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Ok Pool Reform

Saline chlorination

disadvantages of saltwater pools.

Disadvantages of salt water pools

Advantages of the saltwater pool

The advantages of a saltwater pool

What is a pool salt chlorinator?

What is a saline pool chlorinator

What is salt chlorination?

What is salt chlorination

How to install a salt chlorinator if there is any type of heating system.

How to install a salt chlorinator in a heated pool

How to install a salt chlorinator

How to install a salt chlorinator

Salt chlorination of swimming pools is a process used to control the proliferation of algae and bacteria. Instead of chlorine, a highly concentrated salt creator is used to break down fecal and insoluble matter. The process creates a robust medium to control contaminants. Pool salt chlorination is better known as water ozonation and is generally used to reduce the incidence of water-related diseases. Water ozonation is highly effective in controlling algae, bacteria and other particles in the pool.