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Ok Pool Reform

Solar pool water heating

Solar pool water heating: pool heating system based on solar energy, absorbing the sun's rays (clean energy).

Solar pool water heating
Solar pool water heating

En Ok Pool Reform within Pool equipment and in the section of Climatized pool We present you an option to consider to heat the pool: Solar pool water heating

Solar pool water heating

Take advantage of solar energy to heat pool water

The solar pool heater is a pool water heating system based on solar energy, since it absorbs the sun's rays (clean energy) and thus increases the water temperature in a completely ecological way.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to mention that it is an economic system.

As the pool water temperature does not have to be too hot, solar collectors can be simple, usually polypropylene plastic. They act as if they were a hose, which heats up when exposed to the sun and heats the water in its path.

In addition, the system does not require a storage tank, since the pool itself will act as a tank.

Typically, a filtration pump is used to force water through the plates. The size of the pump varies depending on the location of the collectors, the further away the larger the pump should be.

When there is an adequate amount of sun, the filtered water circulates through the collectors which will heat it and direct it back to the pool. That is, the pool water passes through the pump, the pump goes to the filter and the filter goes to the collectors, and then it is returned to the pool.

The number of plates varies depending on the size of the pool. Generally, a plate measures 4,5m². So if the pool is, for example, 30m², you will need 7.

Advantages solar pool water heater

With the use of solar heat to acclimatize the pool, the cost is almost zero throughout the year. The only equipment required in this system that consumes energy is the water filtration pump. It is a system that saves up to 70% energy compared to other types of heaters.

One square meter of solar collector is equivalent on average to 215 kg of fuel, 66 liters of gasoline or 55 kg diesel, which is an advantage.

The sun also produces heat, generating electricity through photovoltaic cells. This energy can be stored in batteries for use during periods when there is no sun.

Disadvantages solar pool water heater

The disadvantage of solar heating is that to be an alternative system, it will always depend on the weather conditions to work.

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Video INTEX solar pool heater

Video INTEX solar pool heater