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How to recover green pool water: Goodbye to the green pool, complete rescue guide

How to recover green pool water: When it comes to fixing a green pool, there is an easy solution, follow our simple steps and you will have crystal clear water and can enjoy splashing around again.

recovery of green pool water

En pool water maintenance guide and within Recover green pool water We offer you an article with: Recover green pool water: Goodbye to the green pool, complete guide on how to recover green pool water.

Does your pool seem a little green lately? It can be frustrating to see the water in your oasis become unattractive after regular maintenance, but don't worry! When it comes to sprucing up a green pool, there is an easy solution. With a few simple steps, you will have crystal clear water and can enjoy splashing around again. In this blog post, we'll explore all the ways you can restore the look of your backyard by cleaning up residual algae and rejuvenating your garden paradise with a Pool Recover plan. So if you've been seeing that cloudy green tint developing where you're supposed to swim, read on for our tips and tricks on how you can get everything back to like new!

Goodbye Green Pool: Complete Guide to Get Rid of Algae

How to recover green pool water
Dirty pool water surface with autumn leaves floating in the water.

It can be quite shocking to bathe in a green pool. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also be dangerous to your health. If you're facing an algae infestation, don't worry – we're here to help. In this blog post, we will provide you with a complete guide to getting rid of algae and returning your pool to its former glory!

What are algae and why are they dangerous?

Algae are plant-like organisms that can range in size from microscopic single cells to large seaweeds. There are more than 20.000 species of algae known and they come in a wide variety of colors, such as green, red, brown and bluish-green. Algae can be found in almost all habitats on Earth, from the poles to the equator, and play an important role in the global food chain.

Although most algae are harmless, some species can cause serious problems to humans and other animals. For example, toxic algae blooms can poison fish and shellfish, making them unsafe to eat. These blooms can also harm marine mammals and birds that feed on affected shellfish. Additionally, some types of algae produce harmful toxins that can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems in humans.

How do you know if you have an algae problem?

If you have an algae problem, you likely see green, blue-green, brown, or red algae growing in your pool. Algae can also cloud your pool water. If you suspect you have an algae problem, it is important to test your pool water and consult a professional.

What to do when the pool water turns green

green water pool

What are the best methods to get rid of algae?

There are many methods that can be used to get rid of algae. Some of the most popular methods include the use of chemicals, physical removal, and the introduction of predators.

Chemicals are often used to remove algae. The most used chemical product is chlorine. Chlorine is effective at killing algae, but can also be harmful to other aquatic life and humans if not used correctly. Other chemicals that can be used to kill algae include copper sulfate, alum, and potassium permanganate.

Physical removal is another method that can be used to get rid of algae. This method consists of manually removing algae from the affected area. It can be done by brushing them from surfaces or vacuuming them from water.

Introducing predators is a more natural method of getting rid of algae. This method consists of introducing fish or other animals that feed on algae into the affected area. These predators will help keep the algae population in check.

How to recover green pool water

recover green pool water

Obviously, all pools require constant and rigorous maintenance to guarantee the best conditions. to its users and prevent a large number of health-related risks,

It should be noted that eliminating the green pool water It can be a quite complex process since it requires multiple steps to properly treat the water.

In addition, it is necessary to have multiple chemicals and specific tools to recover green water in the pool; these are some of the most important steps.

List with procedure to clean green pool without emptying

clean green pool without emptying

Firstly, We quote the different steps of the procedure to eliminate green water from the pool and then we explain them to you, going into detail one by one:

  1. Perform a chemical analysis of the pool water
  2. Control of pool alkalinity levels
  3. Pool pH control
  4. Check the hardness of the pool water.
  5. Check how the water disinfection is.
  6. Pool filtration time
  7. Clean the pool filter
  8. Scrub the walls and floor of the pool
  9. Consider whether it is necessary to renew part of the pool water

1st step clean green pool without emptying

Perform a chemical analysis of the pool water

How to Perform a Chemical Analysis of Pool Water
chemical analysis of pool water
chemical analysis of pool water
  • Assess, control and determine if we should adjust the pyoscine parameters (described below).
  • Before starting the treatment to clean green pool water, it is essential to carry out a chemical analysis test, since in this way it is possible to determine the pool levels present in the pool water, allowing people to understand more accurately the extent of the problem, as well as determine the most viable solution.
  • To carry out a chemical analysis of pool water, it is only necessary to use an analysis kit, which allows determining the conditions of the water through the application of various chemical substances which serve to indicate the levels of certain specific values ​​such as This is the case of chlorine or pH.

