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Ok Pool Reform

Reasons to start swimming pool sports Aquabike

Reasons to start pedaling with Poolbiking, the bicycle for cycling in the pool: super healthy and complete water sport, it combines the benefits of cycling and aquatic gymnastics.

pool bike
pool bike

En Ok Pool Reform We present to you one of the Aquagym variants that Reasons to start Aquabike, pedal with Poolbiking, the bicycle to practice cycling in the pool.

Aquabike / poolbike the bicycle to practice cycling in the pool: super healthy and complete water sport

What is aquabike

pool bike
pool bike

Names given to the sport of swimming pool bicycle

What is the name of the pool bike sport?

To begin, specify that The pool bike sport covers multiple names, such as: aquabiking, aquatic cycling, aquaspinning, aquacycle, water bike, poolbiking, aquatic bicycle, aquabike, hydrospinning, hydro fitness, hydrobike, etc.

Aqua cycling: alternative modality to spinning

Very complete and beneficial pool sport: Pedaling a bicycle in the water

If you practice spinning or you usually do bicycle routes, you will love this modality!

We speak of aqua cycling, or what amounts to the same thing, practicing spinning in a pool. Exercising underwater protects the muscles and joints by reducing the impact, making it more difficult to suffer injuries.

However, this does not mean that practicing aqua cycling Don't train hard and tone practically all the muscles in your body

What is aquaspinning?


Sport bike for pool

El pool biking or water cycling collects the benefits of traditional spinning and amplifies them thanks to the extra resistance provided by water. The bicycles are submerged in the pool during exercise, which increases the resistance to each pedal stroke while reducing the joint impact.

How to practice poolbiking

Way to train aquaspinning in a pool

El aqua cycling It is spinning in a shallow pool, so that from the waist up you are out of the water.

As we mentioned, although the level of impact is lower than when you practice traditional spinning, in a session of aqua cycling of 45 minutes, you can lose up to 400 calories, one of the new ways to get fit in the water.

Aquacycling: It is practiced on a stationary bicycle in the water that has regulators and paddles that generate resistance to make the movements, which are of the arms and legs, in different positions on the bicycle. Aim especially for leg and glute training. It also flatters the arms. Being in the water helps to mobilize more parts of the body, without the help of any other elements.

What does aquabike consist of?


What is auqabiking based on?

Aquabike concept

Inside a pool of approximately 1.2 depth meters, you find fixed bikes waterproof. The shallow depth of the pool allows the rider's upper body to remain dry. The workouts are very similar to those in a fitness class. spinning traditional: intervals, strength and restorative, with a duration of 45 minutes.

What is Aquacycling based on (aquacycle / aquaspinning / aquabiking)

Water cycling
Water cycling

Definition of aquatic cycling: trendy pool sport

  • Aquacycle or aquaspinning: spinning class (or stationary bike) in the water, consists of getting the most out of spinning by taking advantage of the extra resistance provided by pedaling against the force of the water.
  • Additionally, it allows you to burn between 300 and 500 kcal per session, while doing a lower body workout,
  • Suitable for people with knee problems, since the resistance of the water slows down the pedal.
  • At the same time, pedaling in the water makes us gain the resistance that the bicycle offers in the water, allowing us to amplify cardiovascular benefits, exercising our agonist (pull) and antagonist (push) muscles) and in turn strengthening the muscles and has therapeutic capacity giving us a pleasant sensation and natural massage, but the abdominal area and upper body are also reinforced thanks to the external resistance.
  • Likewise, because the activity is carried out in the water, we reduce the impact and soften the movements that we would do with classic cycling; meaning that this exercise allows people with injuries to recover muscle tone and improve mobility, especially in the case of knee injuries since the quadriceps are strengthened to protect the joint.

Beginnings and origin of the aquabike fashion

The popularity of aquatic cycling is helped by the fact that traditional cycling has always been one of the TOP sports

sport cycling
sport cycling

It must be taken into account that cycling has been and is a boom in Spanish society

  • As is already known, the sport of cycling is widely practiced, since it involves a very healthy physical activity, but in summer and with the heat, mountain or road cyclists stop doing this activity, due to the intense heat, because That's a good idea to take cycling to the water (aquabike).

