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Ok Pool Reform

Technique to know how to eliminate fungi in the pool

How to eliminate fungi in the pool: arpovecha the best technique to eliminate fungi, mold, algae and bacteria from the pool.

Technique to know how to eliminate fungi in the pool
mushrooms in the pool

En Ok Pool Reform within the category of Pool safety tips We present you an entry about: How to remove fungus in the pool.

Identify the type before eliminating fungus in the pool

types of mold in swimming pools

Types of mold in swimming pools

First, it is important to understand what causes pool fungus.

Pool fungus is usually caused by bacteria or algae that enter the pool water through sources such as rainwater or poorly maintained filtration systems.

When water levels become unbalanced and allow these organisms to grow and thrive, they can quickly take over your pool.

How to eliminate pool fungus

How to eliminate pool fungus

If you have a fungus in your pool, it is important that you take steps to eliminate it.

Leaving a fungus in your pool can cause health problems for swimmers. It can also damage pool equipment and surfaces. A fungus in the pool can also be a sign that you are not taking proper care of your pool. If you see a fungus in your pool, follow these steps to learn how to eliminate fungus in the pool.

Fortunately, there are several ways to effectively treat pool fungus.

How to use shock chlorine

How to use shock chlorine

  1. One option is to use chemicals such as chlorine and bromine, which are commonly used in swimming pools. These chemicals will help eliminate algae or bacteria that cause fungus from the pool.
  2. Another option is to use natural methods such as shock treatment, algaecides or UV filters. Shock treatment involves adding a large amount of chlorine directly to the pool water to eradicate any harmful organisms.
  3. Algaecides are also useful because they help prevent the growth of algae and bacteria over time.
  4. Lastly, UV filters can be placed on or around your pool so that they can remove any harmful organisms before they have a chance to enter the water.

Best method to eliminate fungus in the pool: apply muriatic acid

hydrochloric acid pool

What is hydrochloric acid used for in the pool?

Procedure to know how to eliminate pool fungi

Apply a solution of one part muriatic acid and three parts water, brush or roll over them and let it act for 24 hours, then rinse and that's it.

Muriatic acid for swimming pool price

How to eliminate fungi in the pool if chemical treatment does not work

Eliminate fungus from the pool when chemical treatment does not work

Empty the pool

empty pool
Practical tips to know when to empty your pool

If the fungus is in the water, the first thing you should do is empty the pool. If you don't, the fungus will continue to grow and spread. First, identify the type of fungus. There are many different types of fungi that can grow in pools. Some are more harmful than others. Identifying the type of fungus will help you select the appropriate treatment.

Drain the pool.

If the fungus is in the water, the first thing you should do is empty the pool. If you don't, the fungus will continue to grow and spread.

Clean surfaces.

  • Once the pool is empty, clean all surfaces with a bleach solution (depending on the pool liner!!). Be sure to wear gloves and a mask when working with bleach.

Treat surfaces.

  • After cleaning, treat all surfaces with an antifungal agent.

Fill the pool again.

  • Once the surfaces have been treated, the pool can be filled again. Be sure to use clean water.
  • By following these steps, you can eliminate a fungus in your pool and keep it safe for swimming.

How to remove black fungus from the pool

Remove black fungus from the pool

To eliminate black fungus from the pool, it is necessary to apply chlorine to the water. Chlorine can be purchased at any pool supply store. It is important to ensure that the chlorine is at the correct dosage, as too much chlorine can harm algae and other aquatic organisms.

Video removing black algae from the pool

Remove black fungus from the pool