercises in the water and stretching will be carried out to return to the initial state.
  • To finish the Aquagym class, we are going to do stretching and relaxation exercises: You finish the class by returning to calm, stretching and relaxing your body. With this you will come out of the water like new!

Type of Aquagym exercise according to the impact that the body receives

aquagym exercise
aquagym exercise

Aquagym training difficulty: standing or staying afloat

The difficulty of this sport in the pool depends on whether the execution is completed standing, on the edge of the pool, or if you remain afloat in the water.

Then, the type of exercise that is performed can be:

Aquagym exercise without impact

  • Aquagym Without impact: They are the movements that correspond to those activities that are carried out floating, without any support of the feet on the floor of the pool.
  • In other words, non-impact aquagym serves to relax, do light stretches and coordinate breathing without impact,

Low-impact water aerobics

  • Low-impact water aerobic exercises: Gentle exercises with gentle glides on the ground that are performed with at least one of the feet resting on the floor of the pool; examples of low impact aquagym: stretching, coordination.

High impact aquatic gymnastics

  • Gymia in the high impact pool: They occur when you jump out of the water, thus they are the most demanding exercises for the body, but also the ones that make you burn more calories.

Intensity levels of aqua gymnastics exercises

Aquagym exercises
Aquagym exercises

The more intense the exercise, the higher the heart rate.

Relationship between oxygen consumption and heart rate

In this way, the more intense the exercise, the higher the heart rate and the number of shakes per minute. Although this is not exactly linear, it is quite approximate. The impossibility of carrying out more elaborate and precise laboratory tests is correct with heart rate, as a method to measure the intensity of the exercise practiced.

Meanwhile, it is important to take into account other factors, such as ambient temperature, emotions, food intake, body position and the type of muscle contraction, which can alter the heart rate, making the effort being executed less reliable.

During exercise in water, most people's heart rate is usually lower,

During exercise in water, for example, in most people the heart rate is usually lower, to the extent of 13% less (17 beats per minute) for the same oxygen consumption of an activity outside of water.

Measure heart rate with a frequency meter

frequency meter
frequency meter

To measure heart rate rigorously, a frequency meter is essential.

To measure heart rate accurately it is necessary to use a frequency meter; It has been seen that recent research has shown that 70% of students in classes are unable to measure heart rate adequately by palpating the radial and carotid arteries because the margin of error is very large.

Intensity in terms of percentage of maximum heart rate.

The maximum theoretical heart rate can be calculated this way: 220-age.

To promote fat loss, it is recommended not to exceed 55 to 65% of the HRTM. For physical conditioning and cardiovascular benefits, it is recommended to reach 65 to 80% of the HRTM. For pregnant women, it is recommended not to exceed 140 beats per minute.

The following is the scale created by Borg to classify perceived effort

Psychophysical scale to assess the magnitude of water sports

Likewise, there is a subjective method to assess the intensity of exercise, developed by the physiologist Gunnar Borg, which is based on the use of a psychophysical scale, where each of the individuals when executing the physical activity catalogs the effort they have exerted imputing a score.

In contrast, as we have clarified, the scale created by Borg is based on a subjective method, which is why its interpretation has also been questioned by specialists.

Scale made by Borg to calculate the intensity of a physical activity

Borg scale

6. ______________
7. Very, very mild

8. ______________
9. Very mild

10. __________________
11. Moderately mild

12. ______________
13. Moderate

14. ______________
15. Heavy

16. ______________
17. Very heavy

18. ________________
19. Very, very heavy

Note on the Borg physical activity intensity scale:
  • The equivalences between the subjective sensation of effort (Borg) and exercise intensity could be summarized as: <12: mild or 40-60% of the maximum; 12-14: moderate, a little strong or 60-75% of maximum; >14: strong intense or 75-90% of maximum

Variants of Aquagym

Aquagym even at home: The best water aerobic exercises

gymnastics in the pool
gymnastics in the pool

Aquagym exercises routines and aquatic exercise programs

pool sports
pool sports

Now, we will name the different disciplines that exist in the world of aquatic gymnastics, whose link is exercise in the aquatic environment and later we will interpret all its details:​

Disciplines in sports in aquatic gymnastics pools

  1. Aqua-fitness (aquaerobics)
  2. Aqua-rhythms (aqua-zumba)
  3. Aquahiit (aquaslimming / aqua intense)
  4. Aquqafunctional (aqua-circuits)
  5. Aqualates (aquatic pilates)
  6. Water sport upper body (arms)
  7. Aquagym back
  8. Aquagym abdominals and waist
  9. Aquagym legs and buttocks
  10. Aqua-step
  11. Water cycling (aquacycle / aquaspinning / aquabiking)
  12. walk in water
  13. Aqua-jogging (aqua jogging / aquarunning)
  14. aquaboxing
  15. Aqua-yoga (woga)
  16. Ai-chi
  17. Aqua-relax (therapeutic swimming / Watsu)

1st type of pool sports

Aqua-Fitness (Aquaerobics)


What is Aqua-Fitness and how to do the aquagym aerobic exercises at home

  • Aqua-fitness aerobic classes. They offer very active and dynamic aerobic classes, a combination of exercises such as leg lifts, swimming with a board, skipping and jumping; In this way we tone the entire body and perform localized and strength exercises.
  • On the one hand, it is often practiced with the accompaniment of choreography and exercises in the water in a vertical position, floating or standing.
  • On the other hand, aquagym also often uses accessories such as: foam noodles, balls or buoys that are placed between the thighs, boards and stirrups.
How to do the aquagym scissor exercise at home
  • For this exercise it is necessary to have a foam roll, one of those long colored ones made of EVA rubber or polyethylene and which in some countries are popularly known as "flota-flota."
  • «It consists of adopting the scissor position, with one leg on each side of the roll, and moving the feet back and forth.
  •  And also to the sides. This can be done in the middle part of the pool where only the legs are exercised, or in the deep part where you also have to find balance with your hands," explained the coach.
How to do the aquagym jumping exercise at home
  • With the water at chest height, perform jumps with both legs, propelling yourself with your feet on tiptoe and supporting your entire sole as you fall. Repeat for 2 minutes, alternating with each leg.