In the past, 50 years ago, the practice of aquatic physical activities was not very

aquagym fitness
aquagym fitness

However, due to the increase in population and the development of aquatic technologies and materials, these activities are gradually becoming more popular.

Pool sport origin with a water bike

italy origin aquabike
italy origin aquabike

Aquabiking, originally from Italy 2010

Aquabiking had its origin in Italy through the brand Hydrorider in the 90s as a sporting exercise and really emerged as a significant sporting activity about ten years ago.

Although it was actually used before and this type of system existed since the 80s. water bikes with a clear purpose: rehabilitation.

In any case, although it emerged in Europe but currently has fans in all parts of the world) since we remember that it is extremely beneficial for our health.

Although swimming and aerobics They are still chosen exercises, the truth is that el aquacycling increasingly generates more followers in the world of fitness. 


Why pedaling a pool bike is a trend

Why the aquabike is attracting more and more supporters

The sporting activity of aquatic cycling can be done at any age, and allows you to set the intensity of the desired session; that is, follow your own pace.

We can ride a bike in the water without problems. Besides being very fun

On the other hand, in case it is of your interest, we leave you the specific Aquagym page where we discuss in depth What is aquagym and its variants? sports aquatic which everyone talks about for their physical and mental benefits, and which are practiced in a pool and are suitable for all ages with no prior experience required.

Fans of this new training assure that practicing it will give you several both physical and physiological benefits.

Thanks to the support and the pressure exerted by the water, speeds up circulation and facilitates fat removal, managing to burn up 800 kcal per hour.

In addition, the resistance and movement of the water generate a natural massage that helps drain the lymphatic system and therefore reduce cellulite.

Ultimately, because you are in the water, you have a less impact on joints.

Places where water cycling is practiced

places where aquabike is practiced

Aquabike training mainly takes place in Europe

  • Nowadays, aquabiking is especially practiced in almost all European countries and at the moment it is having a strong impact in other countries such as Canada, the United States, Colombia or Costa Rica.
  • On the other hand, apparently in Mexico there is no space dedicated to aquacycling for the moment.

Advantages and benefits of practicing Aquabiking


Benefits of aquatic cycling

First of all, the fact of interacting With water in itself, it is an appropriate method of disconnecting from everyday life and routine. and forget everyday tensions.

Below, we list the advantages of aquatic cycling and then we explain them one by one:

Advantages of sports bike for swimming pool

  1. Firstly, we are facing a sport that allows it to be practiced by any type of age and physical condition of the person.
  2. Secondarily, It allows you to lose weight and obtain fat loss.
  3. At the same time, works the whole body.
  4. As well improves blood flow.
  5. Increases lung capacity
  6. On the other hand, intensifies coordination and balance.
  7. Additionally, strengthens the joints, gaining flexibility.
  8. Equally, consolidates good mental health and encourages the flow of knowing how to let go of tension.
  9. To conclude, builds very beautiful interpersonal relationships.
  10. Ultimately, it has an impact on healing influence at the same time as therapeutic.

1st PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Sport suitable for everything type of audience

static bike for pool

Who can practice the exercise bike for the pool?

When this activity is carried out submerged, the weightlessness that is created helps people with muscle ailments, in joints or overweight can practice a sport as beneficial as cycling.

El water cycling It is very popular and adapts to all types of objectives and population. Aqua-Cycling strengthens whole body, protects joints, ligaments and tendons and, therefore, it is usually very useful after injury.

The "Aqua Cycling” (water cycling) combines the properties positives of water with the indispensable and necessary health benefits of cycling which enables a gentle and effective training of the entire body. This physical exercise suitable for adolescents, adults and people with physical limitations, allows you to obtain important and rapid results for weight loss, rehabilitation and personal training. For this reason, the underwater bikes are often used in medical and sports therapies.

The people who are very overweight or with joint wear previous can be found in the pool biking the perfect method for start again in the world of sports.

Thanks to the fact that the intensity of the bicycle can also be regulated to adapt to the individual needs of each one, we can reduce it if we are in the initiation period or increase it if what we are looking for is to contribute to muscle development and the express burning of calories.