2nd step recover green pool water

Control of pool alkalinity levels

What is pool alkalinity

Firstly, As long as necessary, the alkalinity value of the pool is corrected first and then the pH of the pool water.

To begin, explain that the alkalinity is ability of water to neutralize acids, a measure of all alkaline substances dissolved in water (carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides), although borates, silicates, nitrates and phosphates may also be present.

Pool water alakalinity meter

Parameters to review alkalinity of water: The ideal range is 80-120mm.

  • If the alkalinity of the water is not correct, it may cause the disinfectant to not work either since: it imbalances the pH, it can form scale on the wall, among others.
  • To check this parameter there are different analytical strips on the market, you can take the water for a complete analysis at a pool store...
Buy pool water alakalinity meter

3st step clean green pool without emptying

Pool pH control

pool pH level

What is the pool pH level and how to control it

measure ph pool

What is pool pH

What is pH: Coefficient that indicates the degree of acidity or basicity of water. Therefore, pH is responsible for indicating the concentration of H+ ions in water, determining its acidic or basic character.

ideal pool pH

Appropriate value for pool water pH: between 7.2 and 7.6 ideal neutral pH range.

How to measure pool pH

Measuring the pool pH is essential for the treatment of pool water, therefore, we emphasize that in the pool world we could say that it is an obligation to have a: pH evaluator (whether manual or digital or perhaps automatic ).

Analytical strips to control the pH of the pool price

Correct the pH of the water if it is not at 7,2 (ideal value).

how to lower the ph of the pool
How to lower high or alkaline pool pH
pH plus products
pH pool minus price

4th step recover green pool water

Check the hardness of the pool water.

lime in the pool

Effects, measurement, treatments and removal of lime in the pool

What is pool water hardness?

The amount of calcium and magnesium present in water is called “water hardness.”
  • That is, the hardness of water is the concentration of mineral compounds in the water, mainly magnesium and calcium, therefore the agglomeration of alkaline salts.
  • La hardness of water It is the concentration of mineral compounds in water, mainly magnesium and calcium, therefore the agglomeration of alkaline salts.

Ideal pool liner hardness value

Ideal pool water hardness value: between 175 and 225 ppm per million.

Pool hardness value range with coatings other than liners

Pool hardness value range with coatings other than liners 180 to 275 ppm.

Strips to check the hardness of pool water

How to Increase Pool Water Hardness

Pool hardness increaser: Solution to: increase pool water hardness

How to lower the hardness of pool water

Pool calcium hardness reducer

5th step clean green pool without emptying

Check how the water disinfection is.

pool water treatment

Swimming pool water treatment

  • Most common example: chlorine parameters. Ideal parameter: 1 – 1,5ppm.
  • If the level is correct, we will activate the filtering of the pool for a day, combining this function with constant cleaning of the walls and bottom. If we see that the chlorine level is not correct and is low, then a shock treatment will have to be carried out.

Precautions whenever chemical product is added to green pool water

  • Finally, FILTER whenever a chemical product is added, at least for 12 hours as it may cause irritation to bathers.

6th step recover green pool water

Pool filtration time

Pool filtration

What is pool filtration: main elements and operation

Generic filter time formula

pool filtration
pool filtering time
  • Very generic formula to determine filtering time: water temperature / 2 = hours filtered
  • Above all, it is essential to start the pool filtration during the sunniest and hottest hours.
  • From when the water temperature is higher than 28ºC, it must be filtered continuously.

