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Ok Pool Reform

Pool consumption

Pool consumption

Save pool water

Electrical consumption of a swimming pool

Pool covers

Solar pool purifier

Carbon footprint pool

Carbon footprint pool

Carbon footprint in the pool

save pool water

Keys and ways to save pool water

Learn everything about pool water and electrical consumption.

The amount of water used by a pool is affected by the size and depth of the pool, as well as the amount of water that evaporates.

A standard residential pool is typically 20 to 30 feet wide and 6 to 10 feet deep. This type of pool typically uses between 10,000 and 30,000 gallons of water for each pool use, based on a standard use of 8 hours per week. In warmer climates or during the summer months, this amount can double. The depth and size of a pool also affect water loss due to evaporation; Deeper pools have less surface area for evaporation than shallow pools, so they lose less water through evaporation.