Aquabike for pregnant women

Pregnant women carry out the chosen activity to the extent of each one's capabilities. The limits are set by each person. If necessary, the teacher will give options to continue with the class.


  • However, the teacher should not be informed of the existence of any injury or the need for rehabilitation.

2nd PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Loss of fat

aquabike loses weight

Allows you to lose weight An effective way to reduce body weight and burn calories (up to 600 per session)

  • The pressure exerted by the water accelerates circulation and facilitates the elimination of fat.
  • It is one of the collective activities that consume the most calories, which makes it the favorite fat burner in the gym.
  • In just a few weeks the body begins to look slimmer and more defined, gradually toning the muscles and giving it the firmness it needs for a healthy appearance.

How many calories do you burn with the water sport of cycling in the pool?

  • Similarly, helps burn fat, even burning up to 800 calories every hour. This helps you lose weight and tone the different muscles involved in the exercise.
  • Similarly, a routine aquacycling 45 minutes helps us lose an average of 450 calories, although it all depends on each person.

3nd PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Tones the muscles

aquabike toned muscles

Tone our legs

Riding a bicycle is an excellent exercise to tone legs and glutes. but also to work the upper body: abs, arms, pectorals and back.

An effective weapon to combat cellulite and orange peel skin

  • By stimulating circulation in the legs and involving movements of the lower body, cycling in water is perfect for combating cellulite or sagging in the buttocks and thighs.

Increases the massage effect and helps reduce fluid retention

  • The resistance and movement of the water generate a natural massage that helps drain the lymphatic system and reduce cellulite in the legs and buttocks. Believe it or not, pedaling underwater forces you to use greater resistance with each pedal stroke without you realizing it.

Tones core and arms

  • When we ride a bicycle, we tend to believe that we only work the lower body, or in other words, the legs.
  • However, when you practice spinning or aqua cycling, you also work on the one hand your abdomen, as it must be kept tight during the session, and your arms, since during the aqua cycling, you can do exercises with dumbbells without stopping pedaling.
  • Although the lower body is the focus of this physical activity, the truth is that pedaling is usually combined with arm and back exercises, so in general you will tone your entire body.

4nd PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Improves blood circulation

improve blood circulation aquatic cycling

Improves cardiovascular health

The pressure of water on the body compensates for blood pressure, thus improving blood circulation. For this reason, aquabiking is highly recommended for people who suffer from varicose veins.

Cycling in water is a very complete cardio exercise, since the heart must pump more blood and the lungs oxygenate faster. The aquatic environment places extra demands on these dynamic classes.

As for the exercise itself, constant pedaling helps increase intensity and heart rate, key to the different practices of aerobic exercise.

Additionally, exercise under or in direct contact with water, It helps control the body's sensation of heat. The cold effect that water offers is not only beneficial for avoiding heat and reducing sweating, but it is also capable of decrease pressure on the heart.

5nd PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Improve lbreathing

increase lung capacity aquabike

Increase lung ventilation

  • By combining aerobic exercise with air humidification, helps improve lung ventilation and, therefore, to develop cardiorespiratory capacity and increase resistance capacity, improving breathing.
  • Pedaling in the water works the strength of the muscles and in turn offers a great shock absorber for the muscles.

6nd PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Improve your coordination and balance

water bikes
water bikes

Increases strength and coordination

When pedaling, the muscles become stronger, but they also become more coordinated with each other. It may seem like a trifle, but the fact of stretching one leg while the other is bent is already a challenge for our body.

  • The practice of aqua cycling On a regular basis, improve your coordination and balance, because during the sessions, it is possible that some exercises will be done without holding the handlebars with your hands, that is, you will maintain your balance with your torso straight while you pedal.
  • In short, with this type of spinning you will work practically all your muscles, improve your posture and strengthen your back, and tone your legs, abdomen and arms.

Resistance Balance On Both Legs

  • We all have one leg stronger than the other, in traditional bicycle pedaling we continue to exert more force with the strong leg, this decompensation in the long run can cause some muscle problem.
  • In aquatic pedaling, the resistance is always the same in both legs; there is no type of inertia that compensates for the force developed between the strong and weak legs. The constant pedaling that we develop in the water causes the force to be exerted by the weak leg, in this way we reinforce it until it is strengthened and the two are balanced.