Aquagym classes

Aqua Aerobic cardio video tutorial

Aqua Aerobic cardio

Complete Aquagym class

Complete aquagym class

2st type of pool sports

Aqua-rhythms (aqua-zumba)


What is aqua-rhythms

  • The aqua-rhythms They are fundamentally exercises with dance steps that essentially work on cardio in the pool.
  • In fact, important cardiovascular improvements, toning, flexibility and strength are achieved.

What is aqua zumba

  • Aqua-zumba is a derivative of aqua-rhythms that has a fun and effective formula for practicing sports that combines Zumba movements in an aquatic environment with efficiency and visible results.
  • The movements of Aqua Zumba are based on the rhythms and choreographies of Zumba, the main difference is provided by the fact that it is an aquatic sports modality, although it is true that the Zumba dance steps adapt to the medium, with simpler choreographies.

Benefits of practicing Aqua Zumba

  • Develops cardiovascular capacity and resistance.
  • Helps you lose weight and tone muscles faster. Every step becomes a challenge!
  • A sport that adapts perfectly to all those people who suffer from joint problems, the impact is cushioned or minimized by water.

Complete aqua zumba class

Aqua zumba class

3st type of pool sports

Aquahiit (aquaslimming / aqua intense)

What is Aquahiit?
  • AQUA HITT is a cardiovascular, strength and resistance training, where you train at high intensity in a fun way.
  • El High intensity training is the most effective for burning fat and toning muscles, the time that must be dedicated to it is also very short. Therefore, the methodology can be applied HIIT to exercises in the water. 
  • Consequently, the exercises included in aquahiit can be: jumping, running and moving with a pause.
  • Therefore, obviously, due to its degree of power, aquaslimming cannot be carried out without prior training.

How is Aquahiit different from Aqua-fitness?

  • Aquahiit is based on a very high-intensity aerobic activity in a pool included in a shorter class than aquagym, but as we have already said, of high magnitudes,
  • Approximately the duration of the Aquahiit session is usually around aerobic activities in a pool for 45 minutes;

Recommended 'HIIT' routines in water 

  • Among the most recommended routines are swimming 100 meters and doing 10 breast dips on the edge of the pool or swimming 100 meters and doing 20 sit-ups plus 20 squats to work the legs.
  • The combination of these circuits allows you to train strength and endurance. Each circuit should be preceded by a short warm-up of between 5 and 10 minutes to prepare the muscles for physical activity.

What is an Aquahiit session like?

  • Now, musical stimuli are used in an Aqua Intense session, but it is not a choreographed activity and each session is different from the previous one.
  • It begins with a first phase of muscle activation and then up to 6 blocks are carried out with different global and metabolic exercises to work all parts of the body. These exercises follow a methodology very similar to Cross Training, incorporating training such as AMRAP or EMOM among others.
  • Finally, the session, which lasts 50 minutes, ends with a return to calm with different stretches. As you can imagine, this is an activity focused on those people who are already used to high-intensity training and can also do it in the water.
  • Then, it is based on periods of high cardiac activity (reaching 80% or 90% of the maximum heart rate) that alternate with other periods of low intensity (50% or 60%).

Benefits of aquahiit

  • Beforehand, the combination of both periods done in aquahiit improves the body's ability to oxidize both glucose and fat, causing you to burn more calories.
  • In particular, it sustained the stimulated metabolism even after exercise had ended.
  • At the same time, with a tiny possibility of risk of injury.
  • Benefits circulation.
  • Meanwhile, it restricts the effort of the heart due to floating.
  • It also achieves significant cardiovascular improvements.
  • The next aspect is that it increases the maximum volume of oxygen.

Aquahiit class

Aqualimming class

4st type of pool sports

Aquafunctional or aquacircuit


What is Aquafunctional or aquacircuit

  • The aquafunctional It is an intense workout in the water where you go through different stations or circuits, for example, you can use: steps, bicycles, water trampolines, dumbbells, bands and balls to perform the exercises in the water.

The Aqua Circuit is an aquatic fitness modality with numerous exercises focused on muscle toning

  • The Aqua Circuit adapts the physical work carried out on land to the aquatic environment, with the advantage of the weightlessness it provides.
  • With the Aqua Circuit, general physical condition is improved and allows better recovery from injuries, which is why it is indicated for people in rehabilitation processes.

Aquafunctional: exercise the whole body

Different muscle groups are worked specifically and exercises for the upper, middle (oblique and abdominal) and lower parts of the body alternate.

Aquacircuit training

5st type of pool sports



What is Aqualates?

  • Aqualates: Exercises back and abdominal muscles, improving coordination, mobility, stability and balance, and therefore, it is still a water aerobic workout based on the same anatomical guidelines and exercises as Pilates.

What do we train with aqualates

  • Aqualates was specifically designed to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles.
  • In addition to being an intense workout to burn calories, Aqualates improves coordination, mobility, stability, endurance and balance.

For what type of person is aqualates ideal?

  • Aqualates can be considered an ideal workout for those suffering from pelvic pain, back pain or other joint pain.
  • People recovering from surgery or injuries.
  • Aqualates is also ideal for seniors with reduced mobility.

aqualates video tutorial: aquatic pilates

Aqualates class: pilates in the water

6st type of pool sports

Water sport for the upper body

water sport upper body

Water sport exercises for the upper body

TDeorte upper body pool: arm openings
  • We stand in the pool, in a straight position, with our hands together, in front of the body and our arms stretched.
  • From there, we open making a semicircle without going beyond the shoulders and return to the starting position.
  • We simply open and close our arms. 10 to 15 repetitions without your arms leaving the water.
Sport in the upper body pool: crosses

We start from the initial position of arms open in a cross, we close them forward and when we arrive, instead of joining our hands, we cross them and return to the initial position. 10 to 15 repetitions without your arms leaving the water.

Aquagym class for arms

Aquagym exercises for arms

Aquagym exercises: 20 minutes of arms and back
Aquagym: 20 minutes of arms and back

7st type of pool sports

Aquagym back

aquagym back

How to strengthen your back with aquagym: Walking in the water

  • Use water shoes
  • Start in the superficial zone no matter how superficial it is. Just start and gradually move into deeper water until you reach chest height.
  • Pay attention to your step. It should be long as you walk around the pool. Also, make sure you don't walk on the balls of your feet. Make sure you move your arms as if you were not in the water
  • Keep your back straight. You should have a straight posture as you do this movement. You can use a float strap if you have trouble staying upright, which will keep you where you need to be
  • Also, keep your core muscles tight so you don't lean to the side or forward.
  • Add some weights or other equipment. You can add them to make an exercise a little more difficult if you think it is too easy.