7th step clean green pool without emptying

Clean the pool filter

clean pool filter
clean pool filter

Importance of cleaning the pool filter

  • Another reason for the formation of green water in swimming pool and algae pools These are usually defective filters, this is because this device fulfills the function of retaining the impurities present in the pool water, unfortunately the filters tend to become clogged or even damaged due to lack of maintenance.
  • So one of the most effective ways to recover green water from the pool It is by cleaning the filter periodically, since this device usually absorbs leaves, branches, algae and other elements that can clog it, it is also important to configure the pool filter so that it remains on for 24 hours to be able to eliminate all impurities from the water.
  • In the case of having a sand filter: carry out washing and subsequent rinsing of the sand.
  • Below is a page with more information about cleaning a pool filter.
Swimming pool sand filter cleaning tutorial video
Swimming pool sand filter cleaning tutorial video

8th step recover green pool water

Scrub the walls and floor of the pool

clean pool walls
clean pool walls

How to clean the bottom of the pool

  • To begin with, the waterline of the pool water must be cleaned.
  • Clean the bottom of the pool with the aim of removing deposits and algae accumulated at the bottom of the pool.
  • After verifying that the pool has optimal levels of pH, chlorine and other chemical components present in the water and cleaning the filter, you should proceed to scrub the walls and floor of the pool to eliminate all dirt, fungi, bacteria. and algae present on said surfaces.
  • For its part, it is not necessary to empty the water from the pool when carrying out this step, since generally the pool filters are responsible for eliminating all dirt and other impurities while they are on, however it is It is necessary to use a specialized brush to reach these surfaces.

9th step clean green pool without emptying

Consider whether it is necessary to renew part of the pool water

What to do after filling the pool water

What to do after filling the pool water?

empty pool

Practical tips to know when to empty your pool

pool filling

Renew a part of the volume of water

If the previous steps have not borne fruit, the essential objective of renew a part of the volume of water (about 1/3 of water) which essentially includes this surface and bottom cleaning operation.

Video How to recover green pool water

Video how to clean a pool with green water in the pool

Finally, in the following video we leave you with a tutorial to learn how to clean a pool with green water.

Video How to recover green pool water

Procedure if the pool water remains green

How can you prevent algae from recurring in the future?

Although there is no guaranteed way to prevent algae from recurring in the future, there are some things that can be done to decrease the chances of it recurring.

First of all, it is important to clean any algae present as soon as possible. This will help prevent the spread of algae and make it less likely to come back. Secondly, make sure the area where the algae was is well ventilated and there is plenty of sunlight. This will help prevent algae growth in the future. Finally, if possible, try to avoid using fertilizers or chemicals in the area where the algae were present. These can cause algae to grow more quickly and make it difficult to control.

Main reason for green pool water: lack of maintenance

The main reason for pool water to change color or become cloudy is lack of maintenance.However, there are multiple factors that can generate this type of inconvenience, since green pool water is usually formed when the filters become dirty, which prevents the water from being kept clean.

Fortunately, today there are multiple methods to clean swimming pool with green water, which gives people the opportunity to restore their pools without any inconvenience, since there are even multiple methods to clean green pools without emptying, which is much more comfortable for most.

What should you do if an algae outbreak appears in your pool?

If an algae outbreak appears in your pool, you should take immediate steps to eliminate it.

Algae can quickly take over a pool and render it unusable, so it is important to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are several ways to eliminate algae from a pool, but the most effective is to apply an electric shock. The shock of the pool will kill the algae and make it easier to vacuum it up.

  1. Algae are a type of plant that can be found in fresh or salt water environments. They are usually green, but can also be red, brown or yellow. Algae are generally harmless, but they can become a problem if they grow uncontrolled.
  2. You may have an algae problem if you notice green or bluish-green stains on the walls or floor of your pool, or if the water looks cloudy.
  3. The best way to get rid of algae is to physically remove it from your pool with a brush or net. You can also remove algae by adding chlorine or other pool chemicals.
  4. To prevent algae from returning, it is important to maintain proper pH levels in your pool and clean the filter regularly.
  5. If you notice an algae outbreak in your pool, it is important to act immediately. Physically remove algae and then treat the water with chlorine or other chemicals
A green pool doesn't have to be a death sentence for summer fun. With a little knowledge and effort, you can bring your pool back to life in no time. Be sure to consult with a professional if you have any questions or concerns about the health of your pool water. In the meantime, enjoy these tips on how to clean a green pool so you can make waves again