7nd PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Strengthens the joints

strengthen joints bicycle pool

Restores the flexibility of the joints, reducing joint impact and therefore we have a lower probability of injury.

One of the reasons why people decide to do sports in the water is because The impact on the knee or calf joints is much less than if we are on land. Furthermore, we do not have the same feeling of demand while being submerged. And we seem to get less tired!

  • Because you are in the water, you have less impact on your joints. The temperature of the pool should be 29ºC, which helps your muscles prepare.
  • And, on the other hand, it also strengthens the joints. Restores the joint flexibility, avoiding the risk of certain bone problems appearing, such as osteoporosis.

8nd PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Reduces stress

aquabike eliminates stress

Cycling in the pool improves well-being and reduces stress, nerves and anxiety, it has a therapeutic impact.

The extra comfort provided by being submerged in water during exercise helps raise the level of satisfaction and happiness during exercise, as well as the release of stress. However, be prepared to get tired. The aquatic environment reduces wear and tear but the exercise performed is just as hard.

Thus, the pool biking as well as an ally for muscle toning could be considered therapeutic for the advantages that the aquatic environment itself provides. Everything will depend on the extra resistance that we apply to the bicycle during the execution of the exercises in the pool. 

9nd PRO of practicing the Pool Bike

Build good emotional relationships

water bike group

Encourages true emotional bonds

It is a group activity which has many benefits on an emotional level. It allows us to make friends, be in contact with other people, talk to people we don't know, etc.

Table of contents of the page: Aquabike

  1. What is aquabike
  2. What does aquabike consist of?
  3. Beginnings and origin of the aquabike fashion
  4. Advantages and benefits of practicing Aquabiking
  5. What does it take to cycle on water?
  6. What does an aquabiking session consist of?
  7. Buy exercise bike for pool
  8. Pool elliptical bike
  9. Manta 5sport pool with a water bike
  10. Schiller S1-C water bike

What does it take to cycle on water?

aquabike ultrasport
aquabike ultrasport

Necessary equipment for pedaling a pool bike

The bicycles—special for water—are placed side by side in a pool up to 120 centimeters deep. In this way, the upper part of the body is exposed and the legs are exposed under the water.

The equipment necessary to practice this innovative discipline is a Swimwear and special waterproof shoes

What does an aquabiking session consist of?

aquabike class
aquabike class

What is an aquabiking class or session like?

What is a hydrospinning class like?

Aquabike is an activity led by an instructor who guides each of the exercises to be performed to the rhythm of music.

This combination of spinning and aquatic gymnastics is carried out in gyms or adapted centers, which, logically, have a swimming pool in their facilities; although you can also do it in your private pool.

In this way, try pedaling on a stainless steel stationary bicycle, easy to regulate and handle, that is immersed in a pool 130 cm high and with an optimal temperature between 28º and 30º.

The sessions are carried out with the help of a coach and are accompanied by stimulating music; all this with the purpose of working the lower and upper parts of the body.

Way to develop aquatic cycling

How to pedal a bicycle in water

Water bike training is similar to those in the water class. spinning, since it includes intervals, speed, strength and restorative. The sessions last approximately 45 minutes and are accompanied by upbeat music to give rhythm to your pedaling.

How to do Aquapinning

  • Without putting your feet on the ground, perform the pedaling gesture and increase the pace to achieve a more complete exercise.
  • Don't forget to change the direction and repeat the exercise for 1 minute in each direction.
  • A roll of polyethylene would be necessary to be able to float, although it is not essential if we can use our arms to keep us afloat.

Duration of aquabike classes

Classes are usually about 45 minutes, divided into three main blocks:

  • First we have the warm-up phase, extremely important in all types of exercises and sports.
  • Then, the acceleration phase, where the main steps of the activity are carried out.
  • And finally, stretching, useful not only to avoid injuries or muscle pain, but also to bring the heart rate to a more relaxed state.