Strengthen your back with static aquagym exercises

  1. Try doing the exercise of bringing your knee toward your chest. 
  2. Take care of your hip muscles. 
  3. Try doing the Superman pose in front of the wall
  4. Try one-leg balance exercises. 
  5. Do the movements of riding a bicycle to have stronger abs.
  6. Try a double leg raise.
  7. Do some squats underwater. 
  8. Try some pull-ups with a fixed bar. 
  9. Make some half-suspended scissors. 
  10. Do some knee shrugs. 

Strengthen your back with aquagym exercises in motion

  1. Try doing some strides. 
  2. Kick around the pool. 
  3. Swim a few laps. 

Click the link below to get all the info on Aquagym exercises for back pain cited.

Aquagym exercises for the back and spine

Aquagym for the back

Therapeutic swimming for the lower back

Therapeutic swimming exercises for the lower back

Table of contents of the page: Aquagym

  1. What is aquagym
  2. Aquagym benefits
  3. Disadvantages aquaerobics
  4. What does Aquagym consist of?
  5. What muscles do we work with Aquagym?
  6. Who is Aquagym for?
  7. What are Aquagym classes like?
  8. Variants of Aquagym
  9. Aquagym exercises to lose weight
  10. Aquagym for pregnant women
  11. Aquagym for seniors
  12. Ideal Aquagym swimsuit
  13. Aquagym complementary material
  14. Aquagym music

8th type of pool sports

Aquagym abdominals

Aquagym abdominalsAquagym abdominals

Aquagym exercises for abs

  1. Float up: Perform five sets of thirty seconds and increase the time to further strengthen the abdomen. Rest fifteen seconds between sets.
  2. 'Swim' crawlQ: To perform this exercise, you must keep your abdomen tight throughout the entire journey. Hold on to the curb with your hands, lean back, stretching your body and trying to stay on the surface of the water and in harmony the hips, shoulders and back. She then kicks hard, keeping her body horizontal. Perform five repetitions of thirty seconds, and rest fifteen.
  3. Abs on the curb: With your abs on the curb you will work the lower part of your abdomen. Rest your elbows out of the water, on the edge of the pool, with your legs submerged. In this position, raise your legs together up to your chest, without exceeding the line of the hips with the knees. Perform five repetitions of fifteen sit-ups.
  4. Bike: The bicycle is one of the classics of the pool, which both adults and children put into practice. With this exercise we can work the rectus abdominis and the obliques. Rest your arms on the curb and performs the gesture of riding a bicycle. Start with three one-minute sets, resting thirty seconds between each.
  5. Crossing of legs: With your arms resting on the curb, Cross your legs over and over again, keeping your abdomen tightly contracted.. Perform five sets of forty seconds, resting ten seconds between each one.  
  6. Alternate leg crossing: Just like we do it on the ground, we can also do it in the pool. Repeat the maneuver you would do in the flutter or curb crunches and cross your legs over and over again until you are tired enough. You can easily do it for 40 seconds, resting 10 between sets to complete a total of four sets.
  7. Leg extension: Keep your legs upright and straight underwater for at least thirty seconds. Rest twenty seconds between sets, and perform a total of 4. You will see that you notice that your abdomen is pure steel after performing this exercise.
  8. Leg flutter: In the same way you would do sit-ups leaning on the edge of the pool, perform several sets of one-minute flutters. Remember to go up to chest height and maintain the line of your hips with your knees.
  9. butterfly kick
  10. Hold on to the ladder or curb. Legs and feet together. Perform the butterfly kick for one minute. Then, turn around and raise your legs and cycle for another minute. At all times you must keep your abdomen tight.

Click on the following link for the guidelines of the Exercises to strengthen the abdominals… Under water! Actually, you discover some simple routines that you can do in the pool or in the sea while you take a refreshing dip and show off your flat stomach.

Aquagym exercises for the abs and waist
Aquagym abdominals

9st type of pool sports

Aquagym legs and buttocks

squats in the pool
squats in the pool

Exercises aquagym for legs and buttocks

  1. Squats in the pool: Perform 20 squats in the same way as you would do out of the water, standing with the water up to your waist. The ideal would be to increase the repetitions to increase intensity.
  2. Gentle freestyle kick: apart from that, if you can use your arms it ensures a balanced exercise divided between the upper and lower part of the body.
  3. A good exercise to tone your glutes can be as simple as swimming.
  4. Walking around the pool to invigorate buttocks and legs
  5. Walk in the pool.
  6. Run in the pool as if we were jogging, first normally, then with high knees.
  7. Jump with one leg or open and close your legs sideways, cross them, jump left and right or do scissors.
  8. Move your legs as if you were taking a bike ride:

Aqua-gym class: 20 minutes of legs and glutes
Aquagym: 20 minutes of legs and glutes

10st type of pool sports



What is aquastep based on?

  • The Aquastep: It is based on toning the lower body and working the cardiovascular system by immersing a stepper in water to perform the subsequent exercises.

How to perform water step exercises

The exercises are performed using a step submerged in water with weights. The speed of the exercises is not the same, since we need more strength to execute the movements, so caloric consumption increases as well as the intensity of the exercise.

Benefits of aquastep

  1. Increase resistance
  2. Tones the lower body
  3. Improves blood circulation
  4. Stimulates heart and lung functions
  5. Improves coordination of movements

Aquastep training routine

Aquatic exercises with aquastep

11st type of pool sports

Water cycling (aquacycle / aquaspinning / aquabiking)

Water cycling
Water cycling

Definition of aquatic cycling: trendy pool sport

  • Aquacycle or aquaspinning: spinning class (or stationary bike) in the water, consists of getting the most out of spinning by taking advantage of the extra resistance provided by pedaling against the force of the water.
  • Additionally, it allows you to burn between 300 and 500 kcal per session, while doing a lower body workout,
  • Suitable for people with knee problems, since the resistance of the water slows down the pedal.
  • At the same time, pedaling in the water makes us gain the resistance that the bicycle offers in the water, allowing us to amplify cardiovascular benefits, exercising our agonist (pull) and antagonist (push) muscles) and in turn strengthening the muscles and has therapeutic capacity giving us a pleasant sensation and natural massage, but the abdominal area and upper body are also reinforced thanks to the external resistance.
  • Likewise, because the activity is carried out in the water, we reduce the impact and soften the movements that we would do with classic cycling; meaning that this exercise allows people with injuries to recover muscle tone and improve mobility, especially in the case of knee injuries since the quadriceps are strengthened to protect the joint.
  • Finally, we provide you with the link to our entries regarding the general aquabike sport and also to the specific entry of the first Manta 5 e-bike.

Benefits of aquatic cycling

  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • It greatly promotes blood circulation, treating and preventing circulatory problems.
  • Increases resistance capacity by improving breathing
  • Burn calories and tone the body
  • Strengthens the joints
  • Reduces nervous states, stress and anxiety
  • Low risk of injury
  • Work the force of the musculature
How to do Aquapinning
  • Without putting your feet on the ground, perform the pedaling gesture and increase the pace to achieve a more complete exercise.
  • Don't forget to change the direction and repeat the exercise for 1 minute in each direction.
  • A roll of polyethylene would be necessary to be able to float, although it is not essential if we can use our arms to keep us afloat.
  • «To this exercise we can add the stroke movement that complements very well what we are doing with the legs. But I reiterate, the displacement must be constant. "If not, the effect of burning calories is not achieved."

aquaspinning class

Aquabiking class

12st type of pool sports

walk in water

walk pool

How to walk in a pool?

  • To walk in water, the height at which the water is is important. The higher it is, the more resistance it will cause. It is most advisable that the height of the water does not exceed the person's waist. It is important to avoid walking on tiptoe. foot, and keep your back straight.
  • With the water up to your waist, walk from one end of the pool to the other, taking steps forward and then backward for 2 minutes, to activate and warm up your body.
  • Increase speed to increase training intensity at random intervals.
  • Also use your hands to exercise the muscles in your arms. You just have to put your hands under the water and swing them back and forth, like when you walk. 
  • You can use a water weight to hold in your hands while you walk. 
  • Try to practice this activity for at least 20 minutes without stopping, two or three times a week. Add time and intensity as it becomes easy for you.

Differences between the type of water you walk in

  • Fresh water activates blood circulation and promotes better venous return.
  • On the other hand, salt water benefits from the mineral salts and trace elements it contains. 
  • Furthermore, in water at 12 or 13 ° C, more calories are burned.

What are the benefits of walking in the pool

  1. It is necessary to emphasize that walking in the pool strengthens the heart.
  2. Lowers blood pressure.
  3. Another feature of walking in the pool is good for circulation
  4. You burn calories and maintain useful weight control.
  5. Another aspect is that it helps regulate glucose.
  6. Tone and strengthen muscles in the water
  7. Walking in water improves balance
  8. It is very beneficial for people with arthritis to practice walking in the water of a heated pool,
  9. Finally, walking in water is a perfect activity to combat anxiety and accumulated tension.

13st type of pool sports

Aqua-jogging (aqua jogging / aquarunning)


Definition aqua-jogging

  • Aqua-jogging is a sport in which we run or jog in the pool, either in contact with the pool floor in the shallowest part of the pool or in the deepest area. 
  • Running in water: It is stipulated that 15 minutes of movement in the water is equivalent to 40 minutes of jogging outside of it, so More calories are burned in less time and muscle tone increases. thanks to the resistance of water.
  • Then click on the link if you want to know all the information about the aquarunning.

Three variables are recognized as aquajogging:

  • Zero impact: With a flotation band in waters deeper than your height.
  • 80% impact: Running or walking in pools that allow you to touch the bottom of the pool.
  • Submersible belt: The most expensive way to do it. Which requires a professional or homemade band submerged in water.

What benefits does aquarunning have?

  • Increases muscle strength and endurance
  • We manage to tone not only the legs, but also other parts of the body.
  • You feel lighter and more flexible.
  • Improve cardiovascular condition
  • Reduction in the possibility of joint and muscle injuries
  • Develops strength and endurance.
  • Excellent rehabilitation therapy, especially for professional runners overcoming injuries.

Necessary aquajogging equipment

  • The necessary equipment is a swimsuit and, in deep water, a weighted flotation belt or vest.
  • The belt provides momentum so that the body floats in the water and can adopt the correct, upright posture without further effort. An alternative is so-called leg floats: foam sleeves that are attached to the feet.

How is aquajogging done?

  1. To begin with, at the beginning of the activity, it is suggested to warm up by doing some lengths.
  2. Maintain a straight posture with your shoulders just perpendicular to your hips.
  3. Close your hands subtly when you're running.
  4. Exaggerate the movement of your knees when you go up and stretch your back leg well.
  5. Perform dorsiflexion with your feet. When you run your toes point a little towards your shins, so try not to forget this natural movement of running.
  6. Then, we will start running at different tempos, more or less fast, for a minimum training of 45 minutes.
  • Jumps: Bringing your knees to your chest in the water stiffens your legs and buttocks. You can vary the jumps and do them by opening and closing your legs, with one leg or with your feet together, in different directions... always taking advantage of the little impact of water on bones and joints and, therefore, the lower risk of injury.
  • Kicks: Keeping your back straight and your abdomen firm, you kick in different directions, front, side and even backwards, to tighten your glutes and gain muscle tone and strength in your hips and belly. An alternative way to burn abdominal and leg fat.

It can be practiced both in the pool - even with devices designed to run in the water - and in the sea. 

Aquarunning exercises to run faster or for strengthening and recovery from injuries

Aquarunning exercises

14st type of pool sports

Aqua Boxing

Aqua Boxing
Aqua Boxing

Aqua-Boxing Definition

  • aqua boxing They are exercises that combine aerobic training with the body combat movements of boxing with martial arts, karate and even kickboxing; So, we will exercise with punches, kicks and jumps.
  • To practice aquaboxing, you only need a swimsuit and a pair of foam gauntlets.

Benefits of aquaboxing:

  • In general, it improves the cardiovascular system.
  • Increases coordination and agility.
  • Increases muscle resistance.
  • Strength prospers.
  • Reciprocally, it sharpens physical resistance.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.
  • Strengthens the abdominals.
  • Reduce weight as you burn between 500 and 1000 calories in each class.
  • After all. It even eliminates stress.
How to do the water loop exercise
  • First of all, you must imitate the exercise of jumping the rope or rope that boxers use a lot in their training.
  • It involves passing the roll under the legs while they are simultaneously raised in a jump, either bent backwards or bringing the knees to the chest.
  • Try to pass the foam under your legs as many times as possible.
  • It is important to breathe well, because it can be a tiring exercise.
  • Excellent for toning and doing some cardio in the same session.

Aqua-boxing class

Aqua boxing class

15st type of pool sports



Definition aqua-yoga

  • El Woga or aqua yoga It is an aquatic activity with the purpose of relaxing and stretching, undertaking the same movements of the figures of warriors, balances, twists, postures and breathing of traditional yoga but with the distinction that you are submerged in the pool and that also avoids the risk of rigidity.
  • It should be noted that aquayoga, along with standing yoga, deals with concentration on the abdomen and breathing, combining them with movements.
  • And, really, that It is a very appropriate activity for pregnant women.

Aquatic yoga therapy

Aquatic yoga class

16st type of pool sports



What is Ai-chi

  • Ai-Chi It is a form of aquatic therapy used both as a relaxation technique and to tone the body through physical exercise and rehabilitation.
  • Likewise, ai-chi is based on the application of two martial arts: wushu and tai chi.

Ai chi class

Ai chi Hydro Therapy

17st type of pool sports

Aquarelax (therapeutic swimming / Watsu)


What is therapeutic swimming called aquarelax

  • First of all, therapeutic swimming called aquarelax or Watsu is a dynamic class that proceeds inside the pool and includes meditation, stretching and core exercises with the aim of acquiring a deep stage of relaxation, testing sensations that involve all sensations.

Where does the name Watsu come from?

  • On the other hand, Aquarelax is also called Watsu; name of which comes from the union of two words. Water (water) and Shiatsu (ancient Japanese skill that supports healing processes), a.

What are the Aquarelax classes like?

  • The aquarelax It lies in having the body submerged in the water, taking advantage of the lightness of the water, which allows you, in a simplistic way, to enjoy a floating massage.
  • It should also be mentioned that it includes respiratory work and at the same time functional activity of both the body and the mind.
  • Since it is active relaxation in the water, we will carry out coordination and balance training.
  • In short, in Watsu, the objective is to exchange the energy of the environment with the body.

Watsu, a contemporary skill that combines oriental methods to achieve balance in the body and mind.

  • In relation to the significance of using the bowls in Watsu, it is a direct consequence of the beliefs of the ancient cultures of the East, which considered that the disease had its origin in an energetic imbalance, given that the universe vibrates in each cell and in each organ.
  • Consequently, Aqua Relax is reputed to be a good formula to take care of different diseases.

The beneficial therapeutic effects derived from the practice of Aquarelax

  • Firstly, intensify mobility
  • Develop flexibility
  • By the way, it relaxes the muscles.
  • It should be added that breathing noticeably improves
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Reduces pain
  • We obtain a more regular and pleasant sleep
  • Serene digestion
  • Finally, it leads to positive emotions.
How to do the aquagym Relax exercise at home

Playing dead in the pool, to relax the muscles and eliminate pressure from our back, since this exercise helps us practice deep breathing for greater relaxation. Hold for 5 min.

Aqua relax: relaxation therapy in the water

Aqua Relax relaxation therapy in water.

Aquagym exercises to lose weight

Aquagym: exercises to lose weight underwater

Don't let the smooth movement in the water fool you because in one hour you can burn about 500 calories. Thus, this sport contributes to increasing physical endurance and muscle strength, while reducing superfluous fat. All of this is then reflected in a generalized improvement in the cardiological system. The basic exercises are: raising your knees, kicking, opening and closing your legs, jumping, swinging,...and all accompanied with different arm movements and to the sound of music. At the end, relaxation exercises will be performed to return to calm after the intense exercise.

 10 tips to lose weight with aquagym by generating lean mass

aqua fitness exercises

Suggestions for greater weight loss in aquagym class

  1. First of all, as much as possible, keep your heart rate above 80% of your maximum.
  2. In second place, make changes of rhythm; with recoveries of 15 to 30” between the most intense segments.
  3. Increase training time.
  4. Sprint alternately throughout the routine.
  5. It is recommended to train more or less 3 to 4 days a week with 3 days of rest.
  6. Additionally, train with training material: swimming paddles, pullboy and fins.
  7. Regularly increase the amount of time in which you perform the exercise while staying buoyant. (without touching the ground).
  8. Exercise in cold water pools, since cold water requires the body to burn more calories to balance the low temperatures. And, above all, avoid heated pools to do sports in the pool (so as not to suffer damage to your health).
  9. Finally, Don't forget to hydrate throughout the activity.

Exercises aerobics with effective results to lose weight

Aquagym movements to lose weight

  • 1. The first movement is carried out with the arms flexed to move them individually forward and backward while We jump until we touch the bottom, contracting the abdominals at the same time we move each stretched leg from front to back.
  • 2. Take small jumps with arm touching opposite knee to strengthen the legs, glutes, back, abs, arms and pectorals at the same time.
  • 3. Hold on to the edge of the pool with your arms bent and stretch your legs together back and forth bringing your knees to your chest to strengthen your lats and abdominals.
  • 4. Leaning against the wall he tries contract your abs by bending your knees toward your chest and performs combined gestures repeatedly, turning both legs from left to right.
  • 5. With the water covering up to shoulder height and arms separated at the same level, perform jumps bringing them forward at the same time you join and separate your legs.
  • To obtain effective results It is preferable to perform each of these series of movements 20 times. If you properly follow the instructions in the exercise table that we propose, you will soon be able to boast of a body size of ten.

Complete exercise routine in the water to lose weight

aquagym exercises to lose weight

Aquagym for pregnant women

Aquagym is ideal for pregnant women

pregnant aquagym
pregnant aquagym

Aquagym benefits during pregnancy

Pros of aqua-fitness during pregnancy

  • The changes that a woman suffers during the nine months of pregnancy, such as swelling of the legs, feet and ankles, excessive weight, varicose veins or hemorrhoids, can be controlled through exercise.
  • According to various investigations, one of those that can provide the most benefits is aquatic gymnastics, especially in reducing lower back pain.
  • As we have already said, aquagym promotes blood flow, since hydrostatic pressure facilitates venous return, improving circulation and reducing edema, a situation that is particularly favorable for pregnant women and those with varicose veins.

Previously, the pregnant woman should consult with her doctor if aqua-fitness is appropriate for her.

Although the pregnant woman should first consult with the doctor whether or not it is appropriate for her to perform this type of exercise, the truth is that aquagym relaxes, helps burn off excessive calories, improves circulation and makes the woman not feel the weight as much. of the belly.

How pregnant women should do aquagym

Pregnant women carry out the chosen activity to the extent of each one's capabilities. The limits are set by each person. If necessary, the teacher will give options to continue with the class.

During the class, it is recommended to perform general movements and walks in the water, as well as exercises to tone the extremities.

It should be noted that specialists advise practicing exercise adapted to the period of pregnancy and the physical state of the pregnant woman, as well as giving a few minutes to breathing and relaxation techniques.

It is not recommended that exercise intensity of pregnant women be measured in isolation.

Some English researchers (or Neil, 1992), however, do not recommend that pregnant women have a subjective perception of effort in isolation, used to measure exercise intensity.

Comparing heart rate and perception of effort in women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy in four different exercise programs (walking, cycling, aerobic circuit), the English noted that the data were not significantly correlated, and presented margins of error of 54 shakes per minute.

Intensity in terms of percentage of maximum heart rate of pregnant women

The maximum theoretical heart rate can be calculated this way: 220-age.

For pregnant women, it is recommended not to exceed 140 beats per minute.

Video with Aquatic exercises for pregnant women

Aquatic exercises for pregnant women

Aquagym for seniors

Benefit of aquagym for seniors

Senior Aquagym
Senior Aquagym

Aquagym for the elderly: winning pool sport

The success and reigning triumph of the practice of aquagym in adults

The prevailing success in aquaym pool sports in adults stems from the following virtues offered by the aquatic activity itself:
  • Music: helps us relax or activate, feeling more comfortable when performing any type of exercise.
  • The properties of the aquatic doctor: they do with less effort, due to the buoyancy of our bodies, allowing us to perform the same exercises that we would do out of the water without feeling so tired. It makes possible a series of exercises that are impossible to perform outside of it or makes our body temperature much more pleasant.
  • The use of material: helps us adapt the effort to the possibilities and characteristics of each person, offering greater or lesser resistance to water.
  • The water's temperature: Normally between 28º and 31º which makes exercise more pleasant, helping us relax.

Aquagym exercises for people over 60 years old

Aquagym exercises for people over 60 years old

Ideal Aquagym swimsuit

What form of swimsuit should I wear for aquafitness?

swimsuit for aquafitness
swimsuit for aquafitness

How to choose the right clothing for practicing water sports

Essential features of the Aquagym swimsuit

  • Chlorine resistance: For classes once or twice a week, up to 100 hours of use.
  • Chest support: Feel good support thanks to the fixed padding integrated into the swimsuit.
  • That makes us feel comfortable: Swimsuit or swimsuit for many represents a challenge, because we do not always feel 100% confident in our body, so it is important to feel comfortable both aesthetically and practically in our clothes. Find the suit model that best suits you. go with you, but also facilitate your exercises in the water, because sacrificing aesthetics for comfort in this case is not a good decision.
  • Costs and materials according to our levelIf we love perfect clothes, we will have one more place to brand new and wear models, but let's avoid buying an entire professional swimmer's outfit if we're just starting to take classes. Little by little we add quality and expenses if we consider it prudent, because the more commitment we have to practice this sport, more clothes to take classes or go to the pool will be necessary. Of course, if it is a summer course for children, let's prefer clothes that are good, pretty and cheap, and let's invest a little more if we have a subscription or membership in a swimming school.
  • Clothing care Humidity, sun, chlorine and lack of cleaning are fatal for swimming clothes, the quality can be superior and outstanding, but if we do not take care of the clothes in the most basic way, they will probably last less, or little by little they will wear out faster.

Type of swimwear ideal for doing aquafitness

Suggestions on swimsuits for aqua-fitness

Firstly, you need firm support to protect your bust, meaning if you are a woman it is suggested to look for a swimsuit with a built-in bra.

Cross-shaped swimsuits
cross back aquagym swimsuit
cross back aquagym swimsuit

On the one hand, it is worth mentioning that cross-shaped swimsuits highlight and support the bust better thanks to their built-in foam cups.

U-shaped back suits
U-shaped back swimsuit
U-shaped back swimsuit

On the other hand, those suits that have a U-shaped back mean that the swimsuit is easy to put on and take off, and the gathers at the hips make it more stylish.

How to choose the right clothing to practice aquagym depending on pool location

aquagym clothing
aquagym clothing

The Best Clothing and Hygiene for the Indoor Pool

  • In the indoor pool, the greatest interest is to be comfortable, to use fabrics that prevent friction and that help us enjoy swimming or sports with the greatest ease.
  • Lycra swimsuits special for chlorine, although they may cost us a little more, will last longer. Many people who do aquagym change their swimsuit every year because even if they only go to the pool twice a week, at the end of the season it is worn out, transparent and with worn rubber.
  • When getting out of the water it is very important to wear footwear that does not slip and, if possible, not toe flip flops as the foot suffers and if we abuse this type of footwear our way of walking will be forced.
  • . It is essential to wear footwear the entire time we are inside the facilities, including, and above all, in the shower where we can catch fungus if we do not protect our feet.
  • The towel we use can be made of microfiber or a natural material. The important thing is that if we use it when we get out of the water, we change it after showering, because if we use the same towel when we get out of the shower, we put chlorine on our clean skin again. .
  • After showering, it is important to wash the swimsuit and shoes with a soft gel and wring gently without applying too much pressure as we can damage or deform the fabrics. .
  • Once we get home, we wash the towels with a mild detergent and hang all the clothes without stretching too much and, if possible, without clothespins in the shade.
  • If the hat is made of fabric, we will do the same as with the swimsuit and if it is plastic, we will rinse it well with a mild soap and after drying it we can put talcum powder on it so that it finishes absorbing the moisture.

The Best Clothing and Hygiene for the Outdoor Pool

  • In these cases we can follow the recommendations that we have mentioned in indoor pools but we must also make an effort to protect our skin as much as possible.
  • To do this, we can opt for swimwear with sun protection, fabrics that prevent the sun's rays from coming into contact with our skin.
  • Let's not forget approved sunglasses and wear footwear that prevents burning our feet and that are comfortable and appropriate for the bathing location.
  • If we bathe in a rocky or slippery area, it is important to use special slippers for the bathroom. 

Aquagym complementary material

What does it take to do aquagym?

Aquagym Accessories

Materials used in Aquagym

Next, we mention the most used accessories in Aquagym and then go into details:

Accessories for Aquatic Gymnastics classes

  • Churros for aqua-fitness
  • fins
  • Board and Step for aquaym
  • Foam weights and dumbbell for aqua aerobics
  • Anklets
  • Aquafitness belt
  • Swim board
  • Pulklboys
  • Rubber bands and elastic bands
  • Balls or fitballs
  • Foam strips
  • Rubber tire
  • Aquapad

Water aerobic classes usually include basic pool equipment. Your local pool may also provide major equipment such as treadmills, bikes, and water elliptical machines. You can also purchase equipment to help increase the effectiveness of your time in the pool.

1st accessory for Aquagym

Churros for aqua-fitness

Aquagym Accessories

Churros price for aqua-fitness

Bestway 32108 – Churro Pool Aqua Bones, 1 unit [assorted colors]

[amazon box= «B00NGIE3X8 » button_text=»Buy» ]

Happy People Churro Float, 161" x 8", Assorted Colors

[amazon box= «B000PTQ8DO» button_text=»Buy» ]

Solmar – Churro for Swimming, Foam Float, Float Stick, Foam Tube for Pool, Foam Spaghetti 6 X 150cm, Available Choose the Color You Like Best

[amazon box= «B08SKNTJ3F » button_text=»Buy» ]

Mondo – Churro Foam Float (15973)

[amazon box= «B003OBDKZE » button_text=»Buy» ]

2nd accessory for Aquagym

Use fins as an accessory

aquatic fitness with fins
aquatic fitness with fins

Hand fins and resistance gloves. The market is full of options here. This equipment is designed to help improve your strength training in the water

How do fins benefit me for aquagym?

In the pool, they give you resistance and therefore stamina. They also make it easier to train your legs and instead focus on other parts of the body, particularly the abs and glutes. The longer the blade, the more effort they require.

  • Lower frequency but more glide and speed, giving your entire lower body and abs a complete workout.
  • Since you have the added speed and energy, your workouts will be fun and more fruitful. ‍
  • Fins are like extra weight on your legs that is used to add resistance to your swimming.
  • You swim the same number of laps but get twice the training.

To improve exercises in the water and enhance the benefits of aquagym, there is a set of pool accessories that help increase effort and resistance in the water. Thus, both the benefits and the exercise itself in the water will be greater. These accessories also allow you to perform a series of specific exercises that will help you work more specific parts of your body, such as your legs or arms. Weighted wrist or ankle bracelets to increase resistance, membrane gloves, belts, dumbbells or even an aquagym step can be the perfect complement to help you with gymnastics sessions in the water.

Price of fins for aquagym

Cressi Rondinella – High-end fins for beginners and snorkeling

[amazon box= «B000NROI30 » button_text=»Buy» ]

Cressi Agua Short, Unisex Adult Snorkeling Fins

[amazon box= «B07L24XFF8″ button_text=»Buy» ]

Mares Hermes – Unisex Fins

[amazon box= «B0083GIMVM » button_text=»Buy» ]

Arena Powerfin Pro Fin, Unisex Adult

[amazon box= «B014HISRNC » button_text=»Buy» ]

3st accessory for Aquagym

Board and Step for aquaym

Features Step for aquaym

  • Aquagym Step: Weighted step to stay at the bottom of the pool and be able to do cardio exercises in the water. Ideal to help you with leg exercises.

Step price for aquaym

Leisis 0103068 Aquastep, Turquoise Blue, One Size

[amazon box= «B01H3GLLW4 » button_text=»Buy» ]

Beco Unisex – Adult AquaStep-96040 AquaStep Assorted/Original One Size

[amazon box= «B019HI2PMG » button_text=»Buy» ]

Softee 24236.028 Aquafitness Steps Aquastep, Blue, S

[amazon box= «B0721TBZKR » button_text=»Buy» ]

Softee AQUASTEP Ballasted Step for the Pool

[amazon box= «B00J7PAOFU » button_text=»Buy» ]

4nd accessory for Aquagym

Foam weights and dumbbell for aqua aerobics

Foam dumbbells. Light and easy to carry, but very heavy when you lift them underwater; Dumbbells come in a variety of resistance options.

Closed cell foam weights for arm exercises. Perfect for working the triceps against the flow or Aqua Jogging. Its rounded shape also allows you to do lateral exercises.

Price Foam weights and dumbbell for aquaerobics

2 Neoprene Dumbbells 1KG | Home training | Water Resistant

[amazon box= «B08T63J6GG » button_text=»Buy» ]

Speedo Aqua Dumbell Fins, Adult Unisex, Blue, One Size

[amazon box= «B004CYXDAO » button_text=»Buy» ]

PROIRON Neoprene Dumbbells - Neoprene Coated Dumbbells (Sold in Pairs)

[amazon box= «B01C9MU966″ button_text=»Buy» ]

BECO Aqua Dumbbells for Aquatic Use (2 Pack, Medium)

[amazon box= «B000KFB0G8 » button_text=»Buy» ]

5nd accessory for Aquagym

Foam anklets for aquaerobics

Water weights. Strap-on ankle or wrist weights increase resistance to arm and leg movements in the pool. Also available in a range of resistance options.

Price Foam anklets for aquaerobics

Sveltus Adjustable Water Weights Aqua Band, 2X 500 g

[amazon box= »B00KLNCS1U» button_text=»Buy» ]

EFFEA 482 Weighted bracelet for aquagym, Blue

[amazon box= »B019QG40EK» button_text=»Buy» ]

Softee Equipment Aquaerobic Nemo Ankle Brace-Pair, Various, One Size

[amazon box= «B00H2J7OUQ» button_text=»Buy» ]

Leisis 0101030 Wristband-Anklet, Purple, One Size

[amazon box= »B01GOMY80U» button_text=»Buy» ]

6nd accessory for Aquagym

Aqua fitness belt

Buoyancy belt. These belts help keep your head above water in the depths, while leaving your hands free. You can run, lift weights, and do other exercises using your hands, without having to step into the water.

Aqua fitness belt price

Beco Water Sports Training Exercise & Fitness Training Aqua Jogging Bebelt Blue

[amazon box= »B00L2EFOL8″ button_text=»Buy» ]

EVEREST FITNESS Swimming Belt Water Sports and Training – Float Belt for Swimming and Adjustable for Aquajogging up to 100kg – Pool Bubble for Children and Adults

[amazon box= »B01ICXZED4″ button_text=»Buy» ]

Beco – Training belt for water sports

[amazon box= »B000PKDTBW» button_text=»Buy» ]

Softee Equipment 0018001 Aquafitness Belt, Women's, White, S

[amazon box= »B01849KLVQ» button_text=»Buy» ]

7nd accessory for Aquagym

Swim board

Swimming board. You'll quickly learn many swim board exercises once you have one of these inexpensive, lightweight pool tools.

Some pools even offer team sports like “board baseball” (think baseball, but you use the board as a bat).

Swim board price

Softee 0020201 – Small Swimming Board

[amazon box= »B00H9GZ88C» button_text=»Buy» ]

Eurokick Bubble – Swimming board, 47 x 28, Eurokick

[amazon box= »B06Y36P6GJ» button_text=»Buy» ]

Leisis 0101014 Table, Blue, 29 x 22 x 3 cm

[amazon box= »B01GK26IG6″ button_text=»Buy» ]

Leisis 0101013 Table, Blue, 38 x 23 x 3 cm

[amazon box= »B01GK2222A» button_text=»Buy» ]

8nd accessory for Aquagym


pullboy swimming

Pullboys Price

ARENA Freeflow Pullbuoy Swimming Training Equipment, Unisex, Black/Gray, Universal

[amazon box= »B003QCJ93I» button_text=»Buy» ]

ARENA Unisex Adult – Swimming Training Material for Swimming, Size 95056

[amazon box= »B008XF125G» button_text=»Buy» ]

Softee Equipment 0019742, Pull Boy, White, One Size

[amazon box= «B00H9GZBPC» button_text=»Buy» ]

V GEBY EVA Swim Board Foam Pull Booy EVA Float Kick Legs Board Kids Adults Pool Swimming Safety Training

[amazon box= »B089M873V4″ button_text=»Buy» ]

9nd accessory for Aquagym

Rubber bands and elastic bands for static swimming

adjustable swimming training belt

Description static swimming training belt

  • The static swimming training belt allows you to increase the performance of training in pools or small spaces, it allows you to swim in any style with freedom of movement in your arms and legs, allowing intensive training, both prolonged and sprint, it is the indispensable tool for aquatic training .
  • It does not cause jerks when swimming due to the elasticity of its resistance tape and adjustable length to any size of small, large or space pool, and even sea and train with all the necessary safety.
  • The swimming belt requires external anchoring in any area close to the point where swimming training is carried out; points such as stairs or a nearby column are ideal points for attachment.
  • Static swimming with a belt and elastic band is a highly recommended option due to its versatility in performing the exercise statically.

Price Rubber bands and elastic bands for static swimming

Nadathlon 001 Static Swimmer, Unisex Adults, Blue, One Size

[amazon box= «B07B4WY8QR» button_text=»Buy» ]

GOLDFIT Nadathlon Static Swimming Belt, Resistance Elastic Rubber Band Rope for Swimming in the Pool, Microfiber Towel and Case. Swim Belt Waist Harness Kit for Training.

[amazon box= »B08L51R8WL» button_text=»Buy» ]

Queta Swimming Training Belt Rope Pool Swim Adjustable Stationary Resistance Belt for Swimming

[amazon box= »B08SBR8K1T» button_text=»Buy» ]

KIKILIVE Outdoor Swimming Belt, Swimming Training Belt, Swimming Resistance Belt, Durable Elastic Rope for Pool Training

[amazon box= »B088TQFR9R» button_text=»Buy» ]

10nd accessory for Aquagym

Balls or fitballs

aquagym ball

Price of balls or fitballs

Waboba- Surf Water Bouncing Ball, Color sunny waves (AZ-103-SW)

[amazon box= »B07Z6V1RX6″ button_text=»Buy» ]

Waboba- Surf Water Bouncing Ball, Pineapple Color, 5,6 cm (AZ-103-Pineapple)

[amazon box= »B07Z6VBBWJ» button_text=»Buy» ]

Intex 59065NP – Giant inflatable circle ball, diameter 107 cm, 3 years

[amazon box= »B004EIZRZ2″ button_text=»Buy» ]

Beach ball Ø approx. 25 cm – Inflatable ball – Beach ball for babies and children – Swimming pool for beach and swimming pool

[amazon box= «B08YS8GPZ2″ button_text=»Buy» ]

11nd accessory for Aquagym



Description complement for Aquagym: Aquapac

  • Normal use of the touch screen and buttons through the case.
  • Flotation: depends on the weight of the different Smartphones, perform the test in a basin.
  • Supplied with a strap or an adjustable mobile strap.
  • It also protects against dust, dirt and grime.

Aquapac Price

Aquapac 668 Waterproof Case for iPad/Tablet Grey/Transparent Large Format

[amazon box= «B0044LZAA6″ button_text=»Buy» ]

Aquapac Waterproof Bag for Electrical Appliances L, 29 cm, Gray (Transparent/Grey)

[amazon box= «B0012BY2R8″ button_text=»Buy» ]

Aquapac 348 Waterproof Case for Electrical Appliances Transparent/Gray

[amazon box= «B0044LS7YM» button_text=»Buy» ]

Aquapac iPhone 6+ SIMILAR Case

[amazon box= «B00S54HRAE» button_text=»Buy» ]

Aquagym music

music for aquatic gymnastics

Aquaerobic: follow the rhythm of the music

Melody for playing sports in the pool

As we have been explaining throughout this entry, aquagym is a type of low-impact aquatic gymnastics with a duration of approximately 45 minutes and, with a medium power, in the quack. Different materials are used to the rhythm of music to perform cardiovascular work and general toning exercises in the water.

Besides, with the beat of the music they control theThe pulsations make the body respond to them.

TOP Aquagym Music

Aqua Gym Muscia Mania Session 2021

Aqua Gym Muscia Mania Session 2021

Aqua Gym Muscia Latin Hits 2021

Aqua Gym Muscia Latin Hits 2021