In addition, the classes are versatile and adapted for people of all levels and ages.

aquaspinning class

Aquabike class example part 1

Aquabiking class

Aquabike class example part 2

aquabike class

Buy exercise bike for pool

Water bike
Water bike

Gre AQB2 Aquabike Pool Bike

How the Aquabike Gre pool bike works

gre aqua bike

GRE water bike price

Gre AQB2 Aquabike Pool Bike

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Buy hydrospinning bicycles

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Ultrasport F-Bike, Foldable Home Trainer, Home Trainer with LCD Training Computer, 8 Resistance Levels, Built-in Hand Pulse Sensors Especially Compact

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Waterflex – Aquabike WR5, Color 0

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Pool elliptical bike

elly waterflex elliptical pool bike
elly waterflex elliptical pool bike

Aquatic elliptical bike features

aqua elliptical bike

What is the Elly waterflex pool elliptical bike like?

  • The aquatic elliptical bike is manufactured in AISI-316L stainless steel with anticorrosive treatment compatible for all types of pools, including those treated with saline chlorination. 
  • The coating is suitable for all surfaces (pvc, tile, polyester…)
  • This aquatic elliptical bike allows you to work all the muscles of the body, combining the benefits of rowing, cross-country skiing, step and cycling.
  • The pedals are PVC widths, and can be used barefoot.
  • It offers fluidity of movement thanks to its sealed ball bearings and the inclination angle of the pedals. .
  • He wears a double ergonomic handlebare: Fixed center handlebar and swing handlebar with anti-scratch grips.
  • Thanks to its wide perforated blade system, it promotes resistance without blocking movement. 
  • Its characteristics are: Weight 26 Kg, Dimensions long 112 cm x 56 cm wide x 175 cm high.
  • In the minimum depth of 0,90 m to 1,50 m.
  • It has a 3 year warranty for metal structure and 6 months for wear parts.

Poolstar Elly Waterflex elliptical pool bike

Operation Elly elliptical pool bike

Poolstar Elly Waterflex elliptical pool bike

Buy elliptical pool bike

Elly elliptical pool bike price

Waterflex – Aquatic Elliptical, Color 0

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Manta 5sport pool with a water bike

water bike manta 5
Click to find out all the information about: water bike manta 5

First Manta 5 e-bike: Electric water bike for water sports mixed between cycling and sailing

Manta5 Hydrofoiler XE-1: the world's first hydrofoil electric bike

To begin with, we comment that the Manta5 Hydrofoiler XE-1 is the world's first water bike that reproduces the experience of cycling in water, since it is an aquatic electric bicycle with which we can cross the surface of the water with no more effort than riding any other bicycle or electric bicycle.

The XE-1 all-terrain hydrofoil bike can navigate through rough waters, plow through oceans, and relax on the river.

Next, click on the link to know all the details of theManta 5 electric water bike.

Schiller S1-C water bike

schiller water bike
schiller water bike


Schiller water bikes

It is the most advanced water bike in the world, it requires no fuel, emits no emissions, is totally silent and simulates an ultra-portable catamaran.

Schiller bikes are water bikes made of high-end aluminum and carbon fiber.

The base is made of 2 floating chambers, made of ultra-resistant dropstich material and its catamaran-type construction achieves perfect buoyancy and stability with very little water resistance.

When pedaling, the bike is propelled forward by a propeller similar to that of a reaching boat propeller.

Schiller SportX1 water bike model

What is the Schiller SportX1 water bike model like?

The Schiller SportX1 It is a type of boat that is propelled by the pedaling of one person and with two floats.

In this way, when riding a Schiller Bikes the person will have to sit, pedal and use a handlebar to control the direction of the water bike.

In short, it works almost the same as a conventional bicycle, only this time you will move over the water.

Schiller water bike operation video

Pedaling on the Schiller pool bike

Pool sport with the Schiller water bike

Schiller water bike price

water bikes
water bikes

Schiller water bike price

Practically, the price is set around € 5.100,00 - € 5.395,00 without VAT (depending on the model, color, platform...).

Buy Schiler aquatic pool bike

Subsequently, You can click on the official website of the Schiller aquatic pool bicycle if you are interested in consulting the specific existing models along with their price : Buy Schiller